I picked up cased gold and silver wound badges over the weekend. The badges are great (silver zinc "100" and gold tombak "30" with needle pin). But I'm not a case collector, and since the two cases differ, I'd like to get some opinions.
Here's the inside of the maroon case that the gold "30" badge came in. It has no markings anywhere. The metal hinge is magnetic; it has no catch. I couldn't get the insert out to see what was underneath it, but it's not a domed flocking-covered insert like an EK case. It's more a flocking-covered piece of thick cardboard. The case is maroon all over on the outside. It measures 69.7mm (on the side that includes the hinge) by 68.5mm.
Here's the inside of the maroon case that the gold "30" badge came in. It has no markings anywhere. The metal hinge is magnetic; it has no catch. I couldn't get the insert out to see what was underneath it, but it's not a domed flocking-covered insert like an EK case. It's more a flocking-covered piece of thick cardboard. The case is maroon all over on the outside. It measures 69.7mm (on the side that includes the hinge) by 68.5mm.