Hallo, Hi
I'm busy researching everything from the SS-Sturmbrigade Langemarck (Vlaamsch Legioen). After been researching the structure and commanders, soldiers and volunteers of the Legion for 2 months (not much but it's quite a bit of information I've now). I've many names and these are not all listed, because many I've to place in the right kompanie as shown below. I want to thank Feldgrau for the Staff Legion on 10th November. I've added some names myself and deleted some (like double names..). Now I made myself a list, looks like the on of Feldgraue (where I got inspirated from to do it this way, I've begun listing names in Excel).
I post is here to get more information whether I'm right or wrong, names that are incorrect, wrong structure, more information on the persons. And that you could share information with me (and others). I myself gonna post here my findings, more names, the Kampfgruppe, structures at battles...
I hope you can help me as I will try to help you. To the English guys, some things are in Dutch, because I've written it all in Wordpad (yet) and I wrote it in my language (most thing which are gonna be post, but I'll try to post, translate it in English so you understand too).
I hope i explained myself what I'm trying to reach with this topic.
P.S: i'm 16( 3 december 17 ), I started researching from when I was 15. Did i start soon enough? I got bad luck since many veterans already died and I've never went to a reunion of them. I hope that I can study 'everything' of the Legion and I hope really you guys will help me to get me on the right way.
Someone that thinks I copied something, you're totaly wrong, I've written everything myself etc.. The idea to make a list like this is inspirated as it looks on Feldgrau.
I will edit the frontpost many times!
Kindly Regards
Bart V
Namenlijst: Kompagnieeën
Opstelling: Gevechtsopstelling
Vlaams Legioen - SS-Sturmbrigade Langemarck - Langemarck
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 10.11.1941
Kommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Michel Lippert
Kommandeur SS-Standartenführer Hans-Albert von Lettow-Vorbeck
Kommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Hallmann
Kommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Josef Fitzthum
Kommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
Kommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Harder
Stab Kompanie
Stubaf. Lippert (Replaced)
Staf. von Lettow-Vorbeck (KIA)
Hstuf. Hallmann
Ostubaf. Fitzthum (KIA)
Ostubaf. Schellong
Hstuf. Harder
Ustuf. Steffen (Replaced) (KIA)
Ustuf. Petereit (KIA)
Stubaf. Bohez
Ostuf. Seipold
Ostuf. Michel
Hsca. Odoj
Ustuf. Hepburn
Oscha. Mondschein (KIA 02.04.1942)
1. Schutzen-Kompanie
Ostuf. Nussbaum
Ostuf. Van der Smissen (KIA 05.03.1942)
Ostuf. Deicke
Ustuf. Lagast
Ustuf. Harder
Ustuf. Mahrenholz
2. Schutzen-Kompanie
Ustuf. Vieweger
Ustuf. Müller
Ustuf. Hoffmann
Ustuf. Breymann
Ustuf. Ritzau
Ustuf. Marteson
Ustuf. Delbaere
Ustuf. Tupuchies
Uscha. Glasauer
3. Schutzen-Kompanie
Ustuf. Moyen
Ustuf. Kühlbach
Ustuf. Kahrl
Ustuf. Köhn
Ustuf. Harder
Ustuf. Vogel
Ustuf. Werner
Oscha. Güsgen
Uscha. Fiebrandt
4. schwere Granatwerfer-Kompanie
Ustuf. Neuhäuser
Ustuf. Polsterer
Ustuf. Weingärtner
Ustuf. Moyen
Ustuf. Delbaere
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
Ustuf. Weingärtner
Ustuf. Dethier
Ustuf. Fürst
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 26.12.1943
(6.) SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Brigadekommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
Brig.-Stabscha. Hostalka
Ostuf. Teichert
I. Bataillon/SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
1. leichte Infanterie-Kompanie
Hstuf. Cambie
2. leichte Infanterie-Kompanie
Ostuf. Delft
Ustuf. Kislinger
3. leichte Infanterie-Kompanie
Ustuf. Bruyninckx
Oscha. Dröge (KIA)
4. schwere Infanterie-Kompanie
Ustuf. Van Der Weeën (MIA 04.03.1944)
II. Bataillon/SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
5. Infanteriegeschütz-Kompanie
Ustuf. Bogaert
6. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
7. Sturmgeschütz-Batterie
8. leichte Flugabwehr-Kompanie
9. schwere Flugabwehr-Kompanie
Ustuf. Geerts
10. Marsch-Kompanie
I. Kolonne
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 15.06.1944
6. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Brigadekommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
