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AH Postcards Identification need.

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    AH Postcards Identification need.

    Greeting Gents:

    Need your kind assistance of the following postcards:

    What is the name of the “postcards series” call?
    Any historical meaning or information of those postcards?
    What is the value of those postcards?

    Thanks so much!

    Best Regards

    Attached Files

    These are common cards that were issued by the Reichspost.

    The first card is one of a 5 card set issued April 13, 1939 as commemoration of Hitler's 50th birthday. Michel's Katalog lists this as P 278. Your card is P278/4.

    The 5 cards are 1) Hitler without cap, 2) Hitler with cap, 3) Group of Women/girls seeing Hitler, 4) your card, 5) Hitler with bending over the little

    Of the 5 cards, the 5th card is the key card of the set.

    The 2nd card you've posted is listed as Michel's Katalog P 263 issued on 21. September 1936. This card was in support of the Winterhilfswerk 1936 drive. The design shows the first 1000 K. of finished Autobahn.

    The value of these 2 two cards would be in the 15 usd range.

    Hope this helps.



      Dear Ramon:

      Thanks so much for the well explanation and hard work!

      It is always interesting to know the history behind the postcards.

      Don’t know is that true, Postcards is not really a popular collecting field compare with other TR stuff?

      Because I try to search threats on WAF and internet, but the result was not that much.

      Best Regards



        The collecting of propaganda postcards is very popular, but usually falls on deaf ears on this website. Interest here is usually centered on the uniform, medals and associated accoutrements.

        Paper related items such as the postcards and books are a distant 2nd in interest. Now that's not to say that there are not a few die hards here who lust after good material when it appears. But by and large, very rare
        items can go begging on the e-stand.

        You're invited to go to my WAF profile page and view my albums to see a sampling of a few postcards from my collection.



          Dear Ramon:

          What a nice collection you have on your profile!

          Thanks so much for the additional info!

          Best Regards



            Originally posted by ramon View Post
            The collecting of propaganda postcards is very popular, but usually falls on deaf ears on this website. Interest here is usually centered on the uniform, medals and associated accoutrements.

            Paper related items such as the postcards and books are a distant 2nd in interest. Now that's not to say that there are not a few die hards here who lust after good material when it appears. But by and large, very rare
            items can go begging on the e-stand.

            I can't agree more. I have posted Knight's Cross holder photo cards from VDA series (including a very rare Sepp Dietrich card) and signed Willrich cards and received no comments. Sure, people look at them but I don't believe the appreciation is there.



              Dear Curt:

              Maybe we should recommend WAF to open a threat that only focus on the propaganda postcards.

              Best Regards



                Sadly, too few of us here really appreciate this area of interest. Years ago, I created threads on propaganda cards and color Hitler cards,
                that few persons contributed to. The Propaganda Card thread consisted of approximately 250-300 cards from my collection.The Hitler Color card thread was ruined by a clown who thought it appropriate to contribute charicature cards that really ran counter to the intent of the thread I had created and nursed along. That action really p.o.'d me to the point that I pulled down all my images. Childish of me to be sure, but I was pis**ed off.

                Here is the Propaganda Card thread. http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...ad.php?t=46839

                Last edited by ramon; 08-11-2011, 09:03 PM.


                  Ramon - I have looked at your profile before and you have a lot of very nice cards. My collection stands humbled. I have a line on some nice cards but it's a matter of money before they end up in my hands. I have been concentrating on Willrich and VDA cards for a while but do want to expand.

                  Thanks for posting that old thread. There are a lot of good cards in there and I'm glad you brought it to my attention. I wonder if there is any use in resurrecting it?



                    Hi Curt,

                    "My" propaganda card thread contained some 250+ of the rarest cards
                    in the entire topic of NS related propaganda cards the reside in my collection.

                    I might be willing to start up again a fresh thread if we can get one or two of the other guys who are advanced collectors to share their collections with such a thread. I'm thinking particularly of friend John K. If that occurs then we can a thread similiar in quality to the Great Tinney War thread. Certainly the total value of the items shown would rival any German artifact shown anywhere on the site including a DE Standarte.
                    My color cards alone are worth more than 275000 Euros.

                    Anyway, if we can round some folks up, I'd certainly consider doing my part again. Such a thread should also include information relative to telling good cards from modern day reprints as well as any other info relevant to the topic.



                      Lets get it going chaps,ill stick a few of my cards on for sure.



                        I would certainly contribute whatever I could from my collection.



                          Hi Ramon:

                          Wow what an impressive threads! Lot of Postcards I have never seem before!
                          Sad about you deleted the images… but I do understand.
                          Thanks for the link.

                          Best Regards



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