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SS Kriegsberichter Collection on eBay

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    SS Kriegsberichter Collection on eBay

    FYI, a NARA researcher has begun scanning the SS-KB contact sheets at NARA using a commercial hi-res scanner and is selling them on eBay. ch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp5197.m570.l 1313%26_nkw%3D280734265552%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1 ch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp5197.m570.l 1313%26_nkw%3D280734272699%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1 ch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp5197.m570.l 1313%26_nkw%3D280734267823%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1

    I've been watching him work and the quality is very, very good. Far better than the eBay images show. They are all SS war correspondent photos, linked to the individual KB who shot them, and most are new to the collecting community. I bought a set.


    Hi. Thanks for the plug! I am glad I let you look over my shoulder. The DVDs sold very quickly, so I have re-listed them on ebay - 280734655497, 280734655537, 280734655572 - or, if anyone is interested, you can email me at to order them, or for more information. By the way, I also have other digitized records form NARA to offer as well.

    Regards, Marc


      For what it's worth, here is what a member of another forum posted about the first three SS-KB DVDs - "I decided to contact Marc on purchasing some of the DVD's he is putting together. They arrived today and I must say how happy I am with them. If you are interested in SS photographs do yourself a favor and contact Marc. I have seen thousands of SS photos but there are many new to me. Plenty of combat, decoration, parade etc. Well worth the price and can't wait to get more.
      Tim W"


        Sounds like some very interesting photos ans maps , nice work Marc i'll be getting in touch !!




          I'm not the Marc referred to in earlier posts, however, I have been to NARA and examined the contact sheets in the Ribbentrop collection. I scanned around 700 individual photos off of contact sheets back in February of this year.

          I'm skeptical that scanning an entire sheet at 800dpi can yield a usable result. The sheet scans might be useful as reference guides to what is there, as indeed there are many very good, interesting, "unknown" photos. However, good luck turning these 800dpi scans into decent prints, or putting them into a book. (I say "unknown" because already around 1970, many of the contact sheets were printed in a couple of long out of print books, where the images can barely be recognized)

          I scanned individual images off of contact sheets, each one smaller than most postage stamps, at 2400dpi. In most cases, it yielded usable scans, but even then, some are not of very good quality, because the image on the sheet has flaws which become exaggerated by enlarging.

          So, my point is, buyer beware. These ebay products may have some use, but may not be as good as they seem. At least they are not overly expensive.


            I am the Marc who is scanning and offering the SS-KB contact sheets on DVD. The point of the project is not to produce scans that are publishable in print form. The reasons for this are, as previously stated, 1) that the quality of the prints are sometimes spotty, and 2) there are technical limitations that prevent the scanning entire contact sheets in mass and making them available to everyone at reasonable cost. The true value of digitizing the collection is in the sum of the images, which in their totality show many aspects of the Waffen-SS not often seen. Finally, despite what some may say, many of the images are well composed and simply stunning to see. After all, each DVD has between 4-5,000 images on it. That is a lot of history for a low price. Response among those who have bought the first three DVDs I have produced is very positive. A few have commented on the interesting events and details that they have seen in the collection. I say - see for yourself. The quality is more than sufficient for the purposes of research and militaria collecting.

            Cheers, Marc


              Okay, that sounds fair enough. As an author, my first thought about photos is always, "how can I best use this in one of my projects." That will color my view a bit. As a research tool, rather than an end in itself, I agree these will be extremely useful.


                KB Files

                Hi guys,

                As a researcher on a budget, and currently limited in my chances to travel to NARA, ECPA or the BA archives, (I'm in Australia with 3 small children!) I bought these photos in the hope of getting a look at the files I always wanted to see.

                I am blown away by these files, and recommend them to anyone with an interest in this field. Of course they are not %100 perfect, but they give a great view of the 'narrative' of the photos, and show many new photos unknown to me.

                Thanks for putting this thing together and I hope you manage to get the rest of the SS-KB photographers on disk one day.



