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unknown SS Obergruppenfuhrer

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    unknown SS Obergruppenfuhrer

    I bought a few negatives today and one shows this unknown obergruppenfuhrer.
    Most of the other negatives depict Prinz Eugen and Wiking, so maybe that's a lead??
    Does anybody know who it is??

    Attached Files

    Im not sure...
    ...but the cufftitle says "Reichsführer-SS"!!!!

    The Divisions-chiefs are

    16.10.1943 Max Simon
    24.10.1944 Otto Baum

    So ill give my vote for Ogrupf. Max Simon!!
    nc with oakleaves holder!!



      Its not Simon or Baum, and its a Gruppenführer, not an Obergruppenführer.

      Originally posted by TiKi
      Im not sure...
      ...but the cufftitle says "Reichsführer-SS"!!!!

      The Divisions-chiefs are

      16.10.1943 Max Simon
      24.10.1944 Otto Baum

      So ill give my vote for Ogrupf. Max Simon!!
      nc with oakleaves holder!!



        how come that the negative shows the photo as positive..??..or do I misunderstand something??>. Cheers, Torsten.
        Last edited by torstenbel; 06-20-2005, 09:44 AM.


          The cufftitle isn't 'Reichsfuehrer-SS'

          It's 'Reichsfuehrung-SS'.



            That's the way the negative was scanned. It shows it as a positive afterwards.
            can anybody share some more info on the cufftitle "reichsfuhrung-ss" ?


            Originally posted by Robin Lumsden
            The cufftitle isn't 'Reichsfuehrer-SS'

            It's 'Reichsfuehrung-SS'.


              I can't be certain, but he looks remarkably like SS-Gruppenführer Ferenc Feketehalmy-Czeydner (recte Zeidner). I believe he was also attached to the Führerreserve of the Reichsführung-SS whilst holding the rank of Gruppenführer. Just a suggestion.


                Originally posted by max history
                I can't be certain, but he looks remarkably like SS-Gruppenführer Ferenc Feketehalmy-Czeydner (recte Zeidner). I believe he was also attached to the Führerreserve of the Reichsführung-SS whilst holding the rank of Gruppenführer. Just a suggestion.

                I don't think anyone will argue with that.

                Here's more on that gentleman....

                FEKETEHALMI-CZEYDNER, Ferenc
                (1890 - 1946)
                Vezérezredes/Waffen-Obergruppenführer der SS:
                Born: 22. Nov. 1890 in Piski.
                Executed: 5. Nov. 1946 in Yugoslavia.

                Vezérezredes: 11.1944; Waffen-Ogruf.d.SS: 1944;

                Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army: Oct. 1944 - Jan. 1945.
                Deputy Chief of General Staff: Oct. 1944 - Jan. 1945.
                Postwar Prosecution:

                Extradited for trial to Yugoslavia for his role in the massacres by Hungarian troops at Ujvidek in 1942. Sentenced to death.

                Original name: Ferenc Zeidner.
                Decorations & Awards:
                Last edited by Robin Lumsden; 06-20-2005, 01:46 PM.


                  Originally posted by weinsoldner

                  That's the way the negative was scanned. It shows it as a positive afterwards.
                  can anybody share some more info on the cufftitle "reichsfuhrung-ss" ?

                  I never thought of that before...but of course you can reverse this electronically after you have scanned an image... why, why or why did I never think of that before... Cheers, Torsten.


                    Thank you Max and Robin for the info on this man.



                      Here's a little more.

                      ~ Mike

                      Feketehalmy-Czeydner, Ferenc vitéz - recte Franz Zeidner<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o></o>

