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Help with German War Graves Commission

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    Help with German War Graves Commission

    This website doesn't like me I just can't get my info to be accepted so I can trace a guy I have a huge document lot from.

    Can anyone please help and look up (and post here):

    Gefreiter Heinz, Schulze
    Date of Birth: 12 Januar 1907 in Molkau

    Many thanks!

    Edit: I know he survived the war as I have some post-war docs from him and that he was a Doctor, would this website be of no help to me then if he survived the war?

    My war-time driving licenses from him have his name listed as above, yet I have post-war docs that have his name listed as: "Dr. Rudolf Schulze-Dobold"

    I can post pics if it will help....
    Last edited by No~One; 09-06-2010, 10:10 AM.

    Here you go

    Zum Gedenken

    Nachname: Schulze
    Vorname: Heinz Max
    Dienstgrad: Unteroffizier
    Geburtsdatum: 12.01.1907
    Geburtsort: Mölkau
    Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 19.10.1943
    Todes-/Vermisstenort: Dmitrijewska

    Heinz Max Schulze wurde noch nicht auf einen vom Volksbund errichteten Soldatenfriedhof überführt oder konnte im Rahmen unserer Umbettungsarbeiten nicht geborgen werden. Nach den uns vorliegenden Informationen befindet sich sein Grab derzeit noch an folgendem Ort:

    Dimitrijewka / Kiew - Ukraine

    If your guy survived the war then this is not the same one obviously!


      The family name should be " Schulze - Döbold (Doebold) " but I could not find a Dr. Robert

      Schulze-Döbold in the Volksbund list. As you informed us hee survied WW2. So he could not

      be listed!



        The place name shoud be "Mölkau (Moelkau)" which is a district of Leipzig but the name

        Schulze is very common in Germany. You will find this name very often.

        In the recent German phone book you will find only 3 entries "Schulze-Döbold" - one in



          Thanks Steve & Gerdan for the research, I'll try to get some pics posted, maybe they can help.


            To Rob E.

            You wished some information about Heinz Schulze. I am a member of his family.

            Steven Baumgartner’s information in this thread about his death is correct. There were three brothers, born in Mölkau (now part of Leipzig): Heinz Schulze, Herbert Schulze and Rudolf Schulze. There is no person with the name Robert Schulze-Döbold, as mentioned in your thread.

            I will send you some more information to your private email-address if I can manage it.

            Peter Schulze


              Extremely late response,

              Peter I'd like to send you some scans of some documents I have of your father.

              Please send me your email and or physical address.



                After going through my items, I have documents for:

                Both Heinz Schulze AND Dr. jur. Rudolf Schulze-Dobold (to include post-war documents), I had initially thought that they were the same person for some reason, not brothers!

                Dr. jur. Rudolf Schulze-Dobold:

                Heinz Schulze:

                Please let me know if you'd like me to provide additional photos, I still have a few other documents.

                Also, any addition information anyone can provide in general would be much appreciated, I plan to never break up this grouping of brotherly history.
                Last edited by Rob E.; 05-19-2013, 12:50 AM. Reason: Addition of Photos.


                  Hello Rob E.,

                  I am very surprised that you have so many personal documents of my father. My father was Dr. Rudolf Schulze-Döbold. He added “Döbold” to “Schulze” before 1939, but his both brothers still kept their name “Schulze”. I found your last response by chance when I was searching in Google.

                  Please write me again to the following email-address so that we can write in a more private way:

                  Thank you and kind regards
                  Peter Schulze


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