                  I have now have 5 DVDs of scanned images from the SS-KB collection at NARA. Here is a description of what is on each DVD. If you are interested in SS-KB photos or have questions about this collection, please email me at Cheers, Marc

                  Waffen-SS Kriegsberichter Photograph Collection Part 1 (A)

                  Alquen, Gunter (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Greece 1941)
                  12 Sheets with 355 images. Numerous photos of Sepp Dietrich with other SS-officers; individual and groups of SS-soldiers; SS graves; Greek soldiers and civilians; Greek countryside and buildings; pontoon bridge; vehicles (many with tactical symbols); destroyed buildings, vehicles, and equipment; artillery shelling, and port scenes. Sheets are not dated.

                  Augustin, Paul (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Holland and France 1940, Russia 1941-43)
                  134 Sheets with 4,458 images. French prisoners of war, bridging building, anti-tank gun crew, machine gun team, vehicle convoys on the road and in cities, Belgian forts, prisoner of war camp, scenes of destruction, post-combat and occupation activities, training and sports activities, Hitler Youth and Bundes Deutscher Mädel sports activities and cultural performances, unit formations and ceremonies, field hospital, individual and group formal photos, light anti-aircraft unit range practice, Christmas play, pioniere troops in field, infantry training, day-to-day support services activities, convoys and river crossing in Russia, mechanized light and heavy Flak, destroyed Russian tanks and surrendering soldiers, self-propelled and heavy artillery, combat action photos, reconnaissance and motorcycle units, Russian city scenes, Sepp Dietrich giving awards, winter fighting positions, Sevastopol fortifications, Nebelwerfer unit., urban combat scenes, and much more! A few sheets are dated April 1943.

                  Waffen-SS Kriegsberichter Photograph Collection Part 2 (A-B)

                  Ahrens, (August or Anton?) (SS-Kavallerie, Russia 1943)
                  21 Sheets with 692 images. Senior officers in dress uniforms with awards, wounded SS-soldiers in war hospital; SS-soldiers with Russian civilians; awards ceremonies, landscapes, saw mill, terrain table exercise, fighting positions, soldiers relaxing and swimming, infantry squad field training, propaganda material being handed out to Russian civilians, burning village, assault gun unit, field barracks scenes. Almost all sheets dated in May or June 1943 on the reverse.

                  Altstadt, Willi (Wiking Division, Russia 1943)
                  21 Sheets with 701 images. Russian village scenes, a Panzer III (with unit symbols) and panzer grenadiers on the steppe, combat scenes along a river, close-ups of infantry in the field with individual and crew-served weapons, a river crossing (assault and pontoon rafts), construction of a road block, Russian prisoners of war, SS-soldiers fishing and swimming, unit awards ceremony, observation post overlooking a river, and heavy artillery crew with howitzer. Four sheets are dated July 5th, 1943.

                  Baumann (Totenkopf Division, Russia 1941)
                  43 sheets with 1483 images. Wheeled reconnaissance unit with lots of photos of motorcycles, flak guns, SS graves, Russian prisoners of war and villagers, Fiesler Storch, destroyed Russian tanks and equipment, bridge building, SS soldiers swimming in river, machine gun crew, anti-tank gun crew, unit awards ceremony, units on the march, artillery towed by halftracks, motor vehicle maintenance unit, Kriegsberichter activities, field bakery, field hospital, air resupply by JU-52, antiaircraft searchlight unit, field post office, and a Focke-Wulf 189 (Eagle-Owl) in flight. Sheets are not dated.

                  Bergmann, Johannes (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, France 1940)
                  54 Sheets with 1941 images. Bivouac and day-to-day field activities; German graves; train with refugees; marching infantry; surrendering French troops and prisoners of war; small and large caliber antiaircraft unit; captured French airfield with fighter aircraft; captured French staff car with papers and maps; unit awards ceremony with Sepp Dietrich; photos of individual awardees and unit members; post-armistice activities such as vehicle maintenance, unit members relaxing, unit physical training, and other day-to-day duties, landscape shots of mountainous terrain; sight-seeing photos of French palaces, monuments, and hotels; Paris sights including the Eifel Tower and Notre Dame; French city street scenes; horse jumping; motorcycle maintenance; visit to Maginot Line Fortress; military band concert and soccer game; formal unit formation at German WWI fort in the Metz area. Sheets are not dated.

