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Panzerjäger Kompanie Chef group

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    Panzerjäger Kompanie Chef group

    Here we go again, this group was researched sometime ago but not in too much deep and now I take my time to do a better job.

    I want to introduce to all of you a man named Gustav Beutter. He was born in Reutlinger on July 11th, 1.918 (incidentally I was born exactly 54 years later).

    As normal for children born in Germany during those years he was a proud member of the HJ from August 1st, 1.933 till September 1st, 1.937 as stated in his registration with the French authorities after the war.

    His time of induction in the Wehrmacht is not known, but I suppose in the last part of 1.939 as he was a student when he entered the Heer, also stated he was protestant.

    His Soldbuch was open just prior the war on August 25th, 1.939 by the 3./Pz.Abw.Abt. 5 with number 57, exact number as his dog tag also given by the same unit.

    His training unit was Pz.Abw.Ersatz.Abt 5 with garrison on Kornwesthein till transfer to a combat one, 3./Pz.Abw.Abt. 5, part of 5 I.D. and that acquire his new designation on March 21st, 1.940 being now Panzerjäger Abteilung 5.

    His first promotion came soon as he was promoted to Gefreiter on October 1st, 1.939 approved by the 3./P.A.A. 5 on October 29th, 1.939.

    He received his first leave on January 16th, 1.940 lasting from this day till January 30th and allowing him to go to his hometown as part of his yearly vacations.

    With it he took part in the Western Campaign crossing Belgium and Luxembourg to reach France where he was stationed as occupation forces till April 41 when he was back to Germany to prepare for the push to the East.

    For his bravery during the fight and his skills he was promoted and rewarded.
    - To Unteroffizier on June 1st, 1.940 approved by 3./P.J.A. 5 on June 7th, 1.940
    - Received the Iron Cross 2nd class on June 15th, 1.940, stamped in his Soldbuch by 3 Kp. Pz.Jäg.Abt. 5 and in his citation by Kdo 5 Inf.Div and signed by Generalleutnant u Div.Kdr. Wilhelm Fahrmbacher who received the RK 9 days later, on June 24th, 1.940 in the same position and the DKiS on October 30th, 1.943 as head of XXV Armeekorps in Northern France, ending the war as General der Artillerie surrender in Festung Lorient on May 10th, 1.945.

    He received three more leaves before his major change:
    From September 29th till October 19th, 1.940 as Heimaturlaub
    From March 2nd, till March 16th, 1.941 as Heimaturlaub
    From May 6th, till May 12th, 1.941 as Sonderurlaub
    All to visit Reutlingen and all while serving within Panzerjäger Abteilung 5, the last no doubt to have some time to prepare his next challenge.

    As being a good student and a competent soldier he was sent to the 7 Offiziers Anwarter Lehrgang who lasted from May 14th till August 20th, 1.941.

    He made this course in the Panzertruppen Schule IV Inspektion (Panzertruppenschule I in Wunsdorf). During this time he took part in the trials to obtain the Reichssportabzeichen in bronze during the days of June 26th (400 m race), July 4th (10.000 m race), July 10th (300 m swimming), July 18th (jump) and August 7th (standing jump) all in the Heeressportschule in Wunsdorf b. Berlin, all passed satisfactory so he received his badge on August 11th, 1.941. (Incidentally I have another group to a soldier in 6 O.A. Lehrgang who passed also all the trials when attending the course, but in Juteborg)

    Clearly he was going to pass and was promoted as so:
    - Feldwebel u O.A. on August 1st, 1.941 by the Schule approved on August 20th
    - Leutnant d.R. on August 1st 1.941 by Pz.Jäg.Ers.Abt. 5 approved on September 1st (I have the document sent on August 20 communicating the promotion by Der Chef des Heeres-Personalamts)

    Unfortunately the leave after completing his studies is not well preserved and all I can say is that he received 10 days leave on August 21st, 1.941as Erholungsurlaub.

    In my opinion after this leave he served in Pz.Jäg.Ers.Abt. 5 in Karlsruhe till his next move. He was granted an student leave on November 11th, 1.941 lasting from November 16th till March 15th, 1.942 to Tubingen and approved by Pz-Jäg-Ers.Abt. 5.

