Hmmm, rivets look good, but the sub-assembly number matches the assembly number - that usually never happens. I have a refurbished original where it does!!
There may be a number on the inside front of the blade housing on the opposite side to the arrow, if not can you get a close up of any possible 'grinding' in this area?
Also there should be a number on the base of the bolster (the bit you take off after pressing the bolster release)?
Also can you see a number around where the marlin spike rotates?
Also can you take a picture of the other side of the inside where the rivets attach the blade release - are they larger than the other internal housing rivets?
Still looks ok but the matching numbers are a bit of a worry for me!
Beware - most knives do NOT have matching numbers on the blade release and the blade sub-assembly and assembly respectively. some do but these are the exception, I have only one from a collection of 10 matching numbers does not mean it is untouched from the factory! Maybe we could set up a poll to see how many owners have matching numbers - I like this idea!!!??