                  Blaurock (France, Finland 1942-44)
                  14 Sheets with 464 images. SS-soldier portrait photos, scuttling of the French fleet in Toulon in November 1942, captured Russian antiaircraft gun, many images of SS- Gebirgsjäger Regiment 11 "Reinhard Heydrich" in the field training, day-to-day and recreational activities, parade, activities, heavy artillery unit. Most sheets are dated either May and June 1943, or January 1944.

                  Brantsen (Nederland Legion 1942)
                  10 Sheets with 307 images. Unit formation and ceremony in barracks with Heinrich Himmler, unit award ceremonies, burial ceremony and war cemetery, bivouac, fighting positions, SS-soldiers receiving mail, and captured Russian soldiers. Sheets are not dated.

                  Waffen-SS Kriegsberichter Photograph Collection Part 3 (B-F)

                  Büschel, Max (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Russia and Italy 1943)
                  27 Sheets with 798 images. SS-soldier portrait photos, armored vehicles (including Tiger Is and StuGs, self-propelled artillery), artillery and infantry in the field, crew served weapons, fighting positions, and destroyed and captured Russian armor (some with German markings), formal dinner in the field, awards ceremony, soccer game, scenes of Rome, captured Italian equipment. Most sheets are dated May, July, October, December 1943, or January 1944.

                  Buschlte (Russia 1943)
                  4 Sheets with 116 images. Soldiers in the field, Village with Orthodox Church, artillery unit, mobile recording studio, SS-soldiers training. Sheets are dated April 1943 or May 1944.

                  Cantzler (Russia 1943)
                  7 Sheets with 161 images. Shipyard, destroyed factory, foundry, schwimmwagen, heavy artillery, panzers with infantry (Tiger Is and StuGs), sniper team, SS-soldier portrait shots. Sheets are dated June 1943 or April 1944.

                  Damher (Holland 1944?)
                  3 Sheets with 73 images. Assassinated German military personnel with car, SS-soldier portrait, Panther tank, group of senior officers with a map. Sheets are dated May 1944.

                  Damm-Jensen (SS-Flandern Legion, Belgium and Russia 1943)
                  12 Sheets with 281 images. Unit vehicles, rail loaded vehicles, recreation activities, SS-soldier portrait shots, SS-honor ring, classroom training, food preparation, unit marching in formation with flag, senior SS-officers at a chateau, vehicle maintenance, sports activities, field training, winter scenes in Russia. Sheets are dated May or June 1943.

                  Domaschowitz (1943)
                  5 sheets with 51 images. Formal ceremony with photos of attending senior officers. Sheets are dated January or June 1943.

                  Dürr (1943)
                  13 sheets with 381 images. Domestic farm and city scenes in Germany; individual SS-soldier portrait and group photos; German countryside, villages, and local populace in traditional dress; recruiting ceremony, bombed city. Sheets are dated June, August, or September 1943.

                  Ege (Germany or Sudetenland)
                  25 sheets with 855 images. Local populace in traditional dress; architects and sculptors; railway cars and steam locomotive; rail yard operations; rail loaded vehicles; aftermath of city bombing with homeless and firefighters and police; relaxing SS-soldiers; individual and group photos of local women; Bundes Deutscher Mädel sports activities and cultural performances; mountain landscapes; horse race. Sheets are not dated.

                  Eines (Norwegian SS 1943)
                  5 sheets with 138 images. Field training, enlistment ceremony, winter scenes with soldiers in village. Sheets are dated March 1943.

                  Einser (Danemark SS 1944)
                  4 sheets with 132 images. City scenes of destruction, unit awards ceremony in field. Sheets are dated May 1944.

                  Fabiger, Erich (SS-Panzerkorps, Narva, 1944)
                  2 sheets with 68 images. Daily activities, unit in winter position with light Flak gun. One sheet is dated June 1944.