                      Waffen-Gruppenführer und <o></o>

                      Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS <o></o>



                      Born: 22.11.1890 in Piski, Hungary.<o></o>

                      Executed: 05.11.1946 in Zsabyla / South Batchka, Yugoslavia (hanged).<o></o>



                      18.08.1910 Hadnagy (Second-Lieutenant)(with seniority from 01.09.1910)<o></o>

                      01.08.1914 Föhadnagy (First-Lieutenant) <o></o>

                      01.09.1917 Szazados (Captain, General Staff) <o></o>

                      01.05.1925 Örnagy (Major, General Staff) <o></o>

                      01.05.1929 Alezredes (Lieutenant-Colonel, General Staff) <o></o>

                      01.11.1934 Ezredes (Colonel) <o></o>

                      01.11.1939 Vezérörnagy (Major-General) <o></o>

                      01.11.1941 Altabornagy (Lieutenant-General) <o></o>

                      01.03.1944 SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS<o></o>

                      01.11.1944 SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS a.D.<o></o>

                      01.12.1944 Vezérezredes (General)(with seniority from 01.01.1944)<o></o>

                      18.01.1945 Waffen-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen- SS (mit Wirkung vom <o></o>




                      00.00.1904 – 00.00.1907 Attended the k.u.k. Artillerie-Kadettenschule at Traiskirchen / Niederösterreich.<o></o>

                      00.00.1907 – 00.00.1910 Attended the k.u.k. Technischen Militär-Akademie in Mödling, near Wien.<o></o>

                      18.08.1910 – 00.00.1913 Assigned to k.u.k. Feldhaubitz-Regiment Nr. 12 (a field howitzer unit based in <o></o>

                      Nagyszeben, Hungary).<o></o>

                      00.00.1913 – 00.00.1915 Entered Royal Hungarian Landwehr, assigned to Royal Hungarian Honvéd <o></o>

                      Feldkanonen-Regiment Nr. 8 (Base: Lugos, Hungary).<o></o>

                      00.00.1915 – 00.00.1918 Assigned to the Royal Hungarian General Staff. He was assigned as a General <o></o>

                      Staff Officer to k.u.k. 2.Korps-Kommando (Austro-Hungarian 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Army Corps Command) by the end of the war in 11.1918).<o></o>

                      00.00.1919 Entered the newly-reformed Royal Hungarian Army.<o></o>

                      00.04.1920 – 00.10.1920 Attached to Section 1 in the Honvéd Ministry.<o></o>

                      00.10.1920 – 00.05.1924 Instructor at the Hungarian Ludovika Military Academy, Budapest.<o></o>

                      01.01.1924 – 00.00.1925 First General Staff Officer of the 7<SUP>th</SUP> Mixed Brigade (Base: Miskolc). <o></o>

                      Simultaneously assigned as a Professor of Tactics at the Hungarian War Academy in Budapest. He also studied at the Sorbonne in Paris during this period.<o></o>

                      00.05.1924 – 00.07.1924 Field service with 1st Artillery Detachment.<o></o>

                      00.00.1925 – 00.00.1927 Instructor at the Ludovika Military Academy.<o></o>

                      00.00.1927 – 31.10.1934 Assigned to the Royal Hungarian Honvéd (Defense) Ministry.<o></o>

                      00.00.1927 – 00.00.1929 Deputy Chief of Training in the Honvéd Ministry.<o></o>

                      00.00.1933 – 00.00.1935 Chief of Staff of the Air Office.<o></o>

                      00.00.1935 – 00.04.1938 Deputy Chief of the Air Office.<o></o>

                      00.04.1938 – 00.01.1939 Chief of Air Force Bureau, Honvéd Ministry.<o></o>

                      23.01.1938 – 00.11.1938 Chief of the General Staff for Aviation and Deputy Director of the Air Office in <o></o>

                      the Honvéd Ministry.<o></o>

                      00.11.1938 – 01.03.1940 Commander of 6<SUP>th</SUP> Infantry Brigade (HQ: Komárom).<o></o>

                      01.03.1940 – 31.07.1941 Chief of the General Staff, 1<SUP>st</SUP> Army (HQ: Szolnok, then Klausenburg).<o></o>

                      01.08.1941 – 20.08.1942 Commanding General of Vth Army Corps (HQ: Szeged). Succeeded General <o></o>

