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Albert Thiel photo and documents

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    Albert Thiel photo and documents

    Hi I have a grouping belonging to Unteroffizier Albert Thiel who served in 9th Kompanie of the 50th Grenadier Regiment. I'd like some help with a couple of the documents. There is his Iron Cross 2nd Class document that I'd like to know if it's an authentic late war type document and two letters referring to his third wounding that I need translating. Below is a photo of the subject of this inquiry.
    Attached Files

    Albert Thiel EK2 document

    Here's his EK2 document.
    Attached Files


      Albert Thiel medical document

      Here's a letter from a doctor that I assume treated Albert.
      Attached Files


        Albert Thiel,letter from CO

        It would seem the letter from his CO,can't be attached due to size. I'd like to get it translated and would be happy to email it to whomever is willing to translate it. It's only one side of one page.


          The doc is an early war type but they were used up to the end. It's a wound EK, ie. he got it for being seriously wounded
          Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


            Here the German text:

            Ärztliche Bescheinigung 11.10.47

            Herr Arlbert Thiel - Esbeck (?), war infolge Verwundung vom 22..10.43 bis Januar 1944 im damaligen Reservelazarett Helmsted, Abt. Warburg, in einer Behandlung. Er hat als Folge seiner Verwundung auf dem rechten Auge keine Sehkraft mehr.

            sig. Dr. Gröning


              Here I try the translation:

              Medical Certificate

              Mr. Albert Thiel - Esebeck (name of a village), was under medical treatment from 22 Oct 1943 - January 1944 in the former Reservelazarett Helmstedt , Department Warburg.

              He is not able to see any more with his right eye caused by an injury.




                Here some informations on the place names:

                1) Esenbeck is a small village in the Göttingen area

                2) Helmstedt is also a town in that area

                3) Warburg is also in the Kassel / Göttingen area.



                  Albert Thiel

                  Hi Gerdan, Simon,

                  Thanks for your help with the translation and document verification. So Albert received his Iron Cross due to his wound rather than for an act of bravery. That's very interesting as I thought that you had to perform an act of bravery to receive an Iron Cross. I have his wound badge document that states that he received the Wound Badge in Silver. Since he lost the sight in one eye, wouldn't he have been eligible for the Wound Badge in Gold? Would he have been discharged from the service due to his injury? I have a letter from his CO that I'd like translated as I believe it has something to do with his being wounded. Could someone be good enough to help me out with this?


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