David Hiorth


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From the Kriegsberichter's Eyes: A study in German Press Photos

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    1855/ Finnish rail gun in action on the front near Leningrad.
    11 October 1941 Atlantic
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      Could not be right. The german attack at Norway started 9. april 1940. They advanced from Hamar and Gjøvik 21 and 22 april 1940.


        Originally posted by Todd Gylsen View Post
        A79823/ Norway
        Norwegian soldiers surrendered to German troops on the road to Vang.
        10 May 1940 Presse Bild Zentrale PK-Schenck
        On the left You can see Colonel Østbye Commander of the Norwegian 4.th Brigade which fought in Valders. The German General is Genaralmajor Engelbrecht commander of the 163. Inf Division.


          war correspondents

          Hi Gents away from my files,2714 looks like von Bock
          and von Kuchler.


            It's Leeb and Küchler.



              Originally posted by bjorge View Post
              On the left You can see Colonel Østbye Commander of the Norwegian 4.th Brigade which fought in Valders. The German General is Genaralmajor Engelbrecht commander of the 163. Inf Division.
              Thanks Bjorge for this information. I've been informed the German General could be Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Eberhardt, which I am guessing is incorrect. Here is a close-up of the photo so we can verify whom this General could be.

              "Could not be right. The german attack at Norway started 9. april 1940. They advanced from Hamar and Gjøvik 21 and 22 april 1940. "

              Which photo were you referring to?

              John and Harmel, thanks for the ID of these Generals!
              Attached Files


                I think he means the Norway photo couldn't have been taken on May 10, because the events in it took place 8-9 days earlier. But the May 10 date is when the photo was released to the press, isn't it? In that case, the timing of it all makes sense.


                  Marc, you are correct. The dates on the photos are the dates the photos were released by the press, not the actual date of the event. Typically, the photos were released several days after the event. On rare occasions they were released the same day of the event and it is not uncommon to see them used months or years later for propaganda purposes.


                    60461/ Celebrating the handing over of the flag to King Boris III.
                    The flag of a tank unit was handed over to King Boris III during this years fall maneuvers of the Bulgarian Army. Our picture shows the celebratory handing over to King Boris III.
                    11 October 1941 Associated Press
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                      1863b/ Jungle war on the mouth of the Dnjepr.
                      They make possible use of the waterway. Now they have arrived at the spot where the enemy has presumably laid an ambush. Out there is the scum and in here is the jungle! Only with difficulty the MG Schütze leads the way through the interweaving underbrush.
                      12 October 1941 Atlantic PK-Weber
                      Attached Files


                        1868c/ A short rest for man and beast.
                        He then continues on across the landscape, through creeks, rivers and swamps and through endless forests.
                        13 October 1941 Atlantic SS-PK-Büschel
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                          Originally posted by Todd Gylsen View Post
                          1868c/ A short rest for man and beast.
                          He then continues on across the landscape, through creeks, rivers and swamps and through endless forests.
                          13 October 1941 Atlantic SS-PK-Büschel
                          Max Büschel was assigned at this time to the SS-Kavallerie Brigade. He followed them until the spring of 1943, taking many famous photos. He was then reassigned to LAH, where from Kursk onward, he took many more famous photos. He was still with LAH in 1945, for the February fighting at the Gran Bridgehead.

                          He started out as a simple enlisted man, around the time of the photo shown here, but gradually rose to become a senior NCO, and had a son born during 1943. Büschel survived the war, and avoided captivity at the end. He walked for days to get to his home, and shortly after arrival was arrested by the Soviets. They considered him suspicious, and simply shot him to be rid of him. His son related that detail, years later, to one of our forum members, who shared the story with me (I'll let him speak up for himself, if he so chooses).


                            Marc, Thank you for the history lesson on Max Büschel.


                              1868g/ This is not the “Siegfried Line”…
                              …but instead is a laundry line. The German soldier hangs his laundry between destroyed Soviet aircraft.
                              13 October 1941 Atlantic PK-Speck
                              Attached Files


                                AV65318/ Bolshevik material transport is captured peacefully.
                                A freight train of the Bolshevik’s loaded with LKW’s, armored cars, vehicles, etc. was captured peacefully at a railroad station undamaged.
                                15 October 1941 Scherl SS-PK-Roth
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