                      Antal Silley. He was relieved of duty and succeeded by General Frigyes Gyimessy). Between 04.01.1942 and 24.01.1942, his Corps assisted the local Gendarmerie and other police units in “combing” operations in the Sajkas area of Yugoslavia’s South Batschka region, ordering the arrest of 7,000 people for alleged involvement in partisan activities after a band of Cetniks was encountered at Ujvidek/Novi Sad, 04.01.1942 - 24.01.1942. He used three infantry battalions under László Déak who worked with Colonel Ferenc Fothy of the Gendarmerie. He ordered that Zsabyla and the surrounding villages encircled and their populations systematically massacred. A total of over 4,000 were killed. He reported that they had to perish because “they had supported partisans” and in the case of the children because “they might take revenge when they grew up”. The decision was taken on 12.01.1942 to extend operations to Ujvidek (Novi Sad) and General Ferenc Szombathelyi gave the order to Feketehalmy-Czeydner on 17.01.1942. Czeydner gave the task to József Grassy and Captain Marton Zoldi of the Gendarmerie. The city was surrounded and mass executions began, with Czeydner insisting he wanted to see more bodies. A total of 3,309 people were killed.<o></o>

                      21.12.1941 – [early-01.1942?] Hospitalized with cancer of the vocal cords at the Honvéd Sanatorium in <o></o>


                      01.12.1942 Retired with pension from Royal Hungarian Army.<o></o>

                      00.03.1943 – 00.00.1943 Manager of an aircraft factory at Mátyásföld.<o></o>

                      15.12.1943 Brought before a special court of the Hungarian General Staff headed by the <o></o>

                      country’s new Minister President Nikolaus von Nagy-Kallo to answer charges of excesses committed by his command from 04.01.1942 to 30.01.1942. Feketehalmy-Czeydner and the other 14 defendants claimed they had acted on the orders of the Minister of Defense, Bartha and the Minister of the Interior, Keresztes-Fischer. Feketehalmy-Czeydner was sentenced to death and dismissed from the Army. He and the other defendants were granted bail so they could appeal their sentences. <o></o>

                      11.01.1944 While on bail, and with assistance from the Austrian Archduke Albrecht, fled to <o></o>

                      Germany for political asylum along with his subordinate, József Grassy.<o></o>

                      16.01.1944 – 28.02.1944 In protective custody of the SD.<o></o>

                      01.03.1944 – 01.07.1944 Entered Waffen-SS at the request of Heinrich Himmler, assigned to <o></o>

                      Fuhrerreserve in the SS-Führungshauptamt.<o></o>

                      15.03.1944 Degraded and sentenced to death in absentia, Budapest.<o></o>

                      23.03.1944 – 26.05.1944 Hospitalized at the SS Lazarett Wien XIII/110.<o></o>

                      26.05.1944 – 01.07.1944 Hospitalized in the Kurlazarett Semmering.<o></o>

                      01.07.1944 – 09.08.1944 (Nominal) Stellvertretender Kommandierender General II.SS-Panzer-Korps. <o></o>

                      Under Willi Bittrich; during this period worked on a memoir of the Normandy fighting, for which he had been commissioned by the Oberkommando des Heeres.<o></o>

                      09.08.1944 – 15.10.1944 Assigned to Führerreserve / SS-Führungshauptamt.<o></o>

                      05.09.1944 – 22.09.1944 Attached as an observer to the following Main Offices:<o></o>

                      05.09.1944 – 08.09.1944 Reichssicherheitshauptamt.<o></o>

                      09.09.1944 – 13.09.1944 SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt.<o></o>

                      14.09.1944 – 18.09.1944 Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle.<o></o>

                      19.09.1944 – 22.09.1944 Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei.<o></o>

                      16.10.1944 Returned to Hungary and officially reactivated in Hungarian Army by the new <o></o>

                      National Leader, Count Ferenc Szalasi.<o></o>

                      17.10.1944 – 01.05.1945 Deputy Honvéd (Defense) Minister; Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal <o></o>

                      Hungarian Army; and Deputy Chief of the General Staff to Colonel-General Beregfy (in Budapest, later in Köszeg).<o></o>

                      01.11.1944 Retired from Waffen-SS service.<o></o>

                      22.12.1944 – 00.00.1945 Hospitalized.<o></o>

                      00.01.1945 Diagnosed with throat cancer.<o></o>

                      00.03.1945 – 00.04.1945 Returned to Waffen-SS service, assigned as Kommandierender General of <o></o>

