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Soldbuch Fallschirmjäger WIA Normandy(St. Lô), WIA Ardennes, KIA in Berlin!! 5. FJD.

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    Soldbuch Fallschirmjäger WIA Normandy(St. Lô), WIA Ardennes, KIA in Berlin!! 5. FJD.

    Hello all,

    I want to show this very interesting Soldbuch with 3 photos and some additional papers. It is not only an interesting grouping but also an emotional. I purchased the Soldbuch directly from the niece of the original owner of the Soldbuch, I was very happy that she gave me the chance to get this grouping. He fought in some of the famous fights as Normandy and the Ardennes in which he was both wounded. He was killed in April 1945 in Berlin. I did my best to reconstruct the (military) life of Klaus Dietrich Kortstock, a man that died to young.

    Here we go:

    Civil life
    Klaus Dietrich Kortstock was born on 03.02.1925 in Berlin. During the war Klaus was still living with his parents, Hermann and Ilse Kortstock. He had also a little brother who can be seen on some photos. The family was living happily in the capital of the Third Reich, at the Hassoweg 6. His father his occupation was Stadtinspektor, he worked for the government. On the moment that Klaus was called up for military duty he was still a scholar.

    First months in the Luftwaffe
    Somewhere in 1943 Kortstock was called up for military duty. He became part of the Luftwaffe. After his basic training he was transferred to the 13./ Flieger-Regiment 71, part of the III./ Fl. Rgt. 71, in Béziers – Southern France near the Mediterranean. On 06.01.1944 his Zweitschrift Soldbuch was opened, still he was with the 13./ Flieger-Regiment 71. Probably he was awarded during this period with the Segelfliegerabzeichen, that can be seen on the photos.
    Some days later, 09.01.1944, Kortstock was transferred to an unknown unit for me. I can’t read the first word but it says ?? Sammelst(elle) Melun(area of Paris). Probably it was some kind of a FJ trainings unit as more Fallschirmjäger units were near Melun. Kortstock stayed in this unit for several months. I presume he was trained here as a Fallschirmjäger and he went to the jumpschool somewhere in France. As can be seen on the photos with the Soldbuch he was awarded the Fallschirmschützenabzeichen. This award is not mentioned in his Soldbuch, nor a Fallschirmschüle so I presume he was fully trained as a paratrooper in this unknown unit near Melun. As said afterwards he was a qualified Fallschirmjäger. On page 7 of the Soldbuch is the mention that Kortstock is Fallschirmtauglich(suitable as paratrooper), page 6 says he is also Springtauglich(suitable for jumping).
    On 21.04.1944 Kortstock was transferred to the 11./ Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 14, 5. Fallschirmjäger-Division. The division was created in the area of Reims, France. In May 1944 the 5. FJD. was transferred to Bretagne / Brittany. The division was, compared to other FJ units, of low quality. Most of the troops hadn’t finished their paratrooper training. The quality and quantity of the troops and material was not that good. The division stayed in Brittany till July 1944.

    The story will continue in the next posts!

    I hope you like it!
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    Last edited by mtdr; 01-28-2018, 11:26 AM.

    His unit page:

    25.11.1943 -> 08.01.1944: 13./III./ Flieger-Regiment 71
    09.01.1944 -> 20.04.1944: ?? Sammelstelle Melun
    21.04.1944 -> 16.07.1944: 11./ Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 14 (5. Fallschirmjäger-Division)
    17.07.1944 -> 27.10.1944: 1./ Fallschirmjäger-Ersatz-Bataillon
    28.10.1944 -> 03.02.1945: 10./ Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 13 (5. Fallschirmjäger-Division)
    -> Volkssturm
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      On page 7 of the Soldbuch is the mention that Kortstock is Fallschirmtauglich(suitable as paratrooper), page 6 says he is also Springtauglich(suitable for jumping).
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        On 07.07.1944 the orders for the FJR. 14 came to move to the Invasionsfront in Normandie. The 14. FJR. was not motorised, so the men had to walk from Brittany to Normandy. The Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 14 was under command of Major Herbert Noster and the first parts of the FJR. 14 entered the battlefield around 14.07.1944. The FJR 14 was subordinated to the Panzer-Lehr-Division. It fought between the river Vire and the river Taute, near the village of Pont-Hébert. A village northwest of Saint-Lô. Most probably Kortstock was wounded in the first days after their arrival in Normandy. The FJR. 14 battled heavily with the American troops in the area of St. Lô. Kortstock was wounded by shrapnel(woundcode 31b). Kortstock reached the Lw. Laz. 5/XII in Paris on 17.07.1944, so most probably he was already wounded the days before.

