Hello to all !
I am hoping for some oppinions on a difficult question, that puzzles me now for quite some time :
How to deal with historical interesting and original Soldbuchs (etc.), that have been damaged by later added/unofficial entries ?!
As the question may sound stupid and the answer so obvious (just stay away), let me explain why I post it here nevertheless :
My major interest in collecting documents, is to search for uncommon units (especially Walküre/Gneisenau units in the West,
and the units they were incorporated. But there are many other interests as well, units fighting at Metz 1944,
at the Kaukasus 42/43, Heeres-Artillerie units etc. ).
As docs related to these are often hard to find and many of them are also not advertised too much,
it always drives me crazy, if some of them show up, but they are "damaged" by entries, that are not original !
My general question would be : How to deal with such "damaged" items ?
This thread is related to another one (and has been partially answered),
but in my original intention, I wanted to extend it a bit, to at least two special cases :
1.) Entries that are added by fakers, to boost the price, but that are so obviously wrong, that NOBODY can fell into it
2.) => My major point : Entries, that are added by the soldiers themselves (for various reasons)
regarding point 1.) :
I first thought, I could use as best examples 2 Soldbuchs with "Ärmelband Metz" entries, merged into security checks on p. 15,
that are currently for sale at Weitze.
But after the reply from Lionel, (and after some thought: if Weitze sells it (and advertises it as true! ), why should
NOBODY else fell into it ?!), I came to the conclusion, that there simply might be nothing like a "fool proof" "100% wrong" entry.
(Ironically, one of those SBs is even advertised with an additional document, that confirms that the soldier in Sept. 44
was 100 km away from the area, that would qualify him for the award.)
So, in these cases, the only option for me seems to stay away, even if the rest of the SB is highly interesting .
2.) I have now seen numerous cases, where I would be 99.9 % sure, that some additional entries are added by the soldiers themselves.
IMO, this seems often to happen with rank entries, woundbadges/VWA, but also with award entries.
Many times I have seen entries, obviously later added to otherwise legitimate entries with : "dito" or: +EK 1 or similar
I'll provide an example below, where the soldier promoted himself from Gefreiter to Obergefreiter and also (because of his second
wounding ?!) awarded himself a VWA(Silber).
My question would be here :
Do you consider these 2.) cases simply the same as point 1.) or would you consider to pick up such pieces, without casting any shadows
on your collection (as: falling into fakes/potentially selling fakes) ?!
Point 2.) contains a subpoint 2.a), which I have also some examples of :
It seems that soldiers occasionally used their Soldbuch as notebook (which could sometimes even tell some tragic stories, dealing with
captivity or the medical operations/amputations they had to go through).
As these are also nonofficial entries, would these kind of entries be considered as similar "damage" as the above (or sth. different) ?
Thanks for any response/oppinion and best regards,
I am hoping for some oppinions on a difficult question, that puzzles me now for quite some time :
How to deal with historical interesting and original Soldbuchs (etc.), that have been damaged by later added/unofficial entries ?!
As the question may sound stupid and the answer so obvious (just stay away), let me explain why I post it here nevertheless :
My major interest in collecting documents, is to search for uncommon units (especially Walküre/Gneisenau units in the West,
and the units they were incorporated. But there are many other interests as well, units fighting at Metz 1944,
at the Kaukasus 42/43, Heeres-Artillerie units etc. ).
As docs related to these are often hard to find and many of them are also not advertised too much,
it always drives me crazy, if some of them show up, but they are "damaged" by entries, that are not original !
My general question would be : How to deal with such "damaged" items ?
This thread is related to another one (and has been partially answered),
but in my original intention, I wanted to extend it a bit, to at least two special cases :
1.) Entries that are added by fakers, to boost the price, but that are so obviously wrong, that NOBODY can fell into it
2.) => My major point : Entries, that are added by the soldiers themselves (for various reasons)
regarding point 1.) :
I first thought, I could use as best examples 2 Soldbuchs with "Ärmelband Metz" entries, merged into security checks on p. 15,
that are currently for sale at Weitze.
But after the reply from Lionel, (and after some thought: if Weitze sells it (and advertises it as true! ), why should
NOBODY else fell into it ?!), I came to the conclusion, that there simply might be nothing like a "fool proof" "100% wrong" entry.
(Ironically, one of those SBs is even advertised with an additional document, that confirms that the soldier in Sept. 44
was 100 km away from the area, that would qualify him for the award.)
So, in these cases, the only option for me seems to stay away, even if the rest of the SB is highly interesting .
2.) I have now seen numerous cases, where I would be 99.9 % sure, that some additional entries are added by the soldiers themselves.
IMO, this seems often to happen with rank entries, woundbadges/VWA, but also with award entries.
Many times I have seen entries, obviously later added to otherwise legitimate entries with : "dito" or: +EK 1 or similar
I'll provide an example below, where the soldier promoted himself from Gefreiter to Obergefreiter and also (because of his second
wounding ?!) awarded himself a VWA(Silber).
My question would be here :
Do you consider these 2.) cases simply the same as point 1.) or would you consider to pick up such pieces, without casting any shadows
on your collection (as: falling into fakes/potentially selling fakes) ?!
Point 2.) contains a subpoint 2.a), which I have also some examples of :
It seems that soldiers occasionally used their Soldbuch as notebook (which could sometimes even tell some tragic stories, dealing with
captivity or the medical operations/amputations they had to go through).
As these are also nonofficial entries, would these kind of entries be considered as similar "damage" as the above (or sth. different) ?
Thanks for any response/oppinion and best regards,