recently bought some Soldbuchs. One I think has been altered. It came with accompanying documents which were used to verify the Soldbuch entries. However when I looked at these documents one I believe showed the soldier was transferred from the German Railways to the Military from 1943-1944. How could he have been awarded medals outside this date. The medals include the EK2 and EK1. The entries for these awards look wrong and one has been written over another entry. I bought this book from the estand and supposedly it originated from a well known dealer. Id appreciate if my suspicions could be verified or laid to rest. Firstly the award entries and the service Record which is dated June 1945 after the war but has a 'nazi' stamp which is out of place?
cheers Robert
recently bought some Soldbuchs. One I think has been altered. It came with accompanying documents which were used to verify the Soldbuch entries. However when I looked at these documents one I believe showed the soldier was transferred from the German Railways to the Military from 1943-1944. How could he have been awarded medals outside this date. The medals include the EK2 and EK1. The entries for these awards look wrong and one has been written over another entry. I bought this book from the estand and supposedly it originated from a well known dealer. Id appreciate if my suspicions could be verified or laid to rest. Firstly the award entries and the service Record which is dated June 1945 after the war but has a 'nazi' stamp which is out of place?
cheers Robert