I. Bataillon/6. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Bataillonskommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Rehmann
1. Kompanie
2. Kompanie
3. Kompanie
4. schwere Kompanie
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
(Narwa-front als Kampfgruppe Rehmann)
II. Bataillon/6. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Bataillionskommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Johannes Oehms
6. Kompanie
7. Kompanie
8. Kompanie
9. schwere Kompanie
10. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
11. Infanteriegeschütz-Kompanie
12. Sturmgeschütz-Batterie
13. leichte Flugabwehr-Kompanie
14. schwere Flugabwehr-Kompanie
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 19.10.1944
27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Langemarck
Kommandeur SS-Standartenführer Thomas Müller
Staf. Müller
Ostubaf. Schellong
66. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier Regiment
Regimentskommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
Ostubaf. Schellong
Hstuf. Troffen
Ostuf. Teichert
Ustuf. Van den Abeele
I. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 66
Bataillonskommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
1. Kompanie
2. Kompanie
3. Kompanie
4. schwere Kompanie
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
II. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 66
6. Kompanie
7. Kompanie
9. Kompanie
10. schwere Kompanie
11. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
67. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier Regiment
I. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 67
1. Kompanie
2. Kompanie
3. Kompanie
4. schwere Kompanie
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
II. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 67
6. Kompanie
7. Kompanie
9. Kompanie
10. schwere Kompanie
11. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
27. SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung
Abteilungs-Kommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Wangemann
1. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
Ostuf. Kotlowski
2. schwere Infanteriegeschütz-Kompanie
Ustuf. Fischer
3. leichte Flugabwehr-Kompanie
Ostuf. Dillinger
4. Sturmgeschütz-Kompanie (12.1944 - 02.1945)
27. SS-Nachrichten Abteilung
Hstuf. Krause
Ustuf. Van den Abeele
27. SS-Artillerie-Regiment
Ustuf. Geerts
27. SS-Pioniers-Bataillon
27. SS-Sanitäters Abteilung
27. SS-Versorgungs-Regiment
Verwaltungs Regiment
Ostuf. Haut
I'm busy researching everything from the SS-Sturmbrigade Langemarck (Vlaamsch Legioen). After been researching the structure and commanders, soldiers and volunteers of the Legion for 2 months (not much but it's quite a bit of information I've now). I've many names and these are not all listed, because many I've to place in the right kompanie as shown below. I want to thank Feldgrau for the Staff Legion on 10th November. I've added some names myself and deleted some (like double names..). Now I made myself a list, looks like the on of Feldgraue (where I got inspirated from to do it this way, I've begun listing names in Excel).
I post is here to get more information whether I'm right or wrong, names that are incorrect, wrong structure, more information on the persons. And that you could share information with me (and others). I myself gonna post here my findings, more names, the Kampfgruppe, structures at battles...
I hope you can help me as I will try to help you. To the English guys, some things are in Dutch, because I've written it all in Wordpad (yet) and I wrote it in my language (most thing which are gonna be post, but I'll try to post, translate it in English so you understand too).
I hope i explained myself what I'm trying to reach with this topic.
P.S: i'm 16( 3 december 17 ), I started researching from when I was 15. Did i start soon enough? I got bad luck since many veterans already died and I've never went to a reunion of them. I hope that I can study 'everything' of the Legion and I hope really you guys will help me to get me on the right way.
Someone that thinks I copied something, you're totaly wrong, I've written everything myself etc.. The idea to make a list like this is inspirated as it looks on Feldgrau.
I will edit the frontpost many times!
