I found this 25 year SS medal in a local antique store. The pictures aren't the greatest, but they gave me a very limited time to snap it. The price is right if this is authentic, but i do not know. This certainly isn't my field. And, honestly, i am not really sure what i am looking for here. Opinions needed quickly because the store isn't open on Sunday and i will be out of town next week. I am very appreciative in advance of your help.
I found this 25 year SS medal in a local antique store. The pictures aren't the greatest, but they gave me a very limited time to snap it. The price is right if this is authentic, but i do not know. This certainly isn't my field. And, honestly, i am not really sure what i am looking for here. Opinions needed quickly because the store isn't open on Sunday and i will be out of town next week. I am very appreciative in advance of your help.