        I found a small report about the first fights of the FJR. 14 in Normandy:

        On 15 July 1944 the last part of the St-Lô drama started. Around 05:15 the US XIX Army Corps attacked, after the US-artillery shelled the German positions for 15 minutes.
        “West of the Vire the 30th ID get the order to advance from their position near Le Vignot with the 117th IR in the lead towards the 2,8 kilometres wide corridor between (the river) Vire and the creek Terrette north of the cross-road D77/D900. An artillery bombardment lead the way, before the American units advanced. The artillery supported the 117th IR and the other units(3rd BN, 119th IR, 743rd Tank Bataillon and two companies of Sherman Tanks) and cleared the way of these units through the German units. Heavy resistance of two Kompanien of the III./ FJR14, who entered the battlefield that afternoon and reinforced the remains of the Panzergrenadier-Lehr-Regiment 902 of the Panzer-Lehr-Division, supported by artillery stopped the American advance till 15.00. Thereafter the German defensive line abruptly broke down under the US pressing. “

        I attached a map where you can see Pont-Hébert.
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        Last edited by mtdr; 01-28-2018, 11:45 AM.


          Home and back to the front
          Kortstock stayed for 10 days in the Lazarett in Paris. On 30.07.1944 Kortstock reached the Reservelazarett in Ruhpolding, where he stayed till 16.09.1944. In this period the 5. Fallschirmjäger-Division(destroyed in Normandy) was rebuild in the area of Den-Haag, Holland. During his period in the Lazarett Kortstock was awarded with the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz. After his recovery Kortstock went back to home for the first time in a year. I think it was a wonderful period when the family was complete for some days. It was in these days that the 3 photos that came with the Soldbuch were made. You can see Klaus with his father and his little brother. On the photos you can also see his 3 awards.

          After his leave he had to join the 1./ Fallschirmjäger-Ersatz-Bataillon in Halberstadt. On 28.10.1944 Kortstock was battle ready again. He was transferred to the 10./ Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 13, again 5. Fallschirmjäger-Division. The division was transferred in November 1944 to the Eifel, area Bitburg – Oberweis – Sülm. The division was not fully rebuild that time. The division had to prepare for the coming offensive: Operation Wacht am Rhein, better known as the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes.

          I attached the page with the Verwundetenabzeichen awards. On the photos you can see he was also awarded with the Segelfliegerabzeichen and the Fallschirmschützenabzeichen.
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          Last edited by mtdr; 01-28-2018, 10:59 AM.


            Battle of the Bulge
            The 5. Fallschirmjäger-Division formed the left flank of the 7. Armee, under command of the LXXXV. Armeekorps. The division had to advance from Bitburg over the river Our, past both sides of Vianden. The division had to make a breakthrough in the American defence near Wahlhausen, Putscheid, Nachtmanderscheid and Waldsdorf. They had to reach the line St. Hubert – Neufchateau – Mellier – Attert, to cover the southern flank of the 5. Panzerarmee which attacked towards Bastogne. Shortly before the offensive Kortstock received some camo equipment such as a Tarnnetz!

            In the early morning of 16. December 1944 the division moved, after a short artillery barrage, across the Our near Stolzembourg and Roth. On the evening of the first day the most advanced units of the division reached the street Diekirch – Hosingen. On the left flank of the division was the 352. Volksgrenadier-Division and on the right flank was the Panzer-Lehr-Division. I will focus mainly on the FJR. 13. FJR13 fought on 17.12.1944 with the 352. VGD. near Fouhren. Also on 18.12.1944 it fought near Fouhren. The division fought its way through Luxembourg to Bastogne. General Patton and his unit pressed hard on the 5. FJD. Slowly the German defence collapsed. The last reserves of the division were collected to stop the American advance near Harlange – Nothum – Buderscheid. On 09.01.1945 a heavy American attack started towards Bras, Doncols and Nothum. A big part of the 5. FJD. was, after heavy fights and casualties, taken prisoner. The remnants of the division were collected on both sides of Wiltz and transferred to Düren. After an Allied breakthrough near Prüm the remnants of the 5. FJD. were send southeast to Prüm. Kortstock also received Frontzulage for the Battle of the Bulge!

