Hello Guys,
Bump this thread today as something interesting just popped on another forum. This little picture have been posted which is from apparently a very late war catalogue from Juncker showing a round wreath badge with price. Sorry this is the only picture posted and size is very very small on purpose as the owner don't want to show more or say more than said below???
Here is the description from the owner:
"Is pictured in a late war brochure of a C.E. Juncker. Pic of the front, price and general description along with the item number."
The owner don' want to show or discussed anything as some material have been stealed from him and as you guys may imaging he light up a fire on this forum with good reasons. BUT, nothing is into the LVBl . It should be in one of them if official. Unless it was founded after February 1945 (last issues). But by then Juncker didn’t print catalogs!
So original or there is a chance that this is a hoax or a fake forgery? Anyone saw something like this before?
Bump this thread today as something interesting just popped on another forum. This little picture have been posted which is from apparently a very late war catalogue from Juncker showing a round wreath badge with price. Sorry this is the only picture posted and size is very very small on purpose as the owner don't want to show more or say more than said below???
Here is the description from the owner:
"Is pictured in a late war brochure of a C.E. Juncker. Pic of the front, price and general description along with the item number."
The owner don' want to show or discussed anything as some material have been stealed from him and as you guys may imaging he light up a fire on this forum with good reasons. BUT, nothing is into the LVBl . It should be in one of them if official. Unless it was founded after February 1945 (last issues). But by then Juncker didn’t print catalogs!
So original or there is a chance that this is a hoax or a fake forgery? Anyone saw something like this before?