great badges but not matching as if they were from the same die! The gold grade (the first gold grade I've ever seen from this maker) has the characteristic "square" where the upper wreath meets the swordhandle - the others do not show this feature!
I would really appriciate having good highres scans/pics and measurements on all your 2. model Antipartisans as I'm studying these intensly, please if you get the time mail me at:
Bob can you confirm that your bronce is the same type as this, hook with no visible catchplate and long pin (a bit thinner than on others)? Yours is the third I've seen and only in highend/old collections
And last, your silver "three holer" is the most detailed among 2.model Anti Partisans and recognised by the fine cranium lines! So to sum it all up you got three great badges from different dies
Heres pics of one formerly in my collection (hope its ok with the new owner)