David Hiorth


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Crusade Question

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    Just for interest, a copy of the award certificate (pretty basic) to a Leutnant in the Luftwaffe. This is no longer in my possession, so apologies to the new owner!

    best wishes
    Tim O.
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      Thanks for starting this thread as it developed in to quite an educational one for me.

      Zinc stinks!


        in this thread with the rare paper packet, with some info about the bar MAREA NIGRA
        cheers, Raffaello
        "six italians, dressed in rather unusual diving suits and equipped with materials of laughably little cost have swung the military balance of power in the Mediterranean in favour of the Axis".


          Originally posted by McCulloh View Post
          By the way Brian, I think you photo shows an Austrian Anschluss medal in the button hole- a big one too. Also, I'd wager $100 that the medal bar shown was a navy bar.
          McCulloh - See the image below - zooming in shows the middle design of the "Crusade" medal. Unfortunately I no longer have this portrait in my collection, though.

          As for the medal bar, I agree about the KM possibility based on the existence of the Memellandes medal (I'd love to see/own a KM version of an Ostmedaille doc) I'd imagine this was for the the KM support of the Krim invasion of summer 1942. I wonder if the recipient was back for the mini Dunkirk a year or so later when the Germans evacuated Sevastopal.

          Great info as usual, McCulloh. Thanks!
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            Here is the medal in question. Best wishes
            Tim O.
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              and the reverse...
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                well, Brian, I'll be hornswoggled (to quote the late, great, Captain Pugwash)!
                It IS a Crusade medal.
                Note the "added on" medal here to the earlier (@ 1940) bar- and the Ostmedal& KVKx in the buttonhole and the Krim shield.
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                Last edited by McCulloh; 09-15-2008, 07:45 PM.


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