While it may be better for me to hold out and not post this helmet so I can try to win it at a better price I dont want to make an expensive mistake. It looks good from everything I can see but FJ helmets are not my area of knowledge. Liners have always caused me concern and the lack of crushing to the crash pads concerns me but other than that the only problem is that it looks to have been painted over post war with a latex paint thus the crackling effect from temperature fluctuation. You can clearly see the tropical finish underneath this and maybe a close to intact eagle
I will ask the seller for better pictures from the side to get an idea of the flange, decal, stampings, and fixtures on the straps. My understanding is that the war time straps were brown or black and not gray like post war.
I will ask the seller for better pictures from the side to get an idea of the flange, decal, stampings, and fixtures on the straps. My understanding is that the war time straps were brown or black and not gray like post war.