                      XVII.(ungarisch) SS-Korps (which existed only on paper).<o></o>

                      18.03.1945 – 07.04.1945 Again hospitalized in SS Lazarett Wien XIII/110. He underwent an operation to <o></o>

                      remove a polyp from his vocal cords in 03.1945.<o></o>


                      Postwar Prosecution:<o></o>

                      Voluntarily surrendered to U.S. troops at Weissenbach am Attersee / Oberösterreich, 10.05.1945. Released to his family. Rearrested by OSS agents, 14.07.1945 and transported as a leading war criminal to Nürnberg. Dismissed from the Hungarian Army, 19.06.1945. Extradited to Budapest and imprisoned there from 11.1945 to 01.1946. Sentenced to death by Budapest court, 21.03.1946. Extradited to Yugoslavia and tried by a “Partisan Court” in Novi Sad, 24.10.1946 - 30.10.1946 (for ordering the roundup and massacre of an estimated 2,000 people by Hungarian troops at Ujvidék / Novi Sad in 01.1942). He was sentenced to death. <o></o>


                      Decorations & Awards:<o></o>

                      00.00.191_ Österreichisch-Ungarische Order der Eisernen Krone III.Klasse mit <o></o>

                      Kriegsdekoration und Schwertern (Austria-Hungary)<o></o>

                      00.00.191_ Österreichisch-Ungarische Militär-Verdienstkreuz III.Klasse mit <o></o>

                      Kriegsdekoration und Schwertern (Austria-Hungary)<o></o>

                      00.00.191_ Österreichische Militär-Verdienst-Medaille (Signum Laudis) in Silber (Austria-<o></o>


                      00.00.191_ Österreichische Militär-Verdienst-Medaille (Signum Laudis) in Bronze (Austria-<o></o>


                      00.00.191_ Karl-Truppenkreuz (Austria-Hungary) <o></o>

                      00.00.19__ Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit (Hungary)<o></o>

                      00.00.19__ Knight’s Order of Vitéz (Hungary)<o></o>

                      00.00.19__ Breast Star of the Order of St. Stephen (Hungary) <o></o>

                      00.00.19__ Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit (Hungary) <o></o>

                      00.00.19__ Order of the Holy Crown of Hungary <o></o>

                      00.00.19__ Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit with Swords (Hungary) <o></o>

                      00.00.19__ National Defense Cross with Swords and War Decoration (Hungary)<o></o>

                      00.00.19__ Army Long Service Medal (for 30 years’ service)(Hungary) <o></o>

                      00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse (Germany) <o></o>

                      00.00.193_ Verdienstkreuz des Ordens vom Deutschen Adler 1.Stufe (Nazi Germany)<o></o>

                      00.00.193_ War Commemorative Medal (Bulgaria) <o></o>



                      * Son of the shopkeeper Gustav Zeidner. Born as Ferenc Zeidner; changed his name to the more Hungarian-sounding Feketehalmi-Czeydner between the two World Wars. Family originated in the community of Zeiden in the Siebenbürgen area (hence the family name); the Hungarian name for Zeiden is Feketehalm.<o></o>

                      * Vocal Germanophile and a rabid anti-semite.<o></o>


                        As far as I know he was the commander in charge of the 25th Waffen-Grenadierdivision of the SS "Hunyadi" when the unit retreated to Germany.

                        (But I may be wrong...)



                          I have some doubts on the photo identification. On the pic we can see a War Merit Cross with Swords and a Wound Badge. As far as I know Ogr. Feketehalmy never got any of these.

                          Btw. he wasn't a division commander .




                            I am now certain that this SS-Gruf. is August Meyszner. Sorry for the previous misleading ID.


                              Thanks Max for shedding more light un this picture.

                              All I know about Gruppenfuhrer and Generalleutnant der Polizei
                              August Edler von Meyszner is this:

                              1941 Befehlshaber de Polizei in Norway
                              1942 Hohere SS and Polizeifuhrer in Serbia

                              Who can tell me more about him?



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