Originally posted by Peter J.
I think I understand what is confusing you here. You think you saw two flatback badge with the same ball hinge and concluded that both were possibly made buy the same guys that made the Aurich Flatback fake with ball hinge.
Based upon the last pic's kokstok posted you can clearly see that this IAB isn't a flatback but a nicely vaulted badge.
The flatback PAB fakes aren't given away only by the fact that they are flatbacks there is much more wrong with them
1. there setup is in correct
2. The Aurich design was also used by the same guys to make the flatback AS in triangle version with a different setup
3. The grass design of the aurich flatback is close but no match to an original aurich
4. The material is wrong
And one last point the setup on kokstok's IAB maybe shares a ball hinge that comes very close to the flatback fakes but for sure doesn't share the fake Aurich catch (see pic). In fact non of the flatback PAB fakes feature a crimped in catch.
So hopefully this makes things a little more clear for you
Flatback Aurich catch, not a crimp but something that was soldered on to the badge to immitate the crimp look.