                  Falkowski (1943)
                  19 sheets with 456 images. Individual SS-soldier portrait photos, barracks scenes, city buildings and rail yard destroyed by bombing, unit meal in kantine, Russian coal mine, soldiers on river cruise, burial with unit formation and senior officers, target practice, military graves and cemetery, boxing competition. Many sheets are dated July and August 1943, or February and June 1944.

                  Feder (1943 & 1944)
                  28 sheets with 645 images. Remains of crashed aircraft, many individual soldier, officer, women personnel portrait photos (including numerous Belgians soldiers with Rexist badge), detailed photos of a resupply bomb, rocket launcher frame, barracks scenes, rifle and pistol marksmanship practice, families with children. Sheets are dated September, November, and December 1943, or January, April, May, and June 1944.

                  Fink (1943-44)
                  9 sheets with 268 images. Funeral procession of Rheinhard Heydrich, artist sculpting bust of Heydrich and relief of Heinrich Himmler, SS-soldiers training with rocket launcher, SS-ski troops training in mountains, bridging operation in mountains. Sheets are dated either March and June 1943, or January 1944.

                  Waffen-SS Kriegsberichter Photograph Collection Part 4 (F-H)

                  Fritsch (Romania, SS-Kavallerie, Russia 1943-44)
                  29 sheets with 828 images. Romanian honor guard; Romanian soldiers undergoing health physicals; SS-officers with Romanian officials and officers; farm scenes; villagers in traditional dress (perhaps ethnic Germans?); recruiting activities; formal ceremony; individual portrait and group photos; SS-soldiers field training; sports activities; officials in radio studio; local performers and cultural activities; SS-soldiers in field with horses, assault guns, motorcycles, and signal equipment; burning village. Sheets are dated March, December 1943.

                  Funk (1943)
                  6 sheets with 157 images. Concert hall with performers, Kriegsberichter unit in motor pool, individual SS-soldier portrait photos, views of barracks, uniform issue facility. Three sheets dated May, June, or October 1943.

                  Gerber (Russia, 1943)
                  6 sheets with 122 images. Winter scenes in Russia, recording studio, SS war cemetery and individual graves of SS-Kriegesberichter, Brandenburg Gate, SS-solders training in field. Sheets are dated May, June, and October 1943, or April 1944.

                  Geyk (or Guyk?) (Russia)
                  20 sheets with 627 images. Winter scenes - digging vehicles out of snow, fighting positions, clearing snow from airfield with JU-52 and JU-188; awards formation in field with Sepp Dietrich and other SS-officers; soldier show; heavy artillery; destroyed city and port scenes; captured Russian tank with German flag; observation post; destroyed Sevastopol fortifications; field airfield with JU-52s; aerial views of landscape; fighting positions in mountainous terrain; several images of General Hermman Hoth; Nebelwerfer firing, Panzerkampfwagen 38(t). Sheets are undated.

                  Gösling, Jobst (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Berlin, Holland 1943)
                  19 sheets with 509 images. Senior Nazi leaders on train platform; Hitler giving speech from Reich Chancellery balcony to wounded soldiers, then reviewing honor guard; SS-soldiers training in field with medic and ambulance; green houses, canal boats, and river dredging, rail cars, and local populace in Holland; mortar and machine gun crews training; civilian hospital with operating room and maternity ward; Sepp Dietrich reviewing troops in barracks with towed and self-propelled artillery and light Flak; unit awards ceremony with Sepp Dietrich handing out infantry assault badges, 75mm anti-tank gun with crew; unit parade with band; heavy artillery demonstration with Himmler. Two sheets dated May and December 1943.

