After handling some hundreds upon hundreds if not thousands of helmets it all becomes quite clear after awhile. Its not something learned overnight or in just a few short years.
Thanks Willi and Thanks guys. This is quite a prize.
It did. I took a 5 hour round trip jaunt to pick it up. The seller was from Pittsburgh where it was sourced from. We met almost half way from my home base. When it became available to me I jumped on it like no tomorrow.
Quit yank'n things outa my state!!!!!! (Just kidding of course).
Two days ago I was able to obtain a few more articles from Mr. Henderson's family to secure provenance on such wonderful items. However, I was unable to procure any war time photos of Mr. Henderson which is often the case but still very pleased with what was given to me.
The top item is what I believe to be a money belt with Henderson's name and number
Second item is an Aeronautics booklet also with name & number
Most interesting is the leaflet from a reunion dated from 1970. Again, James Henderson's name & number stamped on top. With this I found out he was in the 63rd Station Compliment Squadron. It gives a description from when it was activated in 1943 until it was disbanded in 1965. The bulk of the history given during WWII.