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Cholm => entry's in Soldbuch

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    Cholm => entry's in Soldbuch


    Well since my last Cholmthread did get so much controversion here I have decided to start just anotehr one !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im happy to present you a scan from a piece that comes directly from the veteran himself ( believe it or not ) and im just curious on howmany other's are out there + is it even original

    Cordial greetings,

    ps: and iff you guys are nice enough I will show more of this marvelous piece
    Attached Files
    my collectionfield : German glider pilots

    I see that it is from a Luft guy, congratulations, another step forward! I'd love to see the stamp below, Ergänzungsgruppe ?


      full award page


      Thank you Akira for the comment, well here is for your pleasure the full award page (altough there is one more !) + and you are 100 % correct as the stamp is from the Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 1.

      And now lets decipher the awards and it becomes clear wich kind of soldier this was (should not be so hard)

      Cordial greetings,

      ps: I just noticed that i probably posted this thread in the wrong forum as this is a Soldbuch, so feel free to move it towards the appropriate forum
      Attached Files
      my collectionfield : German glider pilots


        Luftwaffe Soldbuch


        The awards that are entered into the soldbuch are the following :

        15.06.1941: Segelfliegerabzeichen (= Glider pilots badge)

        15.05.1942: EK-2Klasse (= Iron cross 2nd. class)

        05.10.1942: Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten" 1941-42 (=Eastern Front Medal)

        31.10.1942: Cholmschild (= Cholmschield)

        I will only give a short scetch of his career as time doesn't permits me more for the moment :This person was one of the Glider pilots who flew into the encirclement of Cholm, he managed to survive the whole battle unwounded etc ...and spent his time afterwards with several Glider units. he also was involved in the glider landings on Sicily of 1943 and returned afterwards once again towards his old unit.

        In 1944 he was trained as a motorized pilot and transferred towards the famous unit: KG200, he was one of the pilots who flew the famous and sinistre "mistel" and only survived this suicide mission because his plane's engine didn't fucntion how it supposed to be during his appointed mission and he bailed out where he became lightly wounded.

        My dear friend survived the whole war and died a year ago, he had decided that his wartime belongings (Soldbuch + Glider Flight log) where better in the hands of a crazy collector with the result that I received this treasure a while ago.

        This is the only known complete(!!!!!!!!!) glider pilot soldbuch from a glider pilot who earned the Cholmshield etc ... and it is safe for the comming years )

        More scans will follow once I have the needed time to scan

        Cordial greetings,

        ps: iff there exist more original complete ones feel free to show them !!!!!!
        my collectionfield : German glider pilots


          the inside : the units


          Here is a scan from the unit page of this very rare soldbuch.

          Our friend enlisted in the Luftwaffe on 29.11.1940 and started his career within the : Segelfliegerschule der Luftwaffe/Schulerkompanie (based at its time being at Neuhausen/Ostpreussen).

          Very interesting for the Glider/Cholm enthousiasts is the notation of the following unit: 1.Go-St./K.G.z.b.V. 1 as this was the mother unit to wich all Glider pilots where attached to for the missions at either Cholm, suschinitschi etc ....

          We know that he received his EK 2 on the date of 15.05.42 for his participation and this was also the date to wich he left the unit and became a part of the 1e Staffel/L.L.G.2. Also of interest is that is known that all Cholmpersonel ( not the wounded however!!!!!!!! )where placed in a special quarantaine after the occupation troops where relieved.

          I let you guys have some more fun in deciphering the units

          Cordial greetings,
          my collectionfield : German glider pilots


            Giday Stijn,

            Thanks for sharing these treasures with us.

            All the best,



              Glider pilots at Cholm etc ...


              Thank you for your comment Ian, I knew that you would like it (and as for your pleasure I will show also the appropriate Flight Log entry that go's along with the Cholm mission for this person s: when I find the time )

              Can I do you a pleasure my friend with a scan of another page?

              Are there any others Luftwaffe issue's out there?, it must been said that I know of at least one other Glider Soldbuch page (not the complete one) from a glider pilot who was active in the Cholmpocket but are there other complete Glider Cholm ones out there?? (most probably yes but iff so it is a very limited few due to the obvious nature of very limited involved Glider pilots and I believe that they iff they are out there they are still within the possesion of either the vet.or his family)

              Cordial greetings,

              ps: a hint for the newbie collector's out there => specialize yourself and the fun will be double
              my collectionfield : German glider pilots




                Hi Stijn
                Regarding your following comment:

                The unit: 1.Go-St./K.G.z.b.V. 1 was the mother unit to which all Glider pilots where attached to for the missions at either Cholm, suschinitschi etc ....

                I would have thought that the following unit:
                1./Go.Stff. Archim Mecklenberg
                would have taken the lead, since they piloted many more gliders into Cholm than the one you mentioned. Thoughts?



                  Mother units of Cholm gliders

                  Hi Dirk,

                  I must say that the units so far I have seen in regards towards Glider at Cholm are either the :

                  * 1.Go/K.G.z.b.V.1 (found in Soldbuch and Wehrpasses)
                  * 1.Go/K.G.z.b.V.172 (untill now this is the unit that appears on known Glider Cholm award documents, for example for the Cholmshield)

                  I have never heard before of the unit you mention "1./Go.Stff. Archim Mecklenberg ",but I believe this is a typo and has to be 1.Go.Staffel/Parchim-mecklemburg ???, as Parchim was the place where many of the glider pilots received their training on the Go.242 gliderplane (before being put into actuall action)

                  Cordial greetings,
                  my collectionfield : German glider pilots



                    They were there....

                    Hi Stijn
                    Please see the following scan:
                    Members of the "1./Go.Stff. Archim Mecklenberg" were definitely in Cholm although it is possible that there is indeed a typo, caused by an "Übertragungsfehler", since the information was communicated via Funk (you will notice that the transcriber also forgot the "c" in Mecklenburg).



                      1 Go./Parchim

                      Hi Dirk,

                      Thank you for that scan, that confirms the above said => almost all glider pilots who where Go 242 trained at that time ( early towards mid 1942) did go through the training school based at Parchim and it can be seen as the mother unit etc ....

                      This makes that our dear glider friends where switched from unit towards unit just as easy as they where used somewhere .......... ( 1.Go/Parchim => 1.Go/K.G.z.b.V.1 => 1.Go./K.G.z.b.V.172 => others ?? ) or was it only just the name of the unit? (you know another bottle but the same wine).

                      In my recent chats with Cholm glider pilots it became clear that the involved Glider pilots simply came from everywhere where they where reay trained and put into action wherever they where needed(I believe you can confirm this).

                      Cordial greetings,
                      my collectionfield : German glider pilots



                        The Flugbuch


                        And here is a very interesting page out of this guys Glider pilot Flight log, this particular entry alone is nearly impossible to find (I know of at least one other that is still in existance nowadays) and we know that this was the flight that earned him the famous Cholmshield

                        Anotehr superb piece of info is that we can see the actual time our friend landed over there +> the time (landing on 19.32 hours) prooves that the Glider planes where either towed in during the early morning or in the evening (then it was the safest to land, as during the day the chance of actually flying inside the pocket and land safely was near nihil, in the evening and morning they had a little more chance to survive !!!!!!!)

                        Cordial greetings,
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Stijn David; 11-03-2003, 10:59 PM.
                        my collectionfield : German glider pilots



                          a bit more


                          And here is a link towards a few more scans and information from our very Glider pilot :


                          Cordial greetings,
                          my collectionfield : German glider pilots



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