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Old group, new research

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    Old group, new research

    Here I want to present you again one of those groups that has an special place in your collection, OK it is not the most decorated or interesting, but has something that always make you smile. I have been fortunately twice in adding more pieces from this soldier and both thanks to our common friend and guru Ian Jewison, I can not say how grateful I am for his help alongside all this years.

    Now to the work.

    Here we have a German man who decided to make the military his live and what happen to him.

    Helmut Schumann was born in Burg, Magdeburg on April 12th, 1.911. His fathers were Richard and Elisabeth, no doubt he was as source of joy to his family, but Richard only enjoyed him for a short time as he died on 1.913 stealing for him all the years of seeing his child grown up to an adult. As normal he attended the Voksschule in Burg plus receive some classes at home.

    He never served in the RAD as not mandatory at the time he decided his life will be in uniform. He must be a tough guy as he was accepted into the 100.000 men Reichswehr on March 30th, 1.932 when he went to Magdeburg and signed a contract for the next 12 years, till March 29th, 1.944 (I think he never imagined he will be in the middle of a war at the end of his period of service)

    His first unit was the 9./I.R. 12 which was part of the 4 division of the Reichswehr with his III Batallion stationed in Magdeburg and the 9 kompanie following the traditions of the Magdeburgisches Jäger Batallion Nr 4.

    His service during the Reichswehr period was quite, the first thing he made after indicted in the Army was a course from the same date he entered till April 20th, 1.932 with Schnellausbildung L.A.W.K./I.R.12, any clue about it? Also he served with Wachtrüppe Berlin from August 12th, 1.934 till April 11th, 1.935.

    In this first period he was attached to three units:
    March 30th, 1.932 till March 31st, 1.934 with 9./I.R. 12
    April 1st, 1.934 till September 30th, 1.934 with 16./I.R. 12
    October 1st, 1.934 till October 15th, 1.935 with 11./I.R. Halberstadt (named as the city where Stab and III Battalion of the I.R. 12 were stationed under the code name for the 13 I.D. of Infanteriefühere IV)

    During this time he renewed his oath made on March 30th. 1.932, but this time to the Führer on August 2nd, 1.934.

    He was transferred to the newly created I.R. 66 the next day of its creation and served with this unit alongside his career when its name changes and vicissitudes in war till wounded.
    October 16th, 1.935 till November 9th, 1.938 with 2./I.R. 66
    November 10th, 1.938 till September 2nd, 1.942 with 1./I.R. 66 Magdeburg
    September 3rd, 1.942 till April 1st, 1.943 with Gen.Komp.Pz.Gren.Ers.Btl. 66
    April 1st, 1.9943 till December 8th, 1.943 with 4./Pz.Gren.Ausb.Btl. 66

    Now someone see his potential as an Officer and he passed the next months in courses to become one.
    December 8th, 1.943 till March 3rd, 1.944 with 15 Fahnenjunker-Lehrgang, Fhj-Lehrgang 3 der Panzertruppe, Lehrgang I
    March 28th,1.944 till July 4th, 1-944 in the Schule f. Fhj. d. Pz.Tr., Oberfhrlehrg. 7 Insp.

    After this he served with till the end with Obfhr Schule 1 I. Pz. Tr.

    As normal for a profesional soldier he received a Wehrpass when he was in the Heer for a long time, his was opened in Magdeburg on January 1st, 1.937.
    In it we can find some more info about our man, he was in possession of the Reichsportsabzeichen, the Freischwimmerzeugnis and the Driving license class I. Also prior the war he was from April 1st, 1.937 till April 27th, 1.937 with Lehrzug Bergen, any idea what was this? Also he obtained the class III driving license and later on July 28th, 1.943 the II class and attended a course from 6th till September 11th, 1.943 Unterweisungslehrgang in Funksprechverkehr d. Nachr.Ers. u. Ausb. Kp. I, Pz.Gren. 13.

    As an Officer he was trained in a wide array of weapons G98, G98k, P08 and 38, MP, lM.G. 08/15, 34 and 42, sM.G., le. I.G., Pak and m.Gr.W.

