and the reverse, as with the PAB 25 I will have this early next week from the same seller so will post better photo's.
again looks good to me so your initial thoughts greatly appreciated
Steve C
Not so quick. These badges have been faked to a very high standard. We simply need better images including a picture with the pin in the down position. From these pictures the finish does not look typical for RK and I am not sure about the rivets either. Also, the fit of the eagle in the wreath gives me concerns. This badge might be a good one, or it might not.
best wishes,
Hi guys,
i agree with you on the bad fitting on this type of badge,i have two 25 and 50 both 100% original,they all have same problem on the left side of the wing bad fitting, one of the examples in Frank book page 334 looks even worse its Karneth Rudolf design mistake and of course better pictures always help but this is what it is.
best regards,
p.s. same goes for the head some fits good some have that gap,but left wing is loose fit on all.