    After his semester he was back to this unit as he received a payment on June 18th, 1.942 and a leave on 19th lasting from June 21st till July 5th, 1.942 and back to visit his hometown oposite to the student one. (he also served under Feld Ersat Bataillon 205/2 as he received some cloth and equipment from this unit on May 15th, 1.942)

    Time to go back to defend the fatherland so he found himself again in Russia, but this time in the ranks of Schnelle Abteilung 296 (Before designated Panzerjäger Abteilung 296) he arrived here around September 1.942, maybe later as he purchased a handgun on August 3rd, 1.942 (a M27 s/n 91928 and I suppose this was done in the homeland not in the frontline) and the name change is dated winter 42/43, what is certain is that he was transfer to 5 Kp./Grenadier Regiment 519 in the same division the 296 I.D. as with this unit he won two medals and suffered a nasty encounter with a piece of Russian flying metal.
    - Wounded on November 17th, 1.942 by sharpnel from a landmine.
    - Iron Cross 1st class on November 18th, 1.942, by 296 I.D. while serving with 5./G.R. 519 and signed in the Soldbuch by Stabsarzt u Kp.Chef in a Gen. Kp. Stamp is no clear enough to see the rest to he denomination. The citation is also dated November 18th, 1.942 and stamped by Kdo. 296 Inf.Div. and signed by Generalleutnant Karl Faulenbach, DKiG on September 13th, 1.942 as Generlmajor u. Kdr. 296 I.D.
    - Wound Badge in black awarded on December 26th, 1.942 in both Soldbuch and citation and both signed by Stabsartz und Chefartz in Kriegslazarett (mot) 3/626, interesting the hospital clerk made two. mistakes, one write the wrong unit, crossed it and then renaming the Grenadier Regiment to 59 instead of 519.

    This sorrowful episode put him some time out action as he went to the next hospitals till his total recover:
    - From November 17th till December 14th he was in Kreigslazarett 4/605 and transfer via hospital train
    - From December 15th till December 27th he was in Kreigslazarett (mot) 3/626 and transfer again using an hospital train
    - From December 30th till January 3rd, 1.943 he was in Reserve Lazarett IX Warschau Kr.Abt. 4 and again in a train hospital on route to his next stop
    - From January 5th till March 12th, 1.943 he was in Reserve Lazarett Bruchsal where he received his release.

    During his time in Bruchsal he passed his first security check on February 28th, 1.943 by Pz.JÄg.Ers.Abt. 5 in Karlsruhe (15 km southwest of Bruchsal)

    The first thing after being released from hospital was to enjoy a well won leave to home granted on March 11th and lasting from 12th till 27th.

    After this he was probably sent again to Pz.Jäg.Ers.Abt. 5 in Karlsruhe prior to being assigned to a new unit.

    Now a little (or a lot) of speculations with the info I have in the Soldbuch.

    Looks like our soldier was chosen to go to reinforce the Axis forces in Africa as he was attached to Marsch Bataillon 57 Africa but too late to being deployed to the black continent but he was in Italian soil for sure as he received a payment from this unit of 334 Lires on May 10th, 1.943. What to do now, apparently this unit was to reinforce 90 leichten Division so the troops were diverted to Sardinia where some formed the new cadre for 90 Panzergrenadier Division and others were used in various small units and Gustav was one of the last and ended in Hafenkampfkompanie Olbia, a small unit protecting the harbor of Olbia in the north of the island. This unit was created on May 43 and evacuated on September with the rest of the german troops in the island (it was invaded on September 14th and totally evacuated on the 18th) I found another Wehrpass from a soldier with a similar trajectory (thanks to our member Mufasa) and the dates he has for a soldier who served on I.R. 35 are: Marsch Bataillon 57 April 3rd till May 20th, 1.943 when he also served with Hafenkampfkompanie Olbia, but he continued to serve in it when transfer to Porto Santo Stefano in the mainland and was KIA by aerial bombing with this unit. There is an stamp of the unit in the security check page and it is an Italian one, Comando Difesa Porto Olbia.

    Gustav say goodbye to this beautiful island due a Malaria infection which put him in hospital from August 11th till 19th and when released he was given a convalescence leave to visit his hometown from August 24th till September 9th and I think he was never back to sunny Italy.

