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Soldbuch das reich-kampfrugge frenken

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    Soldbuch das reich-kampfrugge frenken


    Here is the presentation of Hans wegner soldbuch born the 02/04/1925 has?
    The soldbuch was opened the 06/02/1943 to the ss.ausb.rgt.prag very can of time later this unit was transfered to the ss-pion-ers-btl dresden and the 24/09/43 it is wounded(31b) (I do not understand because it is wounded in an school of pionier)
    The 28/01/1944 it is always in ss.pi.btl.1 or the ss-ostuf Frenken commands the 1th kp
    In the neighborhood of May-June, 1944 it is transfered to the felders-btl das reich and then has the ss-pz.pi.btl das reich 2kp
    The 17.7.1944 it is of new wounded and evacuated in the ss-laz 502 which is a part of II panzerkorps which fights in Normandy (aparrament wounded on the line of waters (wasseline) in the South of auxais, and st German

    Has the exit of the hospital he return to the ss-pi-btl 1 or forms the kampfrugge frenken
    The kampfrugge frenken is constitute of ss-pi.32; ss-feb.32et ss-pz.jg-abt.32 which makes left the 32nd division ss " 30 Januar "

    Ss-pioner-btl.32 is shape has to leave elements of the ss-pionerschule " hradischo " and complete with the staff of ss-pi-ausb-und-ers-btl 1 of Dresden command by the ss-hstuf frenken

    the 06/05/1945 hans is transfered of the pionierschule "hradischko"signature du ss-ustuf-lautsch (page 3 ligne free of the soldbuch)

    and the 08/05/1945 the rest of the btl"hradischko"surrender to the american troops near Gmund

    thank to the people who have me assistant for this soldbuch







        Here the lin of kampfrugge "frenken"

        Last edited by DLD13; 01-16-2014, 07:48 AM.





            I have new information of the kampfrugge "frenken"

            "At the beginning of February 1945, the SS "Kurmark" (SS-Truppenübungsplatz Kurmark) training area, which was located near the town of Jamlitz (approximately 25 km to the West of Guben), began to form the new 32 Freiwillige SS Grenadier Division "30 Januar". In mid-February is still incomplete division deployed in the region South of Frankfurt-on - Oder against the Soviet beachhead 69 army / 1 before Belarus on the West Bank of the Oder. Here comes under the command of V. German SS Gebirgs Korps / 9 army / Heeresgruppe "Weichsel" which was to defend the approaches to the capital of the Germany before the Soviet offensive on Berlin provided. The SS FrwGrD the 10th March 1945 32 residues also affected SS Kgr "FRENKEN", namely its 32 SS Pionier battalion, whose Commander has already been mentioned battlegroup SS-Hauptsturmführer Lorenz FRENKEN."

            But the kampfrugge "frenken" is subordinate has infantry regiment 1237 (major gressler) which is destroy for the battle of the oder-spree canal but I can't find any info on this regiment?

            I find a link very interesting on a soldier who fought with the kampfrugge "frenken" and that tells these last days of combat and his capture by the Russians



              The wound number 31 b could also be "Verbrennungen" - burns - which he could also get in his time during his stay in the school of pioniers.

              The second entry is dated 21.12.43 - 7.1.44 and he was suffering from "Hodenentzündung

              li.(nks)" - testicular inflammation (left).



                From 10. September 1944 - 25 October 1944 he was in the Reserve Lazarett II Hellersen near Lüdenscheid

                The reasen was " 24" - problems with his uro-genital tract, may be still related with his former stay in the hospital Dec. 43/ Jan. 44.



                  Hi David and Gerdan !

                  Here is some additional info on the career of Hans Wegner :
                  He was drafted to SS-Ausbildungs-Rgt. Prag at the beginning of February, 1943.
                  This unit must have been dissolved soon after (according to Tessin), and therefore he was then
                  transferred to SS-Pionier-Ersatz-Btl. Dresden, which is his second replacement unit. He must have arrived there
                  before 9th of April, 1943, as only at that time the unit was redesignated to SS-Pionier-Ausb.u.Ers.Btl. 1 (Dresden).

                  I do not know what happened then exactly, but I think it would be typical that after 3 or 4 month of training,
                  (that would be at some time in May or June 1943) he would be sent to the front. His first unit there was the
                  Feldersatz-Bataillon "Das Reich" (4. Kp.), where the newly arriving recruits would be accustomed to the actual front conditions.
                  After that, he was possibly transferred to 2. Kp. SS-Pi.Btl. "Das Reich". (entries a) and b) page 4)

                  Therfore I would assume, that he was wounded at the front and at some time sent back home to hospital at Burgstädt.
                  (As far as I understood, wound code 31 is always related to injuries due to enemy action ?!)
                  From the material presented, I also do not see why he should be attending a Pionier-school in Sept. 1943 ?

                  He was then released from hospital on 3.12.43 to his replacement unit SS-Pi.Ers.Btl. 1 Dresden and presumably
                  attended the Gen.Kp. there for the first time. He spent another two weeks in hospital from 21.12.43 until
                  7.1.44 and then was at some time in late February/March 44 transferred to the Marsch-Kp. of this Btl.
                  There he received a new EKM on 1.3.44 and was sent back to his unit with this Marsch-Kp. Then he joined again
                  his former 2. Kp. SS-Pi.Btl. "DR", where he was promoted to SS-Sturmmann on 1.7.44.

                  With this unit he took part in the fighting at Normandy and was wounded again around 17.7.44, where he was sent
                  to SS-Laz. 502. From there he was was transferred to a Feld-Genesenden-Kp., where he stayed for another 6 weeks.
                  He was then sent back to hospital because of wound code 24 on 10.9.44, was relived on 25.10.44 and granted a
                  Erholungsurlaub from 26.10. - 10.11.44.

                  It seems he was wounded again (Code 31a, bullet) and sent to hospital again on 21.11.44, where he stayed until 9.1.45.
                  Then he was relieved to his replacement unit in Dresden again, where he was granted another Erholungsurlaub from
                  13.1. - 23.1.45.

                  I do not know whether it ist possible, that he joined the same course as Milan Lorman, which seems to have started
                  immediately after Christmas :
                  or whether he was sent to Kampfgruppe Frenken as reinforcement in late Jan. or February 1945.

                  It seems that after he joined KGr. Frenken, he was finally sent to SS-Pionierschule Hradischko
                  (part of Truppenübungsplatz Beneschau), because of the final hospital entry from 6.3.-30.3.45 and his promotion
                  to Unterscharführer on 1. Mai 1945.

                  Some information on this school here :




                    Hello archi

                    Good evening

                    Thanks much archi for this additional information still very useful and very precise summers very well learn and it's very nice on your part to take your time to help us better understand the soldbuch
                    I find the same link you about ss-pioneer dresden


                    Thank you very much


                      Hello David !

                      Thanks for the nice reply and it is good to know that you could make some use of the additional information !

                      I would just like to add a link, which contains more chapters of the memories of Milan Lorman in an English version :
                      I am not sure whether this is identical to the Czech-website (whch has some additional documents),
                      or if it is a longer version. Anyway, the english version might be interesting for other members as well.




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