    Now the war is near so time to change and he received his new IDs, his Soldbuch and his DogTag.
    His Soldbuch was opened on August 15th, 1.939 by 1./I.R. 66 Magdeburg with the number 22 and his dogtag also as 22 1./I.R. 66 mot

    During his service we know he rose from the ranks to lieutenant and this are his promotions (First five only notated in his Wehrpass as he was a Feldebel when the Soldbuch was open)

    Oberschütze April 1st, 1.934
    Unterführer April 10th, 1.934
    Gefreiter October 1st, 1.934
    Unteroffizier October 1st, 1.935
    Feldwebel July 1st, 1.939
    Oberfeldwebel March 1st, 1.940 by 1./I.R. 66 on March 2nd, 1.940
    Fahnenjunker. December 1st, 1.943 by 4./Pz.Gren.Ausb.Btl. 66 on December 2nd, 1.943
    Oberfahnrich March 1st, 1.944 by 1./Fahnenjunker Lehrgang 3 on March 1st, 1.944
    Leutnant May 1st, 1944 by 7/Oberfhr. Lehrgang

    His promotion as Leutnant was officially communicated on June 29th, 1.944 as promoted on July 1st since May 1st and with seniority from April 1st by HPA/Ag. P 1 (Zentral) - Abi. Gr.III b (II b) Nr.3811/44 g in Potsdam-Nedlitz.

    Now is war, the Führer has decided to move east and the now 13 I.D. (mot) was one of the units who will push the Polish to the surrender.

    Unfortunately I can not decipher the battles in Poland so any help is welcomed. I know that he attacked on September 3rd to Warta and Widawka and the bridgehead on the river and then to south Radom with heavy battles with Polish forces and on September 13th advanced to Pulawi and Deblin where he formed a bridgehead the next day on the Vistula river. On October 2nd was again in battle with Polish forces between Kock and Adamov. On October 11 the division was back to his garrison. Any update, correction or extra info is welcomed.

    Being at war is frightening and serious decision were made in this situation and one marked him for the rest of his life, he was married with Gerda Pilz in Magdeburg on November 25th, 1.939. Unfortunately no info if any child result of this union.

    After some rest and watching what the others did on the Western Front Hitler’s patient run dry and decided to visit Paris in the most shocking way and launch Fall Gelb, his summer holiday tour for Western Europe.

    Our Oberfeldwebel took part in it from the begginign till the end starting with the advance from Luxembourg, south of Belgium to the north of France. There he fought in the rivers Maas and Rise, in the Somme and the Authle till Dunkirk and the Oise, turning to the interior to the Sena and the Cote d’Or taking part in the conquer of Thrones and in the battles in Langresm Isere, Westalpen el Rohne and lake Bourget.

    After this the division took some rest in France and Germany prior being sent to Rumania as Instruction troops on October 2tth, 1.940 till May21st, 1.941 when the were called back to Germany no doubt to prepare the East conquer (The unit was redesigned Lehr Infanterie Regiment 66 on September 28th, 1.940 and to Schützen Regiment 66 on May 28th, 1,941)

    Just one month after arriving to Germany they were in the move again, this time against Russia with his new designation and under the 13 Panzer Division command. They crossed the border between the Bug and Sinr and on June 25th their first tank battle in Alexandrowka. They pierced the Stalin Line and advanced towards Kiev takin the city and also Dnjepropetrowsk and continued till the Azov Sea where again a tank battle erupted in Dimitriewka. His battles with the Russian continued in Ukraine towards Rostow which they took and continued his fights alongside the Miuss till the summer of 1.942 when he was wounded on August 8th, 1.942 in his right arm by splitters while serving with 1./Panzer Grenadier Regiment 66 in Russia.

    Being wounded ended his wartime, from this moment till the end he never was assigned to a frontline unit.

    First he recovered from the wound:

    August 2nd, 1.942 was accepted in the Feldlazarett of the 13 Pz.Div till next day when he was transferred to Feldlazarett Mansterberg where he arrived on August 24th and stay till October 3rd when sent to Reserve Lazarett Dreden VI Teillazarett St Vincent until March 12th, 1.943 when was discharged and sent to the troops.

    On March 17th, 1.943 he was classified as “g.v.H.” (garrison vervendungfahig Heimat) for garrison duty in the homeland, by an Obersatbs u Standortarzt in Burg b.Magdeburg.

    Again classified on June 17th, 1.944 by ÇTruppenarzt Obeffahnrich-Lehrgang Der Panzertruppe, Lehrgang II and this time “k.v.” fit for service.

    Despite this he continues in his position as instructor/teacher, no matter he decided to buy a pistol to match his new status as Officer and choose to purchase on March 13th, 1.944 (he was clear to him he will pass the exams) a 7.65 mm M27 with s/n 232841.

