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Photo Bids on eBay

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    Photo Bids on eBay

    Has anyone looked at what photos are going for on eBay recently? Just today someone shelled out 101 Eur...... for a postcard of an LW officer wearing a Gen Weaver cufftitle. Another auction still ongoing is for a postcard of a Para wearing the FJR1 and Kreta cufftitles, current bid...203 Eur! But Imo the winning bids are reflective of a market for these items gone....... I remember the days when one could find photos of similar content at both different town market days and small shops for 50 Phenning to DM 1 ...

    Originally posted by Edward
    Has anyone looked at what photos are going for on eBay recently? Just today someone shelled out 101 Eur...... for a postcard of an LW officer wearing a Gen Weaver cufftitle. Another auction still ongoing is for a postcard of a Para wearing the FJR1 and Kreta cufftitles, current bid...203 Eur! But Imo the winning bids are reflective of a market for these items gone....... I remember the days when one could find photos of similar content at both different town market days and small shops for 50 Phenning to DM 1 ...
    I know what you mean Edward. I have only been collecting period photos for about 4 years and I have seen a dramatic increase in pricing. Inflation


      Photos for the longest time had been affordable. I think we are seeing a new wave collectors that are willing to shell out more money for single pics.... especially special interest,,,,highly decorated, cufftitle shots, paratrooper, SS, etc......photos have been lagging behind and such things as uniforms, medals insginia have jumped up tremendously in price so it only stands to reason the photos that show images of such items are going to rise as well. Hell I'm even seeing more common photos jumping up in price... I don't agree with it since I'm a photo collector myself and find it very hard to compete with such high prices. Times are changing but there are still some good deals out there but now a days it's a matter of luck in finding them. Bill



        I have to agree with you.

        I still get the odd bargin. But, since the start of the year, prices have gone through the roof.

        I have been amazed at what some, quite basic, photos have sold for recently.

        There was a picture of a Jewish transport sold last week. Just one photo of a small group of unfortunates being loaded into a cattle wagon, a German guard with his back to the camera - you couldn't make out any insignia etc. - and this sold for nearly 300 Euros!!!!


        Originally posted by W Petz
        Hell I'm even seeing more common photos jumping up in price... I don't agree with it since I'm a photo collector myself and find it very hard to compete with such high prices. Times are changing but there are still some good deals out there but now a days it's a matter of luck in finding them. Bill


          It's our "investment" friends again, throwing their money away.

          By a NON amazing "coincidence" never have I seen such an absolute TORRENT of fraudulent copied pictures, absurd fantasy "improved" reprints etc etc etc.

          Gosh! Dyuh tink its all that MONEY with no BRAIN behind it?



            I've seen high prices in the past on KZ photos but 300 EUROS is going beyond the norm for a pic such as that and some people can afford to spend such money. Some also are just playing a game with the seller. I'm glad I started buying alot of my photos 16 years ago...when there was a low interest in them and they were cheaper by far. I've always been interested in the photographic history of WW2 especially in the European theater of Operations where my father fought as an Infantryman. It's getting much tougher to find affordable pics on Ebay so I really don't depend on it...most of my acquisitions come from friends in Germany who pick them up from flea markets, small military shows or from the families or vets. I miss doing that myself since moving back to the states. I also pick them up via trades...which I did alot of while in Germany and now find myself doing much more due to pricing. Like I said times have changed but you either have to adapt or find another way. I suppose some day I will have to give up collecting when I'm no longer capable of enjoying it or could ill afford it. Bill



              I agree. I remember the good old days when visiting the Militaria Show held in Wezel. There I could pick photos for 10 pfenning a piece. Sure I had to pay more for those with tanks and planes. But in 1998 through 2001 I bought nearly 5.000 photos there. Most of them related to Norway. That was the glory days.

              But I have to admit. When coming to photos - I tend to bid more than I should. So many people pay to much for common Kriegsberichter photos. It is the private photos that has the most value for me. And specially those from the costal fortresses of Norway. But they are hard to find.

              So if anyone have photos from MAA 701 or 702 I would be very interested to buy.
              Over 30.000 photos from German photo albums, related to Norway

              Always looking for photos and photo albums from Norway.


                Agreed, ridiculous price.


                I started collecting photos over 30 years ago. Even back then photos were a safe bet. Except that people at shows would look at you cross eyed if you asked if they had any for sale. The chances of running into any reproductions were very, very remote, and you didn't have to......over wondering if a particular badge/medal ect...was good or not, and there were plenty of fakes in the old country back then. There were no monster militaria shows then in Germany, mostly small ones, flea markets and shops. Those were good days. At the shows that were around then one did see those ever present 10"X12" color photo post-war copies of Sepp Dietrich with the fur hat on, and General Steiner ect...even back then that people still cram into there display cases. One dealer I recall was a regular known amongst the collectors and other dealers present for showing up with a table load of very nice but fake WWII EKI's. Another would show up with a brief case full of half repro and original medals, you had to wade through it. Then there were those enterprising locals at flea markets who would have a militaria set-up and would show off there collection photos of repro crap while thinking they were giving you an education. Yes, lots of characters in this hobby.

