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Panzer Grenadier Rgt. research

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    Panzer Grenadier Rgt. research

    Hi all,

    I am looking at a document group from a Panzer Grenadier - I would like to know more on the Regiments (kind of unit history) he was affected - Pz.Gr. Rgt.63 & Pz.Gr. Rgt.2121 and how both regiments are linked
    Attached are his affectations with the relative dates he served

    I./Pz.Gr. Rgt.63 (Nov. 42)
    3./Pz.Gr. Rgt.63 (April 43)
    Geschützkp./Pz.Gr. Rgt.63 (August 43)
    II./Pz.Gr. Rgt.2112 (Nov.44)
    Fhr.II./Pz.Gr. Rgt.2121 (Feb. 45)

    Collection : http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...d.php?t=807895

    Hi François
    Pz. Gre. Rgt. 63 was part of 17. Pz. Div.
    Don't know for the other


      No one knows anything else?
      Sebastián J. Bianchi



        Check this link out for 17 Pz.Div.....

        Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

        Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


          112 Panzer Brigade

          Information on 17. Pz is readily available...as for Pz Gren Regt 2112, this was part of 112 Panzer Brigade that was created in early September 1944.

          These Panzer Brigades were a new creation and on paper were formidable formations - 2112 Pz Brigade had two full strength panzer battalions, one Pz Gren Regiment and supporting companies (Pz Jg, Flak, Pionier etc). They were designed for use on the Eastern Front where they were intended to be used as fire brigades against Soviet breakthroughs. Here they would have been effective against Soviet infantry lacking in anti-tank weapons and artillery support.

          Unfortunately for the personnel of these brigades Hitler decided to use them on the Western Front in an ill fated counter attack in Lorraine in late September 1944. The persoonel of these brigades, despite being commamded by highly experienced and decorated officers, had little training and were certainly not up to the combat they were thrown into.

          The Brigades were committed to action in September 1944 against Patton's spearheads. Unlike the Soviets however the Americans and Free French infantry involved did not dissolve under when confronted by an armoured attack. In it's first action Panzer Brigade 106 was more or less destroyed on 8th September by the US 90th Division - it lost 21 tanks, 60 half tracks and 100 other vehicles. 764men were captured including the commanders of the panzer regiment and panzer grenadier battalion.

          Worse was to follow for our 112 Panzer Brigade. On 12th September the Brigade was moved to the town of Dompaire, near Epinal, in preparation for a counter attack against the Free French 2nd Armoured Division. A task force from this division (GTL Langdale) located the Brigades Panther battalion (I./Pz Regt 29 on attachment) lagered up in Dompaire. Despite being only half the size of Pz Brigade 112 the French force took up positions on the south of the town and battle was joined when the Panther battalion attempted to move out on the 13th September. Hemmed in on three sides and hammered by P47 Thunderbolt airstrikes the battlion requested rescue from the Brigade's other panzer battalion (issued PzIV's - Pz Abt 2112) and one of the Pz Gren battalion. This attack was beaten off by a handful of tanks, M10 TD's and towed AT guns.

          By the evening of 13th September Pz Brigade 112 had lost 34 Panthers (leaving only 4 operational), 17 Pz IV's and numerous grenadiers. Casualties were estimated at 350 dead, 1000 wounded. It had only 21 operational tanks out of the 90 it possessed on 12th September. French losses were 5 Shermans, 2 Stuarts, two halftracks and 2 jeeps with 44 men killed.

          Perhaps you should post details of this action in Der Kniepe, Francois!

          Shortly afterwards the remnants of both Pz Brigades 106 and 112 were absorbed into 21 Pz Division. Judging form the award document from Nov 44 they continued to operate as individual units within the division.

          As for Pz Gren Regt 2121 - no idea, but I'll consult von Luck's Panzer Commander see if he mentions anything about it.

          PS All this info is contained in Steven Zaloga's Lorraine 1944 (an Osprey book - only £12.99!)


            Hi François

            Are you sure you meant to write Pz. Gr. Rgt 2121? Tessin does not list this unit. Did you mean 2112 again?



              right Rick 2112 again, sorry for the confusion
              Collection : http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...d.php?t=807895


                Read von Luck's memoirs for 21 Panzer movements and engagements after September 44.


                  Thanks all
                  Collection : http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...d.php?t=807895


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