    He was again on leave from October 5th till 22nd, this time his Erholungsurlaub.

    My opinion is he was back again with the Pz.Jäg.Ers.Abt. 5 where he received a payment on November 15th, 1.943 just prior to go to his new combat unit.

    The new one was 3./Pz.Jäg.Abt. 25 into the 25 Panzergrenadier Division where he arrived around end November as his second security check was passed on December 3rd, 1.943 in the Abt.Gef.Std. for the Panz.Jäg.Abt. 25 signature is for Major Karl-Max Freiherr von Hofenfels DKiG on January 3rd, 1.944 as Kommandeur der Panzerjäger Abteilung 25.

    With his new unit fought in Smolensk y Orscha till January 13th 1.944 when he was at the hospital, Feldlazarett (mot) 25) again with Malaria till the 22nd when was back to the unit.

    He fought the initial blows of Operation Bagration but Malaria put him out of action again and this time he was sent to Reserve Lazarett Bergen bei Celle Abtlg. I from June 23rd till July 1st, but then the 25 Panzergrenadier Division has ceased to exist as it has been destroyed by the Red Army and his rest incorporated to Panzer Brigade 107, he was granted a Sonderurlaub on July 12th to go to Biberarz-Eslingen from July 13th till 29th.

    I doubt he was back to the front but rejoined his unit in Grafenwöhr in September when it was reconstructed and with it fought in the West in the Saarpfalz close to the 17 SS and later in the Oder front where he ended fighting the Russians on their way to Berlin.

    We can go more deep into the months of fighting gains the Allied forces in the last months of 1.944.

    On July 20th the remnants of the division were set to refit to Truppenubungsplatz Grafenwöhr. There the rest of the Panzerjäger Abteilung 25 together with a Kradschutzen Kompanie from de 78 I.D. are used to reform the new unit, it take some time to retrain the infantry into panzerjägers but at the end a new unit is formed in the way of a Panzerjäger Kompanie m.z. with 12 PAK 40 divided into two platoons.

    In the first week of November the unit was located in Baumholder and arrived there directly from the factory from Göttingen two armored companies, 1 equipped with Stug III and the other with PzIV/L70 so the unit was as follow
    - Stabskompanie with 2 Befehlspanzer Pz IV/L70
    - 1 Kp. with Stug III
    - 2 Kp. with Pz IV/L70
    - 3 Kp. with 12 PAK 40 7.5 cm guns (the former Panzerjäger Kompanie m.z.)
    The new commander was Major Schön, recently out of the hospital.

    During this time it received the remnants of Panzer Brigade 107 (who absorbed part of the former 25 Pz.Gren.Div.) and has been fighting in the Nederlands for the last two months and the unit was designated as Kampfgruppe 25 Panzergrenadier Division and its composition on November 10th, 1.944 was:
    - 3 Panzergrenadiers Bataillons (diverse composition)
    - Artillerie Abteilung 25 (3 Batteries with le FH)
    - Panzer Abteilung 5 (3 companies with Panthers and 1 company with Pz IV)
    - Panzerjäger Abteilung 25 (2 companies with Stug III or Pz IV/L70 and 1 company with 12 PAK 40)
    - 1 Pionier company
    - 1 Nachrichten company
    - Supply units
    In this moment the unit is put on alert and ready to move, but due lack of fuel this can not be done till November 12th.

    On the 12th it is ordered to start a counterattack against American forces on the bridgehead north of Thionville (Diedenhofen) and at 3:00 a.m. started an attack at Kerling (12 km NE Thionville) in the direction of Petite Hettange and Hunting, towards Malling. Initially has some success, but is finally halted due to superior enemy artillery and antitank forces and the lack of own infantry. During this fights Major Schön was wounded and his place taken by Hauptmann Spiegel, Adjutant was Leutnant Konz (he signed in the Soldbuch the entry for the Besonderes Sturmabzeichen)

    During the next days the Kampfgruppe fought in Immeldingen, Bertrange, Diesdorf, Veckring, Halswiesen and Silwingen.

    On November 26th was withdrawn and took position around Silwingen, 3./Pz-Jäg-Abt. 25 was in Wolfskirchen.

