Heeres-Flakartillerie-Ers.Abt. 276
Formed 3.11.1941 in Osnabrück, Wehrkreis VI, with 2./280. Itzehoe, as Stamm (cadre); 1.5.1942 moved to Hamm/Westf.; 1.10.1942 split up and then united again in April 1943 as Heeres-Flakartillerie-Ers.u.Ausb.Abt. 276; 1.2.1944 split up once again with the Ers.Abt. remaining in Hamm and in September 1944 mobilized a Flakbatterie 8.8 cm and three Kanonen-Kpn. (Grenadiere) as Walküreeinheiten (Walküre units); see Fla-Btl. 276. Unterstellung: Div. 166; 1.2.1943 Div. 176; Okt. 1944 Div. 466.
Fla-Btl. 276
Formed October 1944 in three Kpn.; probably by H.Flak-Art.Ers. und Ausb.Abt. 276 Hamm as Walküreeinheit (the 3 Kpn. as Grenadiere Kpn.?); last with the 347. Inf.Div. in the Saarpfalz (1. Armee).