....a late war helmet. This is a good one. A fellow that I bought stuff from got this helmet, 1 LW hbt blouse with pleated top pockets and yellow straps, hbt pants, 1 LW hbt blouse w/o pleated pockets but red straps and a LW M-43 hat. His picker got them in a garage sale for ....are you ready....$10. The guy that I bought it from extracted a fortune from me for it....but gave me the original garage sale sign with it. It had the vet's return address from an envelope on it. So I contacted the vet.
He told me he has seen FSJ go into the POW cage and was impressed with them. He was later in a clothing depot in Frankfurt and sought out FSJ jazz because of what he had seen. He told me his kids use to wear the stuff for Haloween. The tunics both have a cigarette burn on them. When the kids were thru trick or treating, they took the stuff off, put them into a bag and a friend flicked a cigarette into the bag. Dad was mad! Me too! So I assume the sweat in the liner is from Texas trick or treating as he said everything was new off the shelf that he took. Could you imagine being in LW clothing depot and you could take what you wanted. Whistle...back her up Charlie....I would have my long bed pick up truck stuffed to the gills! Imagine some WWII vet handing out candy when a FSJ appears at the door.....
He told me he has seen FSJ go into the POW cage and was impressed with them. He was later in a clothing depot in Frankfurt and sought out FSJ jazz because of what he had seen. He told me his kids use to wear the stuff for Haloween. The tunics both have a cigarette burn on them. When the kids were thru trick or treating, they took the stuff off, put them into a bag and a friend flicked a cigarette into the bag. Dad was mad! Me too! So I assume the sweat in the liner is from Texas trick or treating as he said everything was new off the shelf that he took. Could you imagine being in LW clothing depot and you could take what you wanted. Whistle...back her up Charlie....I would have my long bed pick up truck stuffed to the gills! Imagine some WWII vet handing out candy when a FSJ appears at the door.....