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help in officers research , award document DKiG

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    help in officers research , award document DKiG


    Im posting this for Angel Farré , any help is greatly appreciated .

    Following is the citation to the German Cross in Gold to Hauptmann Leonhardt, I'm looking information about the Panzer Abteilung 116 forerunner of Panzer Regiment 16 of the famous Windhund division. Also note that this is a six form of provisional citation that differs from the five described in the excellent article about this medal in this web site in having the title, "Oberkommando des Heeres", printed and no typewriter as the previous. Any info will be wellcomed as nothing found prior his renaming as Pz.Rgt. 16 and his battles in the Western Front, also any info in this particular officer is neede as this is the only paper I could obtain about him"

    And here is the picture from the award document.
    Attached Files
    my collectionfield : German glider pilots


    All I find is his first name was Christoph.


      Probably he is the guy who later assumed the company commander of 3./s.Pz.Abt. 502 (Tiger). Hptm. Christoph Leonhardt killed the 1000th enemy tank for the Abteilung.


        Thank both for your help, Akira do you know something more about him? Do you have a photo or knows a book where I can look? Anyone have info about where was in combat the Pz.Abt.116?

        Thanks to all

        Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


          Hello all:
          Pz.Abt. 16 was formed in June 1942 for the renewed German offensive in the Soviet Union. It was commanded by Graf v.d. Schulenburg. The unit was composed of two light and one medium tank companies with approx. 75 tanks Mark II - IV incl. a number of Mark III with 50 mm long guns and IV w/75 mm long.
          The unit was deployed with its parent division in the southern part of the front within Heeresgr. South. It reached the southern Caucasus area. It also took some part in the attempt to relieve Stalingrad. As of June 1943 the division was rebuilt and formed as 16.Pz.Gren.Div.
          Hptm. Leonard is not mentioned in the one divisional history I have "Why Windhunde" but there is also another one by Gen. (retd.) Heinz G. Guderian.
          The above is mainly from the book by R. Stoves about German armoured formations in WW II.
          Bernhard H. Holst


            Thanks Bernhard, I could find several reference to Hauptmann Christoph Leonhardt in the book "Tigers in Combat" Volume I and a couple of pictures in "Tigers in the mood" also a non identificated ofiicer from the 3rd compant 502 Schwere Panzer Abteilung wearing the DKiG, in one of the photos he was in the center of an officers group during the celebration of the KC to one of them and appears to wear a DKiG as the photo is no clear and only two shadows of something in his right breast, I suppose hoheitsabzeichen and DKiG, and the other is a draw, or a retouched one relating the 1.000 kill of the Abteilung were noo medals appears. Previous to the help of the forum members only know that his first name was Christoph and thet he was awarded the DKiG thanks to Schreiber book about DKiG winner. Now I'm trying to know something more about the soldier, I can see he wears the EK I, Panzersturmabzeichen and another badge, a Wound badge suppose. Every little piece of info is wellcome, in the near future I put other names RK and DKiG winners I have part of his documents and I'm trying to research.


            Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


              If you want to read Ch. Leonhardt's accomplishment while serving 3./502, "Tiger - die Geschichte einer Legendären Waffe" by Kleine/Kühn (English edition available from JJF) is the way to go. Kühn is an alias of F. Kurowski, who authored tremendous amount of books. Conversations found in his books (esp. in Landser books) are considered half fictious, but this Tiger book was a huge milestone back in 70s (as in TiC was in 90s) and it is still a good read.

              By the way, why is he referred to as Kdr? Usually company commanders are called Chef, aren't they?


                Thanks for your help Akira, regarding the title I want to remember it was discussed some time ago, but I can't remember well the final decision, Kommandeur is when in charge and Chef only a temporal appointment or something like this, I try to look other documents and papers to solve it.


                Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                  Hello all:
                  It appears a misconception exists and a clarification is in order as to "Chef" and/or "Kommandeur" (Kdr.). Chef was used to denote a permanent assignment as a company commander ( Kompaniechef) and was not used for command positions higher than company or equivalent i.e. Batterie/Schwadron level. Temporary commanders were called "Fuehrer" i.e. Kompaniefuehrer etc. Note: Chef in our discussion should not be confused with a "Chef des Stabes" (chief of staff) position.
                  Kommandeur was applied as of battalion commander level or equivalent (Abteilung) when in a permanent command assignment . "Batallionsfuhrer" , "Regimentsfuehrer"etc when in temporary command only. A unit "Fuehrer" oftentimes also was in command on a probationary period and then , if found capable, nominated as "Chef" or "Kommandeur".
                  Bernhard H. Holst


                    I look across several books and my collection and other collectors pieces and I found several ways to name officer position, I found Kdr. followed by the number of the companie and regiment, Kompanie Chef, Chef alone, Führer and Kompanie Chef followed by the batallions number and Regiment with no company named. Surely when signing a document the most common is Kompaniechef, but is not uncommon to see Kompanieführer. I suppose that the clerck said with Kommandeur that he was in charge of the 4 Kompanie, I see other citations with titles as Führer and the officer was really in charge of the Kompanie. Also I have seen that for grades of Hauptmann and higher always use one of two Kommandeur or Führer only one across several dozens of examples I have seen Hauptmann und Kompanie chef. Also I have checked the stamp and another particularity that around the same time of this award several other made in the Heerespersonalamt have the same diference, the soldiers surname is written without the double space between letters, I found it in other DKiG and KC documents around March-May 1.943.


                    Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                      I am not the right person to comment on german rank systems, but I would like to mention something. The word <i>temporary</i> commander sounds somewhat misleading. Position could be "permanent", just he had not held the rank appropriate to the position yet.

                      For example, the company 1./s.Pz.Jg.Abt.8 was lead by Leutnant Lattka in 1941. A Leutnant was one of the two "Z" group ranks (Zugf&uuml;hrer). So he was called a <i>Kompanief&uuml;hrer</i> but not a <i>Kompaniechef</i>. If he made the rank of Hauptmann ("K" group rank), then he would be called a Kompaniechef.

                      I can not talk about the authenticity of the document, but I can say that this is an unusual example.

                      I hope somebody could bring us a more accurate picture of these rank names (like mFb, etc)...


                        I also fund unusual the way to name the unit, so I inquire a little more, also I found that Kommandeur seems more apropiate than Kompaniechef or Kompanieführer, but I attibute this to my militar backgrounds as in spanish is more apropiate the work Komandeur than chef because chef is more linked to the civil system.


                        Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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