I can only agree, these are common fake bags that have been around for many decades fooling people. They are actually a little too small to actually fit a clasp in there properly, and if you rub the black writing it comes off very easily, as if put on by a laser printer.
The originals in comparison only had "LDO" on the bag, never Nahkampfspange.
If it doesn't have a hinge and catch, I'm not interested......well, maybe a little
New Book - The German Close Combat Clasp of World War II
Manion what did you expect from Manion they were the worst of the worst one of the biggest rip offs out there they would lie right to your face and did not care.
I heard the same thing about Manions, but I haven't shopped there in years so not sure about that. When I started collecting about 20 years ago, Manions still had a somewhat decent name, atleast for beginning collectors who didn't know anyone in the hobby. I bought my first CCC from them! Turned out to be fake ofcourse, was a nice lesson for me early on to do my homework!
If it doesn't have a hinge and catch, I'm not interested......well, maybe a little
New Book - The German Close Combat Clasp of World War II
I bought around four or so badges from Manions in the early 90s when I first started collecting and two turned out to be fake. I did return them and got a refund, but I’m pretty sure they just resold them. I did sell some stuff through them and their catalogs were good to look at to see what things sold for, but you were taking your chances when buying from them.