                  Grönert, Hermann (SS-Totenkopf, Russia and Italy 1943)
                  18 sheets with 576 images. Tiger I demonstration to Japanese officers; winter combat action with halftracks, flak gun mounted on halftrack, and StuG III; Russian populace; many combat action photos of infantry in Russia with Tiger Is, StuG, Marder, and anti-tank guns; destroyed and captured Russian tansk; Russian prisoners of war; soldiers emplacing mines; assault guns and Tiger Is with infantry in Italy. Has a misplaced contact sheet from another SS-Kriegsberichter (Jirka?) with images of infatry training with mortars and a schwimmwagen crossing river. Sheets are dated from May, June, July, August, September, October, or December 1943.

                  Heinemann (Russia 1944)
                  1 sheet with 35 images. Individual and group soldier photos, destroyed buildings in Russian city. Sheet dated May 1944.

                  Heiss (1943)
                  6 sheets with 154 images. Unit and soldiers in barracks, visit by Himmler with formal ceremony including Hitler Youth, unit movement by rail, SS-soldiers manning an observation post in mountains, patrol in mountainous terrain and field activities, machine gun crew. Sheets are dated June and August 1943

                  1 sheet with 16 images. Individual portrait photos of SS-soldiers. Sheet is undated.

                  Hoffmann, Rudi (1943-44)
                  23 sheets with 624 images. SS-soldiers undergoing medical physicals, Schulschiff Deutschland with crew, Himmler with senior officers, musical band and horse race, walled city, SS-soldiers training with anti-tank gun, ship in dry dock, sugar beet harvest, field post office, soldiers installing communications lines, winter scenes with soldiers with horses, winter fighting positions, individual portrait photos, bivouac in field, training and maintenance with Tiger I, soldier with Christmas tree, soldiers training with dogs in field. Sheets are dated May, September, October, November, and December 1943, April 1944.

                  Hofstäter (1943)
                  2 sheets with 70 images. Himmler observing assault gun and ant-tank range training. Sheets are dated October 1943.

                  Homann (1943)
                  39 sheets with 1292 images. Many photographs of Rheinhardt Heydrich's funeral; KB unit operations - rail loading, equipment, recording studio, musical performances; individual soldier portrait photos, senior officers; SS medical personnel; infantry with pack horses in mountainous terrain; SS-soldiers rock climbing; Himmler observing soldier training; Himmler addressing SS-soldiers; SS-soldier with dog; Christmas party; winter fighting positions; military cemetery. Sheets dated June 1943.

                  Waffen-SS Kriegsberichter Photograph Collection Part 5 (H-M)

                  Hoppe, Kurt (SS-Kavallerie, 1943-44)
                  21 sheets with 664 images. Soldiers marching and training in barracks, food preparation in mess facility; Bundes Deutscher Mädel visit to military hospital; individual portrait photos; SS-soldiers training with 37mm anti-tank gun, communication equipment, and machine gun; soldiers cleaning equipments; mail call; official visit in Hannover; Hitler Youth band and marching; SS-soldiers departing on train; field training with halftrack and Panzer III; soldiers in kantine; funeral ceremony; senior officer including Heinz Guderian and Sepp Dietrich studying a map; bomb damage in city. Sheets are dated February, March, June 1943, or May 1944.

                  Hruschka, Peter (1943)
                  3 sheets with 59 images. Fighting positions, SS-soldiers building a log bunker, soldier training with antitank gun and mortar. Sheets are dated December 1943.

                  Ittner (Nordland, Russia 1943-44)
                  11 sheets with 287 images. Senior officer observing a schwimmwagen crossing a river, SS-soldier repairing and operating radio equipment, senior officers arriving by Ju-52 for a meeting, formal ceremony with band, SS-soldier carving a model, and mortar crew. Sheets are dated either June 1943 or January 1944.

                  Jakobi (1943)
                  2 sheets with 12 images. Formal portrait photographs. Sheets are dated December 1943.

                  Jarolim, Alois (SS-Wiking, 1944)
                  10 sheets with 290 images. Russian village with populace and children, formal portrait photographs, winter scenes of StuGs with infantry, infantry in winter fighting positions, self-propelled and towed artillery, tanks and infantry on muddy roads, aerial resupply, infantry marching in snow, Panthers with infantry, captured Russian positions and equipment, and senior officer in observation point. Sheets are dated May 1944.

