Cuando pones reply abajo del cuadro para escribir el texto buscá la opción que dice :
Attach Files
Valid file extensions: bmp gif jpeg jpg pdf zip
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> <!-- document.write('<input type="button" class="button" tabindex="1" style="font-weight:normal" value="Manage Attachments" title="Click here to add or edit files attached to this message" onclick="manageattachments(\'newattachment.php?t=6 0249&poststarttime=1090605672&posthash=27883f8acfe 599ec5dde25f55d995e9b\', 480, 480, \'509477\')" />'); //--> </SCRIPT><INPUT class=button title="Click here to add or edit files attached to this message" style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" onclick="manageattachments('newattachment.php?t=60 249&poststarttime=1090605672&posthash=27883f8acfe5 99ec5dde25f55d995e9b', 480, 480, '509477')" tabIndex=1 type=button value="Manage Attachments"> <NOSCRIPT> Manage Attachments </NOSCRIPT>
Aprieta ahi y te va a aprecer esto:
<FIELDSET class=fieldset><LEGEND>Upload File</LEGEND><TABLE cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>Use the 'Browse' button to find the file you want to attach, then click 'Upload' to add it to this post.</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>Valid file extensions: bmp gif jpeg jpg pdf zip</TD></TR><TR vAlign=bottom><TD>File to Upload: <INPUT type=hidden value=2097152 name=MAX_FILE_SIZE>
<INPUT class=bginput type=file name=attachment1> </TD><TD align=right><INPUT class=button style="WIDTH: 70px" onclick="return verify_upload(this.form);" type=submit value=Upload name=upload></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FIELDSET>
Uploading File(s) - Please Wait
<INPUT class=button onclick=window.close(); type=button value="Close this window">
Busca examinar y luego despues de elejir tu archivo click en upload y close this window-