Here are some pictures of RAD Reichsarbeitsfuher Konstantine Hierl inspecting RAD men in Austria? from RAD arbeitsgau XXXIV(upper danube HQ Linz) and arbeitsgau XXV (Vienna/lower Danube HQ Vienna)at first glance the unit shields were not visible but using a magnafying glass i was able to see the unit shields of men from both arbeitsgaus.There was no dates on any of the pictures and im just guessing that they were taken in austria because all the men were in austrian arbeitsgaus, i have no idea when this took place.anyone have any intersting RAD pictures?
Here are some pictures of RAD Reichsarbeitsfuher Konstantine Hierl inspecting RAD men in Austria? from RAD arbeitsgau XXXIV(upper danube HQ Linz) and arbeitsgau XXV (Vienna/lower Danube HQ Vienna)at first glance the unit shields were not visible but using a magnafying glass i was able to see the unit shields of men from both arbeitsgaus.There was no dates on any of the pictures and im just guessing that they were taken in austria because all the men were in austrian arbeitsgaus, i have no idea when this took place.anyone have any intersting RAD pictures?