                  Kampe (Balkans, 1943-44)
                  10 sheets with 176 images. Infantry with pack animals in mountainous terrain,, observation point on mountain, 37mm anti-tank gun, mortar crew, bivouac activities, field burial of SS-soldier, captured partisans, and SS-soldiers in Sarajevo. Sheets are dated June 1943 or January 1944.

                  Keintzel (1943)
                  1 sheet with 30 images of a senior officer visiting a small unit, and local villagers. Sheet is dated June 1943.

                  Kemps (Balkans, 1943-44)
                  13 sheets with 386 images. Soldiers on train, Belgrade train station, SS-soldiers with local populace, infantry with vehicles, mail call, infantry marching, anti-tank gun, machine gun crew, senior officers having lunch in a tent, sport activities, SS-soldiers in mountainous terrain with pack animals, graves, aerial resupply, wounded SS-soldier, and captured and dead partisans. Sheets are dated June 1943, or January and May 1944.

                  Kiermeier (1943)
                  1 sheet with 35 images of an SS-soldier relaxing in the snowy Alps. Sheet is dated June 1943.

                  King, Johan (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Russia, 1943-44)
                  15 sheets with 483 images of artillery unit training in field, bivouac activities, formal portraits of SS-soldier, infantry action with self-propelled artillery and Flak, Panzer IV unit in action, reconnaissance unit with halftracks, destroyed Churchill tank, infantry fighting positions, infantry in mountainous terrain. Sheets are dated May, June, July, December 1943, or April 1944.

                  Kobylka (1943)
                  5 sheets with 134 images of Wasserschutzpolizei unit with boats on river, wheeled vehicles, and river operations. Sheets dated June and September 1943.

                  Kok, Cornelius (SS-Wiking, Russia 1943)
                  4 sheets with 125 images of SS-soldiers in Russian village, mail call, bridge building, Wespe self-propelled artillery, mortar crew, women formal portrait. Sheets dated September and November 1943.

                  Kollik (1943)
                  10 sheets with 335 images of infantry in rough terrain with former French tank, motorcycle unit, senior officers in headquarters, officers with He-111 and Fieseler Storch, SS-soldiers with pack horses in mountainous terrain, infantry in mountains. Sheets dated May and June 1943.

                  Kramer (Balkans 1943)
                  8 sheets with 232 images of infantry training infield, infantry with anti-tank gin and StuGs, sentry duty, checkpoints, Bosnian recruiting poster, barracks scenes, unit awards formation, mortar crew training, small arms maintenance, individual abd groups photographs, and hospital visit by local populace. Sheets are dated November 1943.

                  Kransc (1944)
                  2 sheets with 55 images of panzers and self-propelled artillery in winter, and views of an ambushed convoy, Sheets dated either January or February 1944.

                  Kraus (SS-Nordland, Russia 1944)
                  2 sheets with 61 images of combat action including infantry, reconnaissance vehicles, and anti-tank guns. Sheets are dated January 1944.

                  Kristoferitsch (1943)
                  4 sheets with 100 images of musical instrument repair, SS-soldiers tending plants in greenhouse, a unit built feldbahn wagon, metal work. Sheets are dated June 1943.

                  Krötz (1943)
                  1 sheet with 39 images of a dedication of a SS memorial. Sheet dated June 1943.

                  Kurbjuhn (Russia, 1943-44)
                  2 sheets with 67 images of local village and populace, column of destroyed Sherman tanks, tank repair shop, and a Panther tank. Sheets dated December 1943 and May 1944.

                  Lang (1943)
                  1 sheet with 9 images of formal portrait photos. Sheet dated September 1943.

                  Langner (1943)
                  3 sheets with 67 images of children and families at the zoo and in the park, shots of a studio performance. Sheets dated May 1943.

                  Laux (Russia, 1943)
                  4 sheets with 116 images of landscape views of an artillery barrage, artillery illumination rounds at night, motorcycle troops, destroyed T-34 tank, and a captured Russian aircraft. Sheets dated July 1943.

