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Mitteleuropaisches Reiseburo

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    Mitteleuropaisches Reiseburo

    With a couple of photo's I bought, this remarkeble photo popped up.

    It's a Wehrmacht soldier sitting in front of the Mitteleuropaisches Reiseburo. It's this buro I have some questions.

    On the internet I did not find many informtion. It was founded in 1917 and in the second world war, it appears that the jews in Holland, Belgium and France had to pay their own transportation costs to this bureau. 4 Pfennig pro kilometer, children had to pay 2 Pfennig!

    Was this also a "common" travel agency or completely in the hands of the SS?

    Operated it only in France, Holland and Belgium?

    Where was it lokated in Holland?

    Every information is welcome

    Thank you in advance!

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    Originally posted by necker View Post
    Was this also a "common" travel agency or completely in the hands of the SS?
    Why SS?


      It was through the SS (I include with this SD, Gestapo) that they had to pay their own traveling costst


        The DER - Deutsches Reisebüro - is still existing today in Germany. The former name of this tourist agency was Mitteleuropäisches Reisebüro:

        Here the history:

        17. Oktober 1917 : Gründung des DER Deutsches Reisebüro in Berlin zu gleichen Teilen vom Norddeutschen Lloyd und der Hamburg-Amerika-Linie. Zweck des Unternehmens: Förderung und Erleichterung des Reiseverkehrs in und nach Deutschland.

        1918 : Umbenennung in Mitteleuropäisches Reisebüro (MER).

        1926 : Gründung der ersten Tochtergesellschaft in New York.

        1929 : Gründung der ADAC-Reise GmbH als ADAC-Reise- und Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH, München.

        1945 : Umbenennung des MER in Deutsches Reisebüro. Verlegung des Sitzes von Berlin nach Frankfurt/Main. Enteignung des Filialbesitzes im Ausland und in den ostdeutschen Gebieten durch den Alliierten Kontrollrat. Zusammenfassung der DDR-Büros zum staatlichen „Reisebüro der DDR".

        The Mitteleuropäisches Reisebüro" was a norman and usual German travel agency.



          Hello Gerdan,

          Thank you for your reply and information, however I miss in your story the roll of the Reiseburo in the period 1941-1943.............


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