Kindly Regards
Bart V
Namenlijst: Kompagnieeën
Opstelling: Gevechtsopstelling
Vlaams Legioen - SS-Sturmbrigade Langemarck - Langemarck
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 10.11.1941
Kommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Michel Lippert
Kommandeur SS-Standartenführer Hans-Albert von Lettow-Vorbeck
Kommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Hallmann
Kommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Josef Fitzthum
Kommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
Kommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Harder
Stab Kompanie
Stubaf. Lippert (Replaced)
Staf. von Lettow-Vorbeck (KIA)
Hstuf. Hallmann
Ostubaf. Fitzthum (KIA)
Ostubaf. Schellong
Hstuf. Harder
Ustuf. Steffen (Replaced) (KIA)
Ustuf. Petereit (KIA)
Stubaf. Bohez
Ostuf. Seipold
Ostuf. Michel
Hsca. Odoj
Ustuf. Hepburn
Oscha. Mondschein (KIA 02.04.1942)
1. Schutzen-Kompanie
Ostuf. Nussbaum
Ostuf. Van der Smissen (KIA 05.03.1942)
Ostuf. Deicke
Ustuf. Lagast
Ustuf. Harder
Ustuf. Mahrenholz
2. Schutzen-Kompanie
Ustuf. Vieweger
Ustuf. Müller
Ustuf. Hoffmann
Ustuf. Breymann
Ustuf. Ritzau
Ustuf. Marteson
Ustuf. Delbaere
Ustuf. Tupuchies
Uscha. Glasauer
3. Schutzen-Kompanie
Ustuf. Moyen
Ustuf. Kühlbach
Ustuf. Kahrl
Ustuf. Köhn
Ustuf. Harder
Ustuf. Vogel
Ustuf. Werner
Oscha. Güsgen
Uscha. Fiebrandt
4. schwere Granatwerfer-Kompanie
Ustuf. Neuhäuser
Ustuf. Polsterer
Ustuf. Weingärtner
Ustuf. Moyen
Ustuf. Delbaere
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
Ustuf. Weingärtner
Ustuf. Dethier
Ustuf. Fürst
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 26.12.1943
(6.) SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Brigadekommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
Brig.-Stabscha. Hostalka
Ostuf. Teichert
I. Bataillon/SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
1. leichte Infanterie-Kompanie
Hstuf. Cambie
2. leichte Infanterie-Kompanie
Ostuf. Delft
Ustuf. Kislinger
3. leichte Infanterie-Kompanie
Ustuf. Bruyninckx
Oscha. Dröge (KIA)
4. schwere Infanterie-Kompanie
Ustuf. Van Der Weeën (MIA 04.03.1944)
II. Bataillon/SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
5. Infanteriegeschütz-Kompanie
Ustuf. Bogaert
6. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
7. Sturmgeschütz-Batterie
8. leichte Flugabwehr-Kompanie
9. schwere Flugabwehr-Kompanie
Ustuf. Geerts
10. Marsch-Kompanie
I. Kolonne
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 15.06.1944
6. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Brigadekommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
I. Bataillon/6. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Bataillonskommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Rehmann
1. Kompanie
2. Kompanie
3. Kompanie
4. schwere Kompanie
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
(Narwa-front als Kampfgruppe Rehmann)
II. Bataillon/6. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Langemarck
Bataillionskommandeur SS-Hauptsturmführer Johannes Oehms
6. Kompanie
7. Kompanie
8. Kompanie
9. schwere Kompanie
10. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
11. Infanteriegeschütz-Kompanie
12. Sturmgeschütz-Batterie
13. leichte Flugabwehr-Kompanie
14. schwere Flugabwehr-Kompanie
************************************************** ************************************************** ************
Gevechtsopstelling vanaf 19.10.1944
27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Langemarck
Kommandeur SS-Standartenführer Thomas Müller
Staf. Müller
Ostubaf. Schellong
66. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier Regiment
Regimentskommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
Ostubaf. Schellong
Hstuf. Troffen
Ostuf. Teichert
Ustuf. Van den Abeele
I. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 66
Bataillonskommandeur SS-Obersturmbannführer Konrad Schellong
1. Kompanie
2. Kompanie
3. Kompanie
4. schwere Kompanie
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
II. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 66
6. Kompanie
7. Kompanie
9. Kompanie
10. schwere Kompanie
11. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
67. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier Regiment
I. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 67
1. Kompanie
2. Kompanie
3. Kompanie
4. schwere Kompanie
5. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
II. Bataillon/27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 67
6. Kompanie
7. Kompanie
9. Kompanie
10. schwere Kompanie
11. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
27. SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung
Abteilungs-Kommandeur SS-Sturmbannführer Wangemann
1. Panzerjäger-Kompanie
Ostuf. Kotlowski
2. schwere Infanteriegeschütz-Kompanie
Ustuf. Fischer
3. leichte Flugabwehr-Kompanie
Ostuf. Dillinger
4. Sturmgeschütz-Kompanie (12.1944 - 02.1945)
27. SS-Nachrichten Abteilung
Hstuf. Krause
Ustuf. Van den Abeele
27. SS-Artillerie-Regiment
Ustuf. Geerts
27. SS-Pioniers-Bataillon
27. SS-Sanitäters Abteilung
27. SS-Versorgungs-Regiment
Verwaltungs Regiment
Ostuf. Haut