    His services were not unnoticed and he received several awards pre and wartime:

    For his service in peace time he received two medals:

    Long service medal 4th class on October 2nd, 1.936
    Medaille fur 1 October 1938, unfortunately neither entry in Soldbuch or Wehrpass is dated.

    Poland reported nothing in his chest but experience and, for sure, good and bad memories.

    French campaign give him his first wartime and bravery award:

    Iron Cross 2nd class awarded on May 28th, 1.940

    Teaching the Romanian troops give him his only foreign award:

    Serviciul Credincios Crucia Clasa I awarded on May 28th, 1.941

    Russia offer plenty of opportunities and the awards rise,

    Iron Cross 1st class on September 18th in the Wehrpass or 19th in the Soldbuch, 1.941

    Panzer Assault Badge in bronce on February 14th, 1.942. As we have the proposition of this award we can say that the two first assault days were counted during the french campaign, first on June10th in Clermont and second on June 22nd in Ruffieux while the third was in Russia on June 26th east of Luck. The proposition was summited on September 11th, 1.941, approved on February 14th and awarded on February 22nd, 1.942.

    Next was the mark of a true warm blood soldier, the Ostmedaille received on August 3rd, 1.943 (just one day after being wound, I suppose it took some time to reach him)

    His wound was marked with the award of the Wound Badge in black on August 21st (Wehrpass) or 17th (Soldbuch), 1.942, quickly the clerk.

    His service must be notorious as he received the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on March 21st (Wehrpass and Formal Citation) or May 1st (Soldbuch), 1.943. With the group we have a small letter sent to Gerda Schumann (Helmut’s wife) informing her the sending to her as it can not be sent to the frontline as can not be folded but that she can take it easy as his husband has received the provisional one. The citation was dated March 21st, 1.943, but this letter is dated February 16th, 1.944 and was sent from Dresden by Stellv.Generalkommando IV.A.K., (Wehrkreiskommando IV) IIa)ord. AZ. 29a/F1 (D). Looks it took some time to be finished and forwarded to his owner, now we understand the necessity of the vorläufiges Besitzzeugnis and not only for the DKiG, more for the RK

    Finally he was rewarded with the mark of the real frontline fighter, the Nahkampfspange in bronce on June 28th, 1.943. With this medal we also can see the award proposition and it was proposed on March 8th, 1.943 for 15 months of service on the Eastern Front prior December 1st, 1.942 and awarded on the date mentioned. To clarify all the clerk wrote in the back the 15 close combat days:
    1.- 28/09/41 Podgorodinje
    2.- 30/09/41 Alejandrowka
    3.- 03/10/41 Pissarenka
    4.- 09/10/41 Teinjnik
    5.- 17/10/41 Ssanbeck
    6.- 22/10/41 north of Krym
    7.- 27/10/41 “ “ “
    8.- 28/10/41 3 km north Sengelskoye
    9.- 29/10/41 “ “ “ “
    10.- 30/11/41 Tüssloff Abschnits
    11.- 23/07/42 Stassenkampf Rostov
    12.- 24/07/42 Brückenkopf Rostov
    13.- 25/07/42. “ “
    14.- 31/07/42 Einnahme von Ssalsk
    15.- 02/08/42 Rassypnoje

    While researching this group I found a little confusing thing and i hope someone can help me to clear it, on his leaves I found the normal Festage for Christmas 39, Erholungsurlaubs, Genesüngsurlaub, Sonderurlaub and Lehrgangpause but found two I don’t know what is the motive of the leave, both by Oberfahnrich Lehrgang Der Panzer Truppe, Panzer Grenadier Lehr Kompanie, first on July 6th, 1.944 from July 7th till July 11th and second on August 5th from August 6th till August 14th and both described as “Gefährdung der bürgerlichen Existenz”, no clue what is this.

    Also I found that a know soldier signed multiple times in his Soldbuch:
    Oberst Albert Brux
    RK on September 29th, 1.941 as Hauptmann und Kur I/S.R. 66
    EL (504) on June 24th, 1.944 as Oberst und Kdr Panzer Grenadier Regiment 40
    DKiG on January 23rd, 1.943 as Major und Kdr Kradschützen Battalion 43
    You can see his signature on page 2 as Officer opening the Soldbuch, page 3 confirming the promotion to Obefeldwebel, page 22 confirming the PABiB and the Romanian medal and page 23 in the first three leaves our soldier enjoy.