    I have received some contradictory info as some stated than on 27th the unit has 4 Stugs and 8 PAKs and other put it strength in 4 Pz IV/L70 and 7 Stugs and nothing said about the PAKs.

    Certainly in the night of 26/27 the Kampfgruppe was ordered to support the attack of the Panzerlehr Division from Saarunion to the South. So the unit was moved to position south of Saarunion in Wolfskirchen and Rauweiler. Unfortunately the attack was halted and over the next days the unit retreated via Mackweiler, Diemeringen, Enchenberg.

    On December 13th they took positions in the Maginot Line along the line Ferme Freudenberg - Werke Schisseck - Bitsch. For the next two weeks the area is witness of heavy fightings in Werke Schiesseck and the city of Bitsh (Bitche) with numerous attacks and counterattacks and the Kampfgruppe basically defend its positions. For the success in defending the area it is mentioned on the Wehrmachtbericht on December 24th, 1.944.

    During the night of 26/27 the unit was withdrawn from the frontline and transfer to Pirmasens area for rest and refit. There she received the missing elements of the division, got replacements and additional equipment and finally became a full division again. Apparently was designated again as so on January 1st, 1.945.

    On January 1st the strength of the Abteilung is as follow:
    Stabskompanie with 2 Pz IV/L70 Befehlspanzer
    1 and 2 Kompanie with either 7 Stug III and/or 7 Pz IV/L70
    3 Kompanie with 7 PAK 40 and 12 lMG

    Our brave officer took part in all this fights and survived unscratched. Must be highlighted that during the combats in Lorraine and Alsace 3 Kompanie destroyed, alongside numerous armored and soft skin vehicles, no less than 27 Sherman tanks and that during one confrontation a platoon of the unit under Unteroffizier Bechener destroyed 6 Shermans and 2 armored vehicles in 20 minutes.

    During the last months of the war he received his last promotion:
    - Oberleutnant und Kp Chef on December 1st, 1.944 by Panzerjäger Abteilung 25
    Also his last medal:
    - Received the Besondere-Sturmabzeichen (Sturmabzeichen) on December 24th, 1.944 by Panzerjäger Abteilung 25, but the citation was made one day prior and signed by Hauptmann Has Spiegel, DKiG on April 27th as Kommandeur der Panzerjäger Abteilung 25. His signature is also on page three on the confirmation of his promotion to Oberleutnant and his appointment as Kompanie Chef.

    Also he had time to visit again the hospital, this time again the one from the division Feldlazarett (mot) 25 and again for Malaria from January 2nd till January 14th, 1.945 and back to the fight.

    Next combats took part from January 8th till 26th, our soldier missed the first week as was at the divisional hospital recovering again from Malaria, but took part surely on the battles in Hatten and Rittershoffen during Operation Nordwind lasting till January 21st and then in the attack to Hagenau on 24 when the division took two bridgeheads on the Moder and hold them till 26th when the new orders came to redeploy the unit to the East.

    Last entry is dated February 9th, 1.945 so our soldier was not taken POW during this fights, still he was taken POW by the Americans, but all info I have is that, despite fighting in the Oder, a lot of members of this division surrender to the western allied forces. Any help to clarify the whereabouts of the division till the end of the war is highly welcomed.

    He was lucky enough to surrender to the Americans who give him permission on May 27th, 1.945 to go back home from Wetzheim to Reutlingen, 450 Km, just on foot and during daytime from 05h 00’ till 23h 00’.

    In 1947 he must register with the French authorities and keep doing from May 20th, 1.947 till May 2nd, 1.949.

    Not too much info regarding his post war activities, but we know he was a proud member of the KAMERADENKREIS 5. INF.- U. JÄGER.DIVISION A.V. at least till 1.971 as with the group comes a card for membership on this organization with number 389 and dated June 10th, 1.971.

    I was also lucky to, at the same time and in the same place, buy another group to a member of this unit so I add it at the end of this also. Only citations and two photos, but he served under the command go Beutter and not so common to have Kp. Chef and soldier under his command.

