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    I read the town name of Dnipropetrovsk November 1941 in the last two images.


      "(D)ieses schöne Haus stammt noch aus der Zarenzeit / Dnjepropetrowsk / Nov. 41" ["This beautiful house dates back to the tsarist era / Dniepropetrovsk / Nov. 41"]
      "(V)erstärkte Werke in Dnjepropetrowsk / Nov. 41" ["Reinforced fortifications at Dniepropetrovsk / Nov. 41"]


        Would rather read "Zerstörte Werke...". "Ruined plants..."



          Originally posted by Einzel View Post
          Would rather read "Zerstörte Werke...". "Ruined plants..."
          You're right; I misinterpreted the first word. Werke could be both plants/factories and fortifications. But I agree that given the first word, the former is indeed more likely.


            OK Gentlemen, I have one for you. My grandfather was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and was a POW in Stalag IVB. He kept a diary while he was a prisoner written in a small german note book that he found (or stole..not sure). I think he may have picked it up when he was on a prisoner working party cleaning up rubble in Zeitz...based on some of the things he wrote. He wrote that he was being forced to clean up a business at Number 4, Lindenplatz in Zeitz Germany. The first several pages of the notebook look like some kind of business ledger or something. Can anyone tell generally what any of this stuff says. The word on the front cover should give a good idea of what it is...if anyone can read it. I also added a picture of the first page of his diary as well. Thank you all.
            Attached Files


              The word on the cover is "Posteingaenge ab 1.8.1944" or postal mailings starting 1 August 1944. Each entry has a name, a city and what was done/sent. For example the second entry is Zeiler, Koenigsbrueck, 2 Verdecke neu bezogen. The customer was Zeiler, the city Koenigsbrueck and 2 covers were re-done. Upholstery? It isn't clear to me exactly what kind of coverings they were. Not too exciting.


                Wow thanks. Not to exciting for sure...but answered a question I had for many years. Thankyou


                  Hello! can you read it? first word "general" thanks!
                  50910a (1).jpg


                    _10_5_ (1).jpg


                      It would be helpful to see the wording clearly and larger in 15293 and to see the image of 15294. That ends "Moenchen-Gladbach 1940".


                        Originally posted by pauke View Post
                        It would be helpful to see the wording clearly and larger in 15293 and to see the image of 15294. That ends "Moenchen-Gladbach 1940".
                        image post 15294 Helmut Mertens (at right)
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                          # 7

                          " Oblt. Meche (?) + Frau - Mönchen-Gladbach 1943"



                            Bitte helfen Sie bei der Entschlüsselung der Signatur.
                            Im voraus vielen dank!
                            Attached Files


                              Hello gents !
                              I get nice pepper container and here is what I found under lid.
                              As I can see gothic inscription Kurzer inhalt. But what’s written by hand ?
                              Attached Files


                                Originally posted by jazz View Post
                                Bitte helfen Sie bei der Entschlüsselung der Signatur.
                                Im voraus vielen dank!
                                Erinnerung im
                                Graben bei der Inf[anterie].
                                14 Tage in Nov[ember]. 1942


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