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How look a Me 321????

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    How look a Me 321????

    I have a photo from this Glider but i think he is damage??

    Can someone post a Me 321 from the side.....
    WZ+6 H??? Is that right? What for a Unit???

    picture please

    Hello Tommy,

    Is it possible to post the picture ?

    Cordial Greetings,
    my collectionfield : German glider pilots


      No...i have no Web server or associ9ation Member.....

      I send you the Photo....


        Me 321


        Here is the picture from Tommy => comments are welcome

        Cordial Greetings,
        Attached Files
        my collectionfield : German glider pilots



          Have Me 321 wheels???? Or not.... how have this item started???

          What is that for a Unit????


            Hi Tommy

            The Glider version of the Me321 was towed by a number of He111's & would have had wheels that would have fallen away once airborne. It would have used the skid to land. No idea about the unit.




              Me 321

              Hello Tommy ,

              Neil is partially correct => this large glider plane could be towed on several ways :

              * Troika schlepp : this was a towing with 3 Me 210 ( very very dangerous for the towing planes !!!!!!!!!! => resulted in many cases in the loss of one crew )

              * towing by a He 111 Z( willing ) or twin : this rare bird existed out of 2 He 111 that where build togheter ( creating a aeroplane with 2 body's, etc .. )

              * Ju 90 was also used in some rare cases ( little update )

              These where the most used towing planes for this big bird => they also mounted starting rockest underneath the wings to help this one in starting, once it was in the air these starting rockets where dropped and the towing machine ( s ) had to do the work.

              Indeed when ready for the take off the Me 321 had huge wheeles ( who where also dropped once in the air !! ) => and he landed ond gliding cuffs.

              I must check if I can find the unit ( not so evident !! ) , it seems to me that this one was damaged in a way as I have never seen that construction underneath the wings

              Cordial greetings,
              Last edited by Stijn David; 10-25-2002, 09:17 AM.
              my collectionfield : German glider pilots



                Me 321

                Hey Stijn/ Thommy,

                according to the great book " schleppte und flog Giganten" from Ernst Peter (Motorbuch-Verlag, 1976), page 34 and 35 you can see, that this 'big bird' is still okay. It ist the version without any motor/engine. The construction under the wing is ok. The unit should be the TG 5 (Transportgeschwader 5) As far as I now is this the only unit with the Me 321 and 326. I've the arward Documents from Oberstleutnant werner Mauss, commanding officer of the 1/TG 5. He flew the Me 321 over to Africa and Kreta
                (Documents for both cufftitle)




                  Giday Walter,

                  Would you mind listing for us all of the awards that Oberstleutnant Werner Mauss received and where possible the date of each award.

                  Many thanks.

                  Best wishes,

                  Ian Tannahill



                    Hey Ian,

                    first of all is that i change the first name. The correct name is
                    Günt(h)er Mauß. These are the documents I've from him:

                    - Verleihungsurkunde Flugzeugführer (pilot) as Öberfähnrich
                    vom 04.05.1937
                    - Dienstauszeichnung IV.Klasse als Leutnant
                    vom 01.03.1938
                    - EK 2. Klasse als Hauptmann
                    vom 12.05.1940 beim Kampfgeschwader z.b.V. 1
                    - Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger Bronze als Hauptmann
                    vom 01.11.1941 beim kampfgeschwader z.b.V. 1
                    - Ärmelband Kreta als ;ajor
                    vom 15.11.1942 als Angehöriger des XI. Fliegerkorps
                    - Frontflugspange in Gold für Transportflieger als Major
                    - Ärmelband Afrika als Major
                    vom 01.05.1943
                    - Deutsches Kreuz in Gold als Major
                    vom 16.08.1943

                    he is also winner of the luftwaffe Goblet of Honour vom 29.03. 1943 als Major und Kommandeur der I./TG 5 but this arwad document is missing in my group


                      Giday everyone,

                      Thanks Walter for taking the time to post a list of awards belonging to Mauß.

                      Best wishes,



                        Me 321 units

                        Tommy, the Me 321 A-1 & Me 321 B-1 was used for the following units:
                        -Baureihe der Me 321 (Construction series for), that six unit used the codes W1; W2; W3; W4; W5 and W6 (later in november 1942: GS-Kdo 1).
                        GS-Kdo: Grossraumlastenseglergruppe or Large Capacity Cargo Glider.
                        -GsKdo 2 code W8
                        -GsKdo 4 and GSKdo 22.
                        As you see all the units carried the code W and a number, no a letter.
                        The know codes carried for Me 321 are:
                        W1 + SD, SE, SF, SJ, ST, SY, SX (Me 321 B-1)
                        W2 + SA, SF, SH, SW, SZ
                        W3 + SE, SF, SG, SJ, ST, SV, SW, SY
                        W4 + SB
                        W5 + SA, SB
                        W6 + SW



                          codes on Gigant

                          Hello Lidrob,

                          Very interesting => could you explain where you did find the codes from these Me 321 ?

                          Cordial Greetings,
                          my collectionfield : German glider pilots



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