David Hiorth


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EK 2 Doc

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    EK 2 Doc

    Hi All,

    I just got a most interesting small doc and award set, and need info on the EK 2 doc:

    St.Diè, 27.06.1940
    signed by Oberst Schörner, Commander 6th Geb.Div

    My question is, what did the Gb. tank killers do there and where is St.Diè?

    Thanks in advance,

    Best regards,

    Привет Альберт!

    Geb.Pz.Jg.Abt.47 находился в составе оккупационных войск
    сначало в Лотарингии, а потом с конца июля 1940 г. по ноябрь во Франции.



      Hello Albert!
      Geb.Pz.Jg.Abt.47 at first was in Occupational armies in Lothringen,
      and than from the end of July to November 1940 in France.


        Hi Roman,

        Thank you very much. Do you know of any major battles in which this unit participated? Just wondering, so please don't go through any hassle.

        Best regards,


          Hi Albert,

          Sorry but I don't have any information at this moment.

          Как только появится сообщу на нашем форуме.




            Hello Albert

            This from the book, Blitzkrieg in the West: then and Now by After the battle publications.

            "The VIeme Corps d'Armee of the 3eme Armee, it's fighting value reduced to about 5 battalions, had been overwehlmed near Charmes on June 20. General Conde himself was trapped West of Saint-Die with about 50,000 men of both the 3eme and 5eme Armees; with him was his own staff and those of the XIIeme and XXeme Corps d'Armee. Pressed by Oberst Schörner, the commander of the 6 Geb. Div., who rejected the idea of each side remaining where they were until and armistice was signed, he threatened an all out attack unless Conde agreed to surrender. This he did at 3pm on June 22nd."

            The 6 Geb. div. only played a very minor role in the invasion of France and only at the very end. The actions around St.Die were one of the few the division fought and your man obviously was decorated for his part in the fighting.

            I'm sure you already know that the Oberst Schörner who signed your doc is the later fieldmarshall and diamonds winner Ferdinand Schörner.

            What other docs are in the grouping?


            Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


              Dear Simon,

              Thank you very much! Yes, I was aware of the lucky strike of Schörner’s original pen signature!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o></o>

              The document set seems to be to father and son. There is a Hindenburg medal and doc for the Hindenburg cross for combatants, a 13. March 1938 medal and doc, and a KVK 2 cross and doc to his father , Sepp Schmidt, a school principal in Salzburg.<o></o>

              The items of the son consist of the already mentioned EK 2 doc and cross. BTW, the cross is a big surprise! It is the RK sized version suspended from an Austrian style ribbon made of an extra wide EK ribbon! Also, there was his EK I and the doc:<o></o>

              Oberleutnant Josef Schmidt
              Stab / Panz.Jäg.Abt. 118
              25. Sept. 1943
              signed by ? Generalmajor u. Kdeur der 118. Jäg.Div <o></o>

              Plus a couple of pics<o></o>

              Best regards,


                Photos from St.Dié, June 23rd.

                <img src="http://www.history.jp/images/XXV-StDie-1.jpg">

                <img src="http://www.history.jp/images/XXV-StDie-2.jpg">

                <img src="http://www.history.jp/images/XXV-StDie-3.jpg">

                Map from June 22nd, St.Dié in center.

                <img src="http://www.history.jp/images/XXV-map-22.6.40.jpg">


                  The commander of the 118. Jäger-Division was probably Gen.Maj. Josef Kübler.




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