Here is an interesting badge I picked up recently. Everything about it appears to be an original JFS destroyer but it has a sheet metal hinge as opposed to the usual ball type with crimping. Having looked at it closely this is not a repair- there is no evidence of grinding down a broken crimp and the finish on the hinge is the same toned gilding as on the reverse of the badge.
I found one single other example which was assessed as a repaired original with the exact same type of pin setup, again this one shows no obvious signs of actual repair
As such I think we can conclude that this is a legitimate albeit very rare variant and that at some point very late on either
1. The crimping device for the hinge failed (as we see on RS&S luft clasps, round crimp PABs etc)
2. They ran out of ball hinges so utilised sheet metal for a short run.
Here it is....
I found one single other example which was assessed as a repaired original with the exact same type of pin setup, again this one shows no obvious signs of actual repair
As such I think we can conclude that this is a legitimate albeit very rare variant and that at some point very late on either
1. The crimping device for the hinge failed (as we see on RS&S luft clasps, round crimp PABs etc)
2. They ran out of ball hinges so utilised sheet metal for a short run.
Here it is....