Here is a separate issue of labor service comemmoratives. They are a slightly larger format and are printed Grossdeutsches Reich. These must be the 1943 issues; the stamps posted above predating them.
Here's a little coupon that entitles the bringer of 50 kg of waste paper to the "Reich Commisar for Salvage" to 5 kg of wrapping paper, or 500 sheets of typewriter paper. Shortages, you know.
It says, literally, "Owner of this 'piece' delivered 50 kg waste paper and allows the consumer to purchase 5 kg wrapping paper or 500 sheets typewriter paper".
I am guessing that this one was attached to a pack of cigarettes, or of tobacco. The coupons were collected then redeemed, as is explained thereupon, for "highly interesting astrological pictures... with horoscope references."
Series A (Zodiac symbols) comes with 48 pictures. Series B: planets and their astrological meaning. For 48 coupons you can get the complete series of A or B, according to your desire.
Would these "Series" mentioned be made of what are known as "cigarette cards?"
...Party Rally, 1934. Man, what a blast that was. Everybody got drunk and naked...there was this chick... wait a minute... oh yeah, that was Woodstock!
This "National Postage Expo" stamp with it's nice picture of the Chancellery entrance is quite rare in this condition. It's gummed, and note how well-centered the graphic is on the paper. These are the big factors in determining a stamp's value.
This is not good. It's bad enough that a 50,000 mark stamp even exists, let alone an overprint of 5 million! Inflation is so rampant that it outstrips the ability to print postage fast enough to reflect it.