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Operation Husky/Sicily

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    Operation Husky/Sicily

    Hi there,

    My great-uncle was a german paratrooper who died on Sicily on the 16.07.43 and I'm trying to find out as much as I can about him and where he might have fought/died.
    I don't have a lot of info,not even his division or number..just his name and the date he died.
    Martin Markart 05.11.1918-16.07.1943
    I was wondering if anybody has any records of detailed troop movements and battle locations or any documents/photos etc to share.

    I also sent a request at the WAst (department for information about fallen Wehrmachts soldiers) but it could take quite some time to get some results from them. (if at all)

    I greatly appreciate any information shared on this forum,thank you!

    Some Info sof the Volksbund:
    Martin Markert, Gefreiter
    Geboren 05.11.1918
    Gefallen 26.07.1943 in Acquedolci

    Grab: Motta St.Anastasia, Gruft 3 Reihe 4 Platte C Sarkopharg 81

    That are the easiest infomations to get. Do you have any Feldpostnummer or unit?



      I'm assuming from the information given that he might of been apart of the 1. Fallschirmjager Division. To my knowledge at the time of his death this was the only German paratrooper division on the isle. The date he was killed was also the last day the 1. Fallschirmjager was in battle with British Paras and Infantry at Primosole Bridge, so maybe this is where he was killed?

      Hope this helps. Good luck with your search for information.


        According to what Frank provided he was killed in Acquedolci, which is on the north costal road between Palermo and Messina. He is buried in a cemetary west of Catania.

        I never knew there was a cemetary there. I was stationed in Sicily for 18 months in the mid-80's, but during the pre-internet years it was tough to get information on these matters.

        Preußens Gloria!


        Sapere aude


          Thank you so much for the swift replies gentlemen!

          Frank,can I access the info from the Volksbund somewhere online?

          The correct spelling of his name is MARKART though,not Markert and the date of his death I have is the 16.07.1943,not the 26.07.1943..might just be spelling mistakes along the way.

          I have a photo of his parents grave and his name is on it as well with the date of birth and date of death followed by "Sizilien,Italien" (Sicily,Italy)
          I've been told he bled to death after losing a leg.
          Seems strange that he is buried in his hometown after falling in Sicily.

          I rang my mother and turns out she has his death card somewhere which should also have his rank and hopefully his division.

          His wife is still alive in a nursing home,she's in her mid 90's and I 'll see if I can get in contact with her.
          Will post any new info as soon as it's available to me.

          Do you have a recommendation for a book that specifically deals with the events on sicily in 1943 ?

          Thank you once again,much appreciated!


            Martin Markart

            Martin Markart ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Motta St.Anastasia.

            Endgrablage: Gruft 3 Reihe 4 Platte C Sarkopharg 81

            Nähere Informationen zu diesem Friedhof erhalten Sie hier.

            Name und die persönlichen Daten des Obengenannten sind auch im Gedenkbuch der Kriegsgräberstätte verzeichnet. Sie können gern einen Auszug bei uns bestellen.

            Bitte beachten Sie, dass auf einigen Friedhöfen nicht die aktuelle Version ausliegt, somit kann der Name Ihres Angehörigen darin evtl. noch nicht verzeichnet sein.

            http://www.volksbund.de/graebersuche...rlustsuche_pi2[gid]=725e1c9478499cfe5cb13873db9d8ae4&cHash=a14202de80 bdfac882bb7feb5b209c25

            Didn´t know that it is so simple to copy the datas from the Volksbund site.


              Thanks hoover!

              I tried to access the info before but didn't get anywhere.
              Followed the link in your post and got there in the end..thank you !


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