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A Request for Translation Help

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    A Request for Translation Help

    I recently found this original issue of the Nazi Party Newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter. This is the edition of July 1, 1934. On the previous evening was the event that became known as "The Night of the Long Knives".
    I'm having some difficulty reading the headline, which obviously mentions Rohm.
    I would appreciate any assistance in translating the main headline.
    Thanks VERY much!
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    The issue also announced the appointment of a new SA Chief of Staff....
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      Headline reads: "Rohm arrested and relieved of his position"


        Wow, that is an interesting newspaper

        The headline says: „Röhm arrested and removed“ (from his position)

        The line below says: „Radical cleaning in the SA - Obergruppenführer Lutze is the new chief of staff“

        If you need more translation let me know


          Thank you, gentlemen, VERY much!
          I really appreciate it!


            There's also a sub-headline that states "Rohm banned from the Party and S.A."

            Last edited by Hank C.; 06-29-2019, 12:12 PM. Reason: minor correction
            Unless it was nighttime, or the weather was bad, and you were running out of gas - then it was a sweaty nightmare, like a monkey f*ing a skunk.
            ~ Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot


              I did like the look of Victor Lutze better


                Translation of small article:

                „Röhm expelled from party and SA
                Munich, June 30
                The Reichs press office of the NSDAP informs about the following order of the Führer:
                Today I have removed chief of staff Röhm from his position and expelled him from the party and the SA. I appoint Obergruppenführer Lutze to chief of staff.
                SA leader and SA men, who do not follow or act contrary to his orders, will be removed from SA and party and/or arrested and condemned.
                Signed Adolf Hitler
                Supreme Party and SA Leader“
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                  The Führer to the new chief of staff
                  Munich, June 30
                  The Führer has addressed the following communication to the Obergruppenführer of the SA Lutze:
                  To Obergruppenführer Lutze
                  My dear SA leader Lutze!
                  Severe misconduct of my hitherto chief of staff have forced me to remove him from his position. You, my dear Obergruppenführer Lutze, have been an everlasting loyal and best practice SA leader since many years in good and bad days. When I appoint you today to chief of staff, then this is happening with the firm conviction, that your loyal and obedient work will succeed, to create out of my SA the instrument, which the nation needs and which I visualize.
                  It is my wish that the SA will be shaped to a loyal and strong member of the national socialistic movement. Fraught with obedience and blind discipline, the SA must help to develop and shape the new German people.
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