your badge is a Pfortzheim made piece of the "Schickle design".
This looks like a zinc award so it was probably produced by B.H.Mayer .
Lovely detail and a very nice badge.
Hi Guys,
While I agree with the first part of Martin's description (and the part about "very nice badge" ), I still feel this badge was made by Otto Schickle and not Mayer. Mayer used a different reverse setup than this on his entire line of zinc badges and always used base plates, whereas these Schickle-design zincers use the same setups as Schickle's Tombak products, including the use of that very distinctive rounded catch. Schickle was making EK2s with zinc cores in early 1941 and was an apparent early adopter of zinc manufacturer.
After Schickle's disbarment by the PK in July, 1941 all of his remaining stock was sold off by the Pforzheim Chamber of Commerce under the watchful eye of the LDO or scattered elsewhere, and the badge forensics suggest this most likely included both the Tombak and zinc products.
Here is a zinc Schickle-design Minesweeper with the same setup as that U-Boat but stamped with an L/56 for F&BL. There is no reason for a Mayer product to be stamped by another company and this is the third Schickle product to show up with an L/56 mark suggesting Funke & Brueninghaus, Lüdenscheid was another recipient of some leftover Schickle stock.