Hello from France
I am sixty years old, now retired photograph, and have for hobby "Boxes" cameras collection (also small and tiny microscops...)
Nothing in touch with your own interest ?
In fact just by an anecdotic link :
One of the most important (I believe (?) badges, and items like this, manufacturers was FLL
After the war FLL turned his activity in a totaly different way : making simples cameras, those called "Box"
various models made by this manufacturer have the same familly look.
It is possible to find a lot of variant (more than 10) with differents brand names : LINDI, LINDAR, RIMEI, RIMCO, REPORTER,
And it seems that Linden was also a contract manufacturer for all the BRAUN brand models : for exemle the IMPERIAL model looks similar design but larger vertical size,
and the same drawing on the front plate than one of the Linden, I am lucky to have both and can compare them.
It seems the Linden factory is still in activity : same name in the same town, but if they are realy the same manufacture
it is for something very different than cameras but more close than their original business: the brand badges you can see on the cars !
they are BMW ,VW ,Volvo, Nissan and others majors cars manufacturers suppliers....
I tryed to have informations from them about "boxes" products beetween 1949 --> 1952 but they never answers,
so I am afraid they will probably no more reply about “war productions” because if they are not proud about camera production
they probably prefer forget their third Reich period ...
Is it possible to see Friedrich Linden Lüdenscheid used FLL in three circles (F) (L) (L) on German third Reich badges ?
And please excuse my poor English learnt only during two years; it was now 45 years ago...
I am sixty years old, now retired photograph, and have for hobby "Boxes" cameras collection (also small and tiny microscops...)
Nothing in touch with your own interest ?
In fact just by an anecdotic link :
One of the most important (I believe (?) badges, and items like this, manufacturers was FLL
After the war FLL turned his activity in a totaly different way : making simples cameras, those called "Box"
various models made by this manufacturer have the same familly look.
It is possible to find a lot of variant (more than 10) with differents brand names : LINDI, LINDAR, RIMEI, RIMCO, REPORTER,
And it seems that Linden was also a contract manufacturer for all the BRAUN brand models : for exemle the IMPERIAL model looks similar design but larger vertical size,
and the same drawing on the front plate than one of the Linden, I am lucky to have both and can compare them.
It seems the Linden factory is still in activity : same name in the same town, but if they are realy the same manufacture
it is for something very different than cameras but more close than their original business: the brand badges you can see on the cars !
they are BMW ,VW ,Volvo, Nissan and others majors cars manufacturers suppliers....
I tryed to have informations from them about "boxes" products beetween 1949 --> 1952 but they never answers,
so I am afraid they will probably no more reply about “war productions” because if they are not proud about camera production
they probably prefer forget their third Reich period ...
Is it possible to see Friedrich Linden Lüdenscheid used FLL in three circles (F) (L) (L) on German third Reich badges ?
And please excuse my poor English learnt only during two years; it was now 45 years ago...