            On 04.02.1945 Kortstock went to the hospital in Schmallenberg, with woundcode 33 – he had Erfrierungen, known as freezing wounds or frostbite. Most probably sustained during the Battle of the Bulge when it was very, very cold in the Ardennes. We all know the pictures of German and American soldiers in the snow. Kortstock was released from the hospital on 26.03.1945. He had to went to the Fallschirmjäger-Ersatz-Regiment in Büchenbuhl, Nürnberg. Before he had to went there he was permitted to go on leave back to his home in Berlin(25.03.1945 – 11.04.1945). To Berlin. It would become his last journey.

            I attached a page of his camo equipment such as the Tarnnetz and a page that shows the Frontzulage.
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            Last edited by mtdr; 01-28-2018, 10:59 AM.


              Also a photo to show the cold Ardennes, one can imagine the frostbite now I think.
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                The page of his Soldbuch that shows his final leave to Berlin.
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                  Excellent document and very nicely researched and presented. Good to see it passing from the family to a good home!



                    Killed in Berlin
                    We all know the scenes from the movie “Der Untergang”, so we can imagine in what circumstances he went home. A terrible situation with millions of civilians suffering from hunger and war. On 20.04.1945, the birthday of Adolf Hitler, Berlin was shelled for the first time by artillery. Hitler was furious. Berlin was marked as Frontstadt! Because the Russians slowly surrounded Berlin, millions of people were caught in the siege. Also Kortstock was caught. A small paper that came with the Soldbuch tells us that Kortstock was transferred to the Volkssturm on 23.04.1945. Volkssturm department 3/36/2. Most of the Volkssturm were civilians(elderly men, children etc. poorly trained and equipped) with the task to stop the Soviet armies. This caused many unnecessary casualties. Probably that Kortstock, as an experienced frontline veteran, commanded a (small) detachment of Volkssturm?

                    Kortstock met his fate already the next day. Kortstock was killed on 24.04.1945 in Berlin. Another small paper tells us that Kortstock was first buried at the Riesestrasse, near the Sportplatz. Thereafter he was reburied on a cemetery at the Kiefholzstrasse. I presume that Kortstock was killed in the area of the Sportplatz, in the Southern part of Berlin. The Soviets closed the surrounding on 24.04.1945, probably Kortstock was killed in that way.

                    His name is listed on this site:


                    I attached the papers that says he was in the Volkssturm. I also attached a map of the Battle of Berlin. He was most probably killed in the red circle.
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                      After the War

                      The last small papers says that the Soldbuch was send to his parents in May 1946 from a Lazarett, the place he died most probably.
                      This day Klaus Kortstock is buried on a cemetery at Berlin-Baumschulenweg (Bezirk Treptow-Köpenick). He is not listed on the Volksbund, but I made a request and send a copy of all the documents to them so in a short time also Kortstock will be listed in their database. Till this day I wasn’t able to visit his grave, so if someone in the area/ on holiday visited this place, please take a picture to complete the story!

                      That's it for now. Thanks for looking!

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by mtdr; 01-28-2018, 11:04 AM.


                        Originally posted by Lutfen View Post
                        Excellent document and very nicely researched and presented. Good to see it passing from the family to a good home!

                        Many thanks Michael, glad you like it!


                          Great post

                          Great research...thank you for posting.


                            Thanks Jack!


                              Yes, interesting little group and nice presentation ! The three photos are nice. He was like lucky to be wounded on first or second day, so he escaped to the destruction of his regiment in Normandie : FJR 14 was indeed badly scattered and decimated.
                              Interesting also is the fact that he was not sent to his former unit after his recovery but to an other one, even if it was in same division.
                              Last edited by Luft 76; 01-28-2018, 03:24 PM.


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