                  Leischner (1943)
                  1 sheet of 37 family portrait photographs dated December 1943.

                  Lindeken (1944)
                  6 sheets with 156 images of unit training with heavy and light Flak, mortars and machine guns; winters scenes in the East; local villagers, individual SS-soldiers photos; an anti-tank position; a nebelwerfer firing; 88mm Flak being emplaced and operated; SS-soldiers with nurses in a hospital; and SS-soldiers playing cards and reading mail. Sheets are dated April and May 1944.

                  1 sheet with 39 images of formal portrait photographs. Sheet undated.

                  Lüttmer (1944)
                  10 sheets with 330 images of assault boat on river; engineers building a log bridge and bunkers, infantry fighting positions and a log 'feldbahn"; Christmas celebration; sports activities, the Acropolis in Athens, individual soldiers photos, infantry in snow, SS-soldiers with pack horses in rough terrain, a burning building, a Schwimwagen crossing a river, local militia, fighting positions, and a two-man mosquito net tent. Sheets are dated either April or May 1944.

                  Markert (1944)
                  11 sheets with 344 images of individual SS-soldier photos, funeral procession and ceremony, civilians (probably Volksdeutche) being moved from a village and being cared for, children playing in the snow, SS Band performing for solders inn a large hall, construction of a large underground concrete facility, unit visit and combat troop review by Himmler. Sheets dated either January or May 1944.

                  1 sheet with 32 images of burned buildings in a city and soldiers marching in the city streets. Sheet is undated.

                  Merz, Willi (SS-Totenkopf, Russia 1943)
                  5 sheets with 150 images of senior officer lunching in field and firing small arms, combat scenes with panzers and halftracks, captured Russian soldiers, infantry in fighting positions, individual SS-soldier photos, senior officers. Sheets are dated either May, July, and August 1943.

                  Mitschke (1944)
                  6 sheets with 168 images of SS-soldiers operating in wooded area with engineer equipment, an anti-tank gun, and other crew served weapons; heavy mortar crew in winter fighting position, and formal individual portrait photographs. Sheets are dated either June 1943 or May 1944.

                  Moudry (1944)
                  4 sheets with 103 images of SS-officers in command post, SS-soldiers repairing damaged vehicles and equipment, soldiers playing chess and fishing. Some sheets dated April 1944 or May 1944.



                    I bought this set and am very pleased!



                      I read about these DVDs here for the first time andI find that it's a good idea to make all these photos available in a compact solution (don't know what the costs are though).

                      I love collecting books and see these photos in printed form, but this is not always necessary for reference purposes.

                      How do I have to imagine myself the handling of these images though?

                      Are they really small and do I have to zoom in on them on a large format contact sheet? Would it be possible to post some examples of the images here on the thread?

                      I'm very interested in KB Büschel's images (some of which I have in original large format) e.g. and others as well of course.

                      Many thanks in advance and regards,



                        Hi Markus,

                        I scan each contact sheet at 800dpi. That creates an image that is about 20MB. You can zoom in and out using any jpeg viewing program.

                        I would post an image to this forum, but the software does not let me do that. Maybe my member level is too junior for such a privilege. Email me at digitalhistoryarchive (at) and I can send you examples that I can't post here.

                        Regards, Marc


                          I have three of the DVDs from the SS-KB Photo Collection listed in my brand new ebay store - - with a few of the images from the contact sheets. That should give you an idea of the images in the collection.

                          Regards, Marc


                            I am posting this on Marc's behalf in response to Markus' inquiry regarding SS-KB Büschel. Due to WAF space limitations, I took a contact sheet and cropped it into three pieces. Together, they would be one contact sheet, albeit at very low resolution.

                            Please keep in mind that one contact sheet in the SS-KB collection is 20 to 25MB. These three crops total about 1MB, so they don't accurately represent the clarity and resolution of the final product, only how the data is presented in the original form.

                            I hope I didn't confuse the issue. Let me know.

                            Attached Files


                              This is the last third of the single contact sheet. Cheers!
                              Attached Files


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