This soldbuch is currently on sale on a hungarian auction site.
I am curious and as an absolut beginner in this field I would like to ask your experts advice. Is it possible that a Volksdeutsch could keep his hungarian soldbuch after directed to the Waffen-SS? My opinion is that a german clerk in a german unit was not automatically familiar with the hungarian language
And what about the Feldpost stamp? Is it correct in a soldbuch w/o No. of the unit?
I am curious and as an absolut beginner in this field I would like to ask your experts advice. Is it possible that a Volksdeutsch could keep his hungarian soldbuch after directed to the Waffen-SS? My opinion is that a german clerk in a german unit was not automatically familiar with the hungarian language
And what about the Feldpost stamp? Is it correct in a soldbuch w/o No. of the unit?