    You can think that our soldier career ended on May 8th, 1.945, but no, the US Army decided to use his skills and put him on charge of a work detail. On an added page on page 1 you can see he was on charge of 855 Lab.Serv.Group (DG) also on page 3 he is noted as being part of 2./Pi 20 on October 11th, 1.945 also repeated on page 4 and on page 14 he is declared part of 154 First Kompanie (154 Timber Production Co.) in Radbruck on January 15th, 1.946.

    I hope you like the group as much as I do and enjoy my research and if anyone can help to improve or increase it please don’t hesitate to do it here or via PM.

    I never will end of thanking Ian Jewison for selling me the documents he had for this soldier and warning that the picture was for sale in a German site. thanks my friend.

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    Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.

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    Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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      Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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        Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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          Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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            Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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              Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                The propositions
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                Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                  The only citation I have from him, I hope others surfaced who knows, and two photos from our soldier, the big is the one Ian found on line and put me on its trail.

                  Now, comments and extra info is not only appreciated but welcomed.

                  Attached Files
                  Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.



                    Beautiful group Angel and interesting history.

                    The photo in the Wehrpass is great!



                      Again, great group indeed!


                        Hello Angel !

                        Another fantastic group with excellent research ! Thanks for sharing !

                        Some general remarks and some partial answers to your questions :
                        - You posted the SB p. 2 already in the : "What date is the earliest SB in your collection" thread.
                        (Thanks again). This SB was opened 15. Aug. 1939. Now, with seeing the full story of this soldier, we can
                        exclude that the date entered in this SB was when he was drafted or something similar. Therefore, I would assume,
                        that this is a clear case, where this SB was indeed issued earlier than 26.8.39 !

                        - In addition, here we have a rare case of a soldier, serving in exactly the same company from 1939-1942 and :
                        EKM #22 = SB #22 = Kr.Str.Nr. #22 ! (is this typical or did it just happen occasionally ?)

                        - A funny sidenote : WP p. 3, occupation entry :
                        I think, the original entry was : Buchmacher (I do not know, whether this designation was in use then,
                        but today it would mean : book-maker (working in a betting shop !).
                        This was changed to : Tuchmacher, (cloth-maker) [a much more reputable job, (perhaps except in the UK ?!)}

                        The questions :

                        >> Schnellausbildung L.A.W.K./I.R.12, any clue about it? <<

                        I think the writing could be : b. M.W.K./I.R. 12 and perhaps stands for
                        Schnellausbildung b.[ei] M.[inen] W.[erfer] K.[ompanie] /Inf.Rgt 12
                        (another designation for an early type of Granat-Werfer-Kp.)

                        >> he was from April 1st, 1.937 till April 27th, 1.937 with Lehrzug Bergen, any idea what was this? <<

                        I would like to know that too !
                        As in the second half of 1937 the change from ID => ID(mot.) started, I would assume that this Lehrzug
                        was intended to gather some experience with motorized infantry units, but that is pure speculatiion.

                        >> Unfortunately I can not decipher the battles in Poland so any help is welcomed. <<

                        25.08. - 27.09.39 : Stabswache beim A.O.K. 10
                        28.09. - 07.10.39 : Abschl.[uss]-Gefechte ostwärts der Weichsel
                        02.10. - 07.10.39 : Gefechte bei Kock - Adamov
                        14.10.39 : Rückkehr aus Polen

                        Regarding the date of his final wounding on 2.8.42 :
                        - Could you locate the place ? (Rassypnoje, Rassypnaja, etc.., must be somwhere between Salsk and Armawir)
                        - I./Pz.Gren.Rgt. 66 might have been part of : VA Brux (=Vorausabteilung Brux)
                        - For his actions on the 2.8.42, Ober-Fw. Schellhorn, platoon-leader of the Pak-Zug in Stabs-Kp. Pz.Gren.Rgt. 66
                        was awarded the Ritterkreuz

                        Leave entries :
                        >> ... and both described as “Gefährdung der bürgerlichen Existenz” <<
                        I would like to find a good example/explanation for this too !

                        Fascinating group, with lots of info available, but also still many topics, that deserve more research !

                        Best regards,



                          Archi, thanks a lot, as always your help is invaluable.

                          The search continues, hope next weekend I put another group also researched so all can enjoy it.

                          Thanks a lot again

                          Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


                            Don't remember where it comes from, but I have another Portrait from him in my database. Here it is :
                            Attached Files


                              Old people and his bad memory, it comes from me. Unfortunately is a modern reprint, never know where the original is, but thankfully I could obtain the other one that is original.

                              Looking for DKiG Heer winner Soldbuch who also won the TDB and/or CCC, specially in Silver.


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