Here is of new the presentation of a rare soldbuch of the OLT.Z.S EBERHARD MARX
Submariner on several uboot
Marx Eberhard is born the 26/12/1923 has Thuringen
He begins his carriere on the zerstorer the Friedrich ihn as seekadetten
From 1942 he is on the uboot U443 which makes left the 9th FLOTILLE BASE IN BREST
He will be promoted fahnrich zur see
U443 sunk two boats on 22/10/1942 which are a part of escort ON-139
U443 will be sunk the 23/02/1943 during its the last patrols
Marx will be affect(allocate) has another submarine has the end of the second patrols and will be names
Oberfahnrich zur see and will receive on 23/11/1943 the ubootskriegsabzeichen on 1939
From fevrier marx 1943 takes of the service(department) on U437 being a member of the flotille 6th base has ST NAZAIRE
He will participate has 10 patrols with U437 without having pour one boats
He will be decorated during these 10 patrols of the EKII the 06/06/1944, THE 30/09/1944 of the EKI AND THE 18/10/1944 of the uboot frontclasp in bronze and will be names lieutnant zur see
U437 will be attack by one a plane English leger which sent six bombs on U437 which will be damage and which ask immediately of the help and will be joined by U455
And will join the base of st nazaire
In fevrier on 1945 he will join U1231 being a member of the 33rd flotille base in Flensburg
He will participate has four patrols
And will receive the uboot frontclasb in silver on 10/05/1945
Rare decoration and attributes(awards) has only 196 submariner
MARX was pow in England into the camp 17 A YORK and libere in 1946
Here is of new the presentation of a rare soldbuch of the OLT.Z.S EBERHARD MARX
Submariner on several uboot
Marx Eberhard is born the 26/12/1923 has Thuringen
He begins his carriere on the zerstorer the Friedrich ihn as seekadetten
From 1942 he is on the uboot U443 which makes left the 9th FLOTILLE BASE IN BREST
He will be promoted fahnrich zur see
U443 sunk two boats on 22/10/1942 which are a part of escort ON-139
U443 will be sunk the 23/02/1943 during its the last patrols
Marx will be affect(allocate) has another submarine has the end of the second patrols and will be names
Oberfahnrich zur see and will receive on 23/11/1943 the ubootskriegsabzeichen on 1939
From fevrier marx 1943 takes of the service(department) on U437 being a member of the flotille 6th base has ST NAZAIRE
He will participate has 10 patrols with U437 without having pour one boats
He will be decorated during these 10 patrols of the EKII the 06/06/1944, THE 30/09/1944 of the EKI AND THE 18/10/1944 of the uboot frontclasp in bronze and will be names lieutnant zur see
U437 will be attack by one a plane English leger which sent six bombs on U437 which will be damage and which ask immediately of the help and will be joined by U455
And will join the base of st nazaire
In fevrier on 1945 he will join U1231 being a member of the 33rd flotille base in Flensburg
He will participate has four patrols
And will receive the uboot frontclasb in silver on 10/05/1945
Rare decoration and attributes(awards) has only 196 submariner
MARX was pow in England into the camp 17 A YORK and libere in 1946