The dedication is as follows (each forward slash is a new line): (name changed to protect the innocent)
"Ihrem Oblt. de Zeng/ 1. Zug Res. Offz./ Okt. 1935" On an army officers dagger
The phrase "Ihrem Oblt. de Zeng. 1. Zug..." is clear to me as a formula often seen in dedications of this nature: To their Oblt x. (from, signed..) the unit in question.
What puzzles me is the next phrase in the order given and in the same line: 1. Zug. Res. Offz. It doesnt make any sense to me that Res. offz. is referring to 1. Zug.... a platoon made up of reserve officers??? On the other hand if the Res. offz. was this "our Oblt." then I would expect the proper abbreviation in the right order "Ihrem Oblt d. R."
Any thoughts appreciated
"Ihrem Oblt. de Zeng/ 1. Zug Res. Offz./ Okt. 1935" On an army officers dagger
The phrase "Ihrem Oblt. de Zeng. 1. Zug..." is clear to me as a formula often seen in dedications of this nature: To their Oblt x. (from, signed..) the unit in question.
What puzzles me is the next phrase in the order given and in the same line: 1. Zug. Res. Offz. It doesnt make any sense to me that Res. offz. is referring to 1. Zug.... a platoon made up of reserve officers??? On the other hand if the Res. offz. was this "our Oblt." then I would expect the proper abbreviation in the right order "Ihrem Oblt d. R."
Any thoughts appreciated