The ball hinges are my favorite. They just seem nicer quality pieces.
I'm with you on that. The early Assman is a nice badge too, and my second favorite. It is quite thick and heavy, but the Assman eagle doesn't look as good to me as the unknown maker's. I prefer the delicate details and the unique hardware.
I'll always have an affinity for the ball hinge flak anyway. She was my first war badge. Kinda like your first girlfriend........
I can't believe that the Juncker flaks get more votes than the Brehmers and the ball hinge Gablonzers
Juncker was a prolific maker and a mass producer, and a maker of more "Monday morning" badges than anyone else IMO. Sure, a good looking eagle's face, but it's only a face. You gotta look at the details!
Remember that when looking for a woman
I can't believe that the Juncker flaks get more votes than the Brehmers and the ball hinge Gablonzers
Juncker was a prolific maker and a mass producer, and a maker of more "Monday morning" badges than anyone else IMO. Sure, a good looking eagle's face, but it's only a face. You gotta look at the details!
Remember that when looking for a woman
For me it's Juncker every time now that I have one of my own and have had a good look at it.
the eagles face shows gritty determination: no harmless looking parrot on a juncker, unlike some of the eagles on other flaks
as for the analogy about women: id much prefer a pretty face than a toothless hag i don't care what the details are..