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KC holders on Hoffmann postcards

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    Originally posted by Denis View Post
    Many Thanks to both of you.
    To Richard : your info allows me to fill several gaps in the list.
    To Valdis : there is a misunderstnading. The code numbers that you gave are in fact assigned to Film Foto Verlag (also known as Ross Verlag). These photos have IMHO a much better quality than the Hoffmann ones even if they are less known by collectors. But these are not Hoffmann.
    Here is an example of a Film Foto Verlag production. Most of them have a caption on the obverse giving both name, rank and the award as well as the R code while this latter code is always found on the reverse side on Hoffmann's ones.
    BTW, with my friend Dick, we are still looking for the following Film Foto Verlag R codes

    If anybody owns these KC holders postcards in their collection, we would really like to know the name of the soldier.

    For all other members : don't be shy, keep on giving new R codes for Hoffmann's !!


    R 365 Major Hans- Ulrich Rudel

    R 366 Generaloberst Hube


      Hello - got this one in a bunch of cards...R 298 General der Artillerie Fretter-Pico. I don't believe it has been listed.

      Attached Files


        My favorite is my Otto Skorzeny ! can't recall the number???? I'll look later. I bought it in 1977 for $5.00....the good old day's !!!!! Tom


          Here is a small update of the numbered RKT cards :

          257 Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, bigger size
          355b Großadmiral Raeder
          368 SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Dietrich 3 types, different Poses type 3 shows only his RK no Eichenlaub
          433 Generalfeldmarschall Rommel color postcard
          456 Gunther Prien color postcard
          488 Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Goring
          734 General der Flieger Milch no RK in picture
          734a Generalfeldmarschall Milch with RK
          910 Generalfeldmarschall Göring Nach einem Originalgemalde von Profess Conrad Hommel color postcard
          917 General Dietl color postcard
          1115 GFM von Witzleben
          1116 GFM von Brauchitsch
          1146 GFM Keitel
          1171 Generalfeldmarschall Sperrle 3 types
          1181 Generaloberst von Rundstedt 2 types type 2 has Rundstedt with his RK
          1183 Korvettenkapitan Prien same as R1
          1183a Kapitanleutnant Prien 2 types type 2 similiar to 456
          1501 Reichsfuhrer-ss H. Himmler obviously no RK but he begins the 1500 series...
          1502 Hans Frank
          1503 Reichsjugendfuhrer Arthur Axmann 2 types 2 poses
          1503a Reichsjugendfuhrer Artur Axmann
          1504 Ministeraldirigent Hans Fritzsche
          1505 Reichsstatthalter Baldur v. Schirach
          1506 Reichsjugendfuhrer Chief of Staff Mockel
          1508 Foreign Minister of Slovakia Professor Dr. Tuka
          1509 Major Wick Luftwaffe 2 types type 2 same as R 2
          1510 Dr. Karl Roos
          1511 Oberstleutnant Molders Luftwaffe 2 poses
          1511a Der Fuhrer und Oberste Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht empfing Oberst Molders ( Hitler and Molders shaking hands)
          1512 Gauleiter Hartmann Lauterbacher
          1513 Kretschmar same of R 4
          1514 General Franz Ritter von Epp
          1515 Schepke same as R 5
          1516 Oberstleutnant Adolf Galland 2 types type 2 Oberst Galland
          1517 Hanna Reitsch
          1518 Generalfeldmarschall von Reichenau
          1519 Brinkforth same as R 7
          1520 General Rommel 4 types 2 each Generaloberst 2 each Generalfeldmarschall different poses
          1520a Generalfeldmarschall Rommel
          1520b Generalfeldmarschall Rommel same as 1520 type 1
          1521 Generaloberst Ernst Udet 2 types
          1522 Hauptmann Joppien same as R 9
          1523 Kapitanleutnant Lehmann-Willenbrock same as R10
          1524 Oberleutnant Muncheberg 3 types type 2a/b Hauptmann Muncheberg
          1525 SS-Hauptsturnfuhrer Klingenberg same as R 12
          1526 Generaloberst Grauert Luftwaffe
          1527 Flottenchef Admiral Lutjens
          1528 Oberleutnant Baumbach 2 types type 2 Hauptmann Baumbach
          1529 Generalfelfmarschall Kesselring
          1530 Generalmajor Heinrich Kirchheim 2 types type 2 General Kirchheim different pose
          1531 GFM von Bock
          1532 Generaloberst Guderian
          1533 Generaloberst Hoth
          1534 Hauptmann Balthasar
          1535 Oberfeldwebel Portsteffen
          1536 General Ritter von Schobert
          1537 Generalleutnant Ritter von Speck
          1538 Generalmajor Ringel
          1539 Major Storp
          1540 Oblt. Baer and Hauptmann Baer
          1541 Major Ihlefeld
          1543 Oblt. Philipps
          1544 Hauptmann Hahn
          1545 Major Oesau
          1546 Hauptmann Wilh. Specht
          1547a Generaloberst Ernst Udet
          1548 Freiherr von Richthofen
          1549 Oberleutnant Manfred Schwarz ( Nr. 1549 C/2256 )
          1550 Oberleutnant Ernst Petzold ( Nr. 1550 C/2256 )
          1551 Kaleu Schultze
          1552 Unterseeboots-Kommandant Endrass
          1554 Major Lützow
          1555 Oberstleutnant Schrank
          1557 GFM List
          1558 Major Niemack
          1559 GFM von Leeb
          1560 Hauptmann Alfons König
          1561 Major Pankow
          1562 Oberstleutnant Seitz
          1563 Generalmajor Scherer
          1564 Hauptmann Huy
          1565 Leutnant Strelow
          1566 General der Flakartillerie Dessloch
          1567 Oberfeldwebel Ohlrogge
          1568 General Crüwell
          1569 Leutnant Schramm
          1570 General Bogatsch
          1571 Oberleutnant Späte
          1573 Gefreiter Krohn
          1577 Feldwebel Schuster
          1578 Oberleutnant Marseille
          1579 Hauptmann Gollob
          1580 Oberfeldwebel Steinbatz
          1581 GFM von Kuchler
          1582 Hitler begrüßt Marschall Mannerheim
          1583 Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Demmelhuber
          1584 GFM von Manstein
          1585 Leutnant Beisswanger
          1587 Major Trautloff
          1588 Oberleutnant Tilmann
          1590 Kaleu Topp
          1591 Major Kollewe
          1592 Oberstleutnant Gorn
          1594 Kaleu Rosenbaum
          1595 Oberfeldwebel Beerenbrock
          1599 GFM von Kluge


            Originally posted by Tom B View Post
            My favorite is my Otto Skorzeny ! can't recall the number???? I'll look later. I bought it in 1977 for $5.00....the good old day's !!!!! Tom
            The number is R 174


              Any more numbers ?


                Random Question

                I am new to the forum. Was wondering if anyone had a photo or anything on an Alfred Gunther (Alfred Guenther). He was my wife's uncle in the 1st SS panzer division and Michael Wittman's original gunner on the Eastern front when they were in a Sturmgeschutz battalion. KIA in France in June, 1944 as part of the 101 SS Heavy Panzer battalion (3rd company). Thanks in advance!


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