    HIs citations are in chronological order:
    - Ostmedaille awarded on July 28th, 1.942 as Stabsgefreiter, signature from Oberleutnant Hans Spiegel (the same who will take command of the full Abteilung in November 44)
    - War Merit Croos 2nd class with Swords awarded on July 31st, 1.942 as Obergefreiter, signature Generalmajor Anton Grasser, RK on June 16th, 1.940 as Obertsleutnant with I.R. 119, DKiG on March 11th, 1.943 as Generalleutnant with 25 I.D. and EL (344) on December 5th, 1.943 as Generalleutnant with 25 Panzergrenadier Division.
    - Driver Badge in bronze on February 22nd, 1.943 as Obergefreiter, signature Major Karl-Max Freiherr von Hofenfels
    - Iron Cross 2nd class on September 23rd, 1.944 as Unteroffizier, signature of General der Infanterie Friedrich Hossbach Rk on October 7th, 1.940 as Oberst with I.R. 82, EL (298) on September 11th, 1.943 as Generalleutnant with LVI Pz.K. and EB on July 22nd, 1.944.
    - Wound Badge in black on September 25th, 1.944 as Unteroffizier, signature and Oberst serving with A.Ob.Kdo. 4
    - Close Combat Clasp in Bronze on October 31st, 1.944 as Unteroffizier, signature as above.

    Two photos, early and late war, one in M35 tunic with straps showing embroidered P and 25 and the other in black wrapper with Obergefreiter chevron and KVK and Ostmedaille ribbons.

    He served the whole war with 3./Panzerjäger Abteilung 25 and his first three awards were authorized by this unit and the last three by Army Oberkommando 4 when the division ceased to exist as an unit after the blow received during June/July 44.

    Hope you like it as much as I do and, as always, all info and corrections are welcomed.

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    Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.

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    Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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      Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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        Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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          Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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            Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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              Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                Next two post are for the soldier who served under his command
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                Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                  Attached Files
                  Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                    Really great group, great soldier and great research. (he have others weapons at page 8 besides the CZ 27 assigned?)

                    Ciao Oriano


                      Thanks for your kind words, you help me with your research regarding Olbia unit.

                      No more weapons, unfortunately never added pages 8a, b, c and d like in other Soldbuchs.

                      Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                        Originally posted by Angel Farré View Post
                        Thanks for your kind words, you help me with your research regarding Olbia unit.

                        No more weapons, unfortunately never added pages 8a, b, c and d like in other Soldbuchs.

                        they are hard to track this little unit ... I had found something about Olbia around this wehrpass ... as soon as I have a moment I try to look better

                        Ciao Oriano



                          Originally posted by Angel Farré View Post

                          Looks like our soldier was chosen to go to reinforce the Axis forces in Africa as he was attached to Marsch Bataillon 57 Africa but too late to being deployed to the black continent but he was in Italian soil for sure as he received a payment from this unit of 334 Lires on May 10th, 1.943. What to do now, apparently this unit was to reinforce 90 leichten Division so the troops were diverted to Sardinia where some formed the new cadre for 90 Panzergrenadier Division and others were used in various small units and Gustav was one of the last and ended in Hafenkampfkompanie Olbia, a small unit protecting the harbor of Olbia in the north of the island. This unit was created on May 43 and evacuated on September with the rest of the german troops in the island (it was invaded on September 14th and totally evacuated on the 18th) I found another Wehrpass from a soldier with a similar trajectory (thanks to our member Mufasa) and the dates he has for a soldier who served on I.R. 35 are: Marsch Bataillon 57 April 3rd till May 20th, 1.943 when he also served with Hafenkampfkompanie Olbia, but he continued to serve in it when transfer to Porto Santo Stefano in the mainland and was KIA by aerial bombing with this unit. There is an stamp of the unit in the security check page and it is an Italian one, Comando Difesa Porto Olbia.

                          very interesting but unfortunately only some other photos about this complicated Hafenkampfkompanie Olbia but no new news ...

                          ciao Oriano


                            Hello Angel !

                            A really great group with so many different and interesting units.
                            You did an excellent and very detailed research.
                            Many thanks for sharing this outstanding group !

                            Best regards,



                              Thanks Archi, some of the info was provided by you sometime ago, I add some more from other sources and put all together to present it here.

                              Hope I can find what happen with the unit from January till May 45.

                              Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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