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Doctor of Death

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    Doctor of Death

    Besides gassings, one of the most widely used execution methods employed in the concentration camps was the use of chemical injections.

    Various substances were experimented with including; hydrogen peroxide, benzine, evipan and gasoline. All of these were substances were injected into the veins of selected prisoners. The chemical of choice and one which was used in large quantities was Phenol (Carbolic Acid).
    This chemical was cheap, easy to produce and was an effective method of killing. An injection of just 10 - 15 millileters between the 5th rib space directly into the heart caused death within 15 seconds. The Doctor most associated with this method of killing was Dr. Franz Johann Hermann Maria Freiherr von Bodman. According to Ernst Klee, author of "Auschwitz, the Nazi medicine and its victims," von Bodman was the inventor of the process of killing prisoners with Phenol injections.

    SS- Obersturmführer Franz Johann Hermann Maria Freiherr (Baron) von Bodman(n). Born in München 23/3/09. Joined NSDAP 1932 (#1098482) and SS 1934 (#267787).

    1/10/39 - 30/6/40 and 1/7/41 - 28/1/42 - Physician in 2nd Battalion of 79th Allgemeine SS Regiment, Ulm.
    After incorporation into the Waffen SS, 29/1/42 he was assigned to the Concentration Camp Inspectorate and sent to KL Neuengamme.
    Apr 42 to KL Auschwitz-Birkenau. Assumed post of chief SS garrison physician (SS Standortarzt) in May 42 until Aug 42.
    Aug 42 - Apr 43 - 1. Lagerarzt KL Majdanek/Lublin.
    10/4/43 - 15/9/43 - 1. Lagerarzt at KL Natzweiler-Struthof.
    Sep 43 - Sep 44 - 1. Lagerarzt KL Vaivara.

    From KL system to SS-Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (VOMI) and to 5. SS Pz Div. Wiking Dec. 44.
    Suicide 25/5/45, at Markt Pongau/Salzburg.

    Here is an extract from the book THE NAZI DOCTORS: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide - Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094.
    <TABLE width=690 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD>"For a doctor, phenol injections were the most literal example of the entire healing-killing reversal. Although most of the injections were given by nonphysicians, SS doctors initiated them in Auschwitz, maintained responsibility for their administration, and sometimes continued to perform the injections themselves.

    An early practitioner of phenol killing was Dr. Franz von Bodman, whom Langbein described as having shown considerable “initiative” in this form of murder. Although at Auschwitz only briefly, Bodman managed, as chief doctor (Standortarzt) during the summer of 1942, to inject many inmates by vein, resulting in slow and painful deaths."

    Not a very nice man.

    This unique and important group consists of over 50 documents relating to Bodman's pre-war medical studies at several universities. The group mainly consists of Bodman's Praktikantenschein and Bescheinigung, study books and registration books from Universities of Tübingen, München, Freiburg im Breisgau and Rostock. The ID is Bodman's Meldungsbuch from the University of Wien which displays a nice photo of him. Photos of Bodman are very scarce.

    Attached Files

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        Dr. "Phenol" himself.
        Attached Files


          Very interesting convolut G!
          You need his Soldbuch now!


            Looking at his photo he seems to fit into Hannah Arendt's often quoted description 'Banality Of Evil.'


              Originally posted by g hanson View Post
              ........... An injection of just 10 - 15 millileters between the 5th rib space directly into the heart caused death within 15 seconds. ........
              Must've been an incredibly long 15 seconds.

              Amazing lot, nice research.


                Originally posted by T.K. View Post
                Very interesting convolut G!
                You need his Soldbuch now!
                That would be a wonderful addition.

                Very nice group - a small part of a (darker) side of WW2 history.




                  E-mail me directly about this....



                    Do you know when and where Bodman was arrested and by whom? Markt Pongau (camp 317 south) was a POW camp for allied prisoners mostly Brits and Australians being liberated on May 8th, 1945 by a small contingent of 321st glider field artillery troopers (101st airborne). This POW camp also held the survivors of the Warsaw uprising.
                    Shortly after liberation the camp was put into British hands and control. As a side-note, a German general and his 15,000 troops surrendered to the 321st who had also the responsibility in keeping control of the freed 13,000 POW's. I have NOT been able to determine who the German general was or his unit that surrendered that day!


                      Originally posted by gj dettore View Post
                      Do you know when and where Bodman was arrested and by whom?

                      Sorry, no other info known.


                        Hello all
                        I am the new owner of these documents.Very interesting indeed,as I am a doctor myself and have similar certificates in my curriculum lattes.Strange feeling to handle these papers from such a disgusting person.


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