This weekend, I acquired a Wehrpass for a soldier who served with the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 919, a regiment of the 709. Infanterie-Division (709th Infantry Division), which was stationed on Cherbourg and active on D-Day (the Wehrpass was purchased at an auction and was part of the estate of a WWII American veteran who fought at Normandy). Can anyone tell me in what way the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 919 was involved on D-Day and the days thereafter? Interestingly, this soldier served in the East and was before the gates of Moscow and later served with schnelle-Abteilung 319 on Jersey, a British island occupied by the Germans from 1942-1944. Because the soldier's name is not listed on the German War Graves website, I assume he was taken prisoner on or shortly after D-Day.