Originally posted by Drapeau Noir
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I just find it odd that you can develop a production figure. I've seen other odd production figures thrown around for other badges also. There was a german site that said only 20000 PABs were awarded throughout the war. At 5 men per tank crew that is 5000 tanks elligible. The germans produced how many tanks throuhout the war? How many men were assigned to crews? How many must have earned thier PAB just for the battle of France in 1940? How many more in the opening days of Barbarossa? How many PABs did each man go though over the years? Apply this formula to every other award. Now how many awards were destroyed in bombing attacks, lost in over run supply depots etc...? The CCC in bronze was basically handed out to every guy that had been on the Eastern Front for 18 months when it was first instituted. What was the production figue for that? Look at the number of manufacturers. If you only needed a few why would so many companies be tasked to make them? Even the BKA was made by a conglomerate of several companies.
Just some rambling thoughts on production vs awarded numbers.