                As I am sure you are aware, about 14 years ago a series of copied pictured postcards started showing up at the large shows. The content was and many of them had been purposely given a slightly aged look. They still surface at shows at in auction catalogues. I think Manion's ran the entire series at one time. One particular photo of a Para wearing helmet and medals still shows up, the last one I saw of this copy was recently on eBAy-no suprise there, and people not knowing shell out the money for them. Then the enterprising Czechs got into it and started churning them out, even going as far as to put a studio ink stamp on the back.




                  It had crossed my mind that the bidder(s) might be 'playing games'.

                  However, I have been 'watching' particular photos on eBay, in order to gauge their popularity, and I am amazed at what people have started to pay in the last 6 months/year.

                  I have all but been priced-out recently. I really don't like paying over $15 or $20 for a photo that, not so long ago, I was able to buy for less than $3 (even with the current $/£ exchange rate being in my favour).

                  Although I don't know what I would do without it, the Internet/eBay is to blame! It really has created a world wide market for items that 8 or so years ago would have been very difficult for the average collector to obtain. What was once a specialised area has been opened up to those with cash to burn.

                  The advent of computers in general and photographic software packages has assisted in the production of post-war reproductions.

                  In turn, this voracious demand encourages dealers to break-up photo albums and collections, which I find quite upsetting.

                  When I started collecting in the early 70's, my hobby was limited to one local medal dealer and, twice a year, my parents used to take me to airshows where various militaria stools were located. Since I gained access to the internet, in 1997, my collection has increased tenfold when compared to all the other acquisiations I made from 1973 - 1996. Consequently, I shouldn't complain too loudly!!!

                  Originally posted by W Petz

                  I've seen high prices in the past on KZ photos but 300 EUROS is going beyond the norm for a pic such as that and some people can afford to spend such money. Some also are just playing a game with the seller. I'm glad I started buying alot of my photos 16 years ago...when there was a low interest in them and they were cheaper by far. I've always been interested in the photographic history of WW2 especially in the European theater of Operations where my father fought as an Infantryman. It's getting much tougher to find affordable pics on Ebay so I really don't depend on it.... Like I said times have changed but you either have to adapt or find another way. I suppose some day I will have to give up collecting when I'm no longer capable of enjoying it or could ill afford it. Bill
                  Last edited by kev105; 06-15-2004, 04:17 PM.


                    I saw the FJR1 cufftitle photo too and was amazed that the last time I looked it was over 261 Euros! As other things in our hobby get more expensive and less affordable, people interested in this part of history but without the $$$ go to something that is less expensive but still has a tie to this period in history. I remember when medals got expensive that those tinnies which were a dime a dozen started to get more interest and consequently started to get more expensive. An expensive tinnie used to be $35. Now it can be $150 or more. It's an endless cycle. That's what first got my interest in books started. Now even some of those are getting ridiculous.
                    Richard V


                      I, too, have seen the prices really increase. I have been collecting photos for 12 years now, especially press photos. I admit I have paid rediculous prices for some pics. I liked the days when I could pick up lots of a couple hundreds pics for about 10-20 cents each. Those days seem to be long gone. Now these lots seems to run from as low as a buck a pic to the sky's the limit.


                        Two postcard photos of a soldier wearing the Heer FJ badge went out with a bang today. The first shot, a nice studio photo of a soldier wearing the Heer FJ badge went for a whopping 301 Eur, the second a family studio shot with the same man in it went for 101 Eur. Altogether 402 Eur...wow! ...



                          I've had a good week!

                          I managed to get 4, very nice, SS portraits for £10/EUR15/$20 each.

                          Three have already been delivered and I am very pleased with them.

                          Luck of the draw I guess!!!


                          Originally posted by Edward
                          Two postcard photos of a soldier wearing the Heer FJ badge went out with a bang today. The first shot, a nice studio photo of a soldier wearing the Heer FJ badge went for a whopping 301 Eur, the second a family studio shot with the same man in it went for 101 Eur. Altogether 402 Eur...wow! ...



                            I have seen more and more of these threads lately, and I must admit I am very surprised that the prices being realized by rare, quality, original images are of a surprise to anyone. There are hundreds out there who would not think twice about paying 300 for 2 EK 2nd Classes, but when an extremely rare photograph is 300, they piss in their pants. Why? Why is one more important and/or collectable than the other? The only difference that I can see, is the level of true rarity. An original postcard size photo of a member of the FIK/FIB wearing the army paratrooper badge on the Infanterie M36 or Waffenrock, is one of probably less than 30 such examples in existance. On the other hand, there are probably 300,000 examples of the EK 2nd class out there, perhaps more. I think we are seeing just the beginning of what is to come. When more and more people begin to understand, and appreciate the HISTORY behind the collectables, you will see the rare, important images blow past most of the common decorations. I for one am encouraged to see that quality, original images are finally getting their due.


                              I agree with Eric and will add that we will have the same effect (than for good pics) with documents (has already started) and groups.
